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Ares set him up with a hearth to make weapons from the Metal of Hepaestus so that he could build an invincible army and take over the world. Agathon challenged Xena to a duel with his chakram-like weapon, but Xena's chakram shattered his into pieces sending one right through his skull. (XWP: The Dirty Half-Dozen, Metal of Hepaestus)

Alcmene [Alcmene]
Hercules' mother, Alcmene gave birth to her son following a brief affair with Zeus, the King of the Gods. Her other son, born of a mortal, is Iphicles. Both of whom she raised to the best of her abilities even though she had to do most of it alone after her husband died.
Later she fell in love with and married Jason, one of Hercules' best friends from Cheiron's Academy. Hera nearly puts a stop to the wedding by sending a sea serpent to swallow Jason.
She passed away last year with Hercules and Jason at her side. She said that her only regret was that Hercules and Zeus never really could patch up their differences.
(YH: Movie Pilot, The Treasure of Zeus, What a Crockery, Mommy Dearest, Home for the Holidays, Me Myself and Eye, Parents' Day)
(HTLJ: Hercules and the Amazon Women, The Wrong Path, The March to Freedom, The Warrior Princess, What's in a Name, Mother of All Monsters, The Wedding of Alcmene, Not Fade Away, Surprise, Hercules on Trial, Armageddon Now I/II, Porkules, Twilight, Reunions)

7-year-old Princess of Syra who ran away from home because she didn't like her new stepmother. She asked Xena to be her "Fairy Godsmother." Aphrodite thought she'd help Alesia by making the child her personal mascot, the "Demi-Goddess of Puppy Love." Gabrielle used a "New-Age" approach to help the little girl. But Xena actually succeeded by locking the child up in a room with her stepmom until they worked things out. (XWP: If The Shoe Fits, Xorys)

Hercules teams up with Althea, who's in need of a dance partner for a local contest, but fighting off the goons sent by the competition isn�t the hard part... the hard part is that he can�t dance.
Hercules meets up with his former dancing partner Althea, this time she is being kept from becoming a successful fashion designer, left out of this years fashion shows. Again wanting to help his friend, Hercules and Althea look for the aid of The Widow Twanky to put on their own successful fashion show only to find her good reputation has been sullied and Twanky herself is down on her luck.
(HTLJ: And Fancy Free, Greece is Burning)

Alti [Alti]
Evil shamaness who sought revenge against the Siberian Amazon nation for expelling her from their tribe. Alti drew her power from the deaths of others.
When they first met, young Xena was intrigued by Alti and Alti used her to attain more power. (Borias: "A shamaness like that could only be trouble!")
Alti once told Xena: "I want to tap into the heart of darkness, the sheer naked will behind all craving, hatred and violence. I'll become the face of death itself. Capable of destroying not only a person's body, but their soul. Help me and I'll make you "Destroyer of Nations."
Xena sided with Alti and fell further into darkness. Twelve years later Xena redeemed herself and defeated Alti.
Alti's future-life reincarnation, Khindin, was the most powerful manifestation of Alti's spirit confronted by Xena. With the help of the Mehndi, Xena and Gabrielle were able to travel through the karmic tunnel to destroy this manifestation of Alti's evil. The Darshan, Naiyima, revealed that although Alti's spirit would never die, Xena and Gabrielle's spirits would always be there to stop her.
She tried to steal the soul of Xena's unborn child to help her return to the world.
Xena and Gabrielle used magic amber and "The Burial Ritual For Restless Souls" to force Alti back into the spiritual plain.
(XWP: Adventures In The Sin Trade I/II, Between The Lines, Them Bones Them Bones)

Amarice [Amarice]
Amazon who disputed Eli's philosophy of non-violence and criticized Gabrielle for following it. Amarice vowed to live her life in memory of "The Warrior Princess." She appeared to mature and come into her own as she traveled with Xena and Gabrielle. While visiting the Northern Amazons, Amarice admitted to Gabrielle that she lied about being an Amazon. Gabrielle gave Amarice her Amazon necklace and made her an "Amazon sister." Amarice decided to stay with the Northern tribe and learn their customs. Amarice died in a raid on the Amazon village. She bequeathed her Amazon necklace to Gabrielle, but not before adding another bead for Xena's daughter, Eve.
(XWP: Endgame, Ides of March, Fallen Angel, Chakram, Animal Attraction, Them Bones Them Bones)

Female warriors. There have been several tribes of Amazons from Greece to Siberia. Hippolyta was the traditional Queen of the Greek Amazons. Later, Melosa was Queen of the Amazons. After Melosa was killed by Velasca, Gabrielle claimed the Queenship by right of caste. Gabrielle then appointed Ephiny to rule in her absence.
Xena flashed back to her evil days when she destroyed a Shamanistic tribe of Siberian amazons led by the good queen, Cyane. Some 12 years later, she redeemed herself by giving their spirits passage through the Gate to Eternity. Xena restored Cyane's Amazon legacy to the tribe's surviving daughters by teaching them Amazon tradition and the shamanistic religion of their forebearers.
Xena used the "Atma Dagger" to teach Yakut's tribe more about their Amazon past. Their ancient name was "Tretomlec" and they were the first warriors to ride horses into battle.
Queen Gabrielle made a gruesome decision to feed the body of the half-dead Celtic Amazon, Gwyn-Teir, to a hungry shark to save the rest of her troops
(HTLJ: Hercules and the Amazon Women)
(XWP: Hooves and Harlots, The Quest, A Necessary Evil, Adventures In the Sin Trade, Lifeblood, To Helicon and Back)

Name for Gabrielle's horse. After she and Xena freed the stallion from an animal trap, Gabrielle adopted him as her own. Presumably, Amber died of old age while Gabrielle and Xena were cryogenically frozen on Mt. Etna for 25 years.
(XWP: Eternal Bonds, Animal Attraction)

Xena's cavalry horse. Argo was the first one to realize that Xena was pregnant. Argo became jealous when Xena road off with another horse, so she left Xena "for some apples." But when it came down to protecting Xena in battle, Argo showed her loyalty and returned to Xena. As far as we know, Argo lost her blood innocence in when she killed a ruthless bounty hunter in self defense.
The god, Lachrymose cast a spell on Argo, turning her into a mini-Argo. Xena was able to reverse the spell.
Argo died of old age while Xena and Gabrielle were cryogenically frozen on Mt. Etna for 25 years. Joxer had taken care of Argo up until her death and raised her daughter, Argo II. Apparently, Argo II was raised to be Argo's worthy successor. When Xena returned after her 25-year absence, she barely had time to mourn Argo when Joxer presented her with Argo II.
(XWP: Animal Attraction, The Greater Good, Takes One To Know One, Adventures in The Sin Trade, In Sickness and In Hell, Punch Lines, Livia)

Fell in love with Amarice. Joxer accidentally killed Armond's father, who was a vicious warlord. (XWP: Animal Attraction, Convert)

Atalanta [Atalanta]
The blacksmith in Falia. A powerful woman of uncompromising strength and beauty. Immediately attracted to him, Atalanta challenges Hercules to an arm-wrestling match, which she wins by clever use of her feminine charms.
She helped Hercules free Titus and Ximenos from the evil clutches of Aurelius, who was recruiting soldiers for Ares.
When Hercules tends to an injured Damon, he discovers Atalanta is his aunt. Atalanta tells Hercules that she has been taking care of Damon ever since the death of his mother. She reveals that her older brother, Damon's father, was a Spartan warrior killed in battle and confides her fear that Damon, with his all-consuming interest in war, will follow in his father's footsteps.
When Salmoneus held an art contest for a nobleman, Hercules was the model and judge. Atalanta tried to impress Hercules with her newfound femininity, but who ends up demonstrating her formidable muscles in a fight. Embarrassed, she goes home and makes a steel sculpture of Hercules for her own private pleasure, which she fondles and speaks to. Hephaestus, god of the forge, hears her longing for her "perfect man" and brings it to life.
(HTLJ: Ares, Let the Games, If I Had a Hammer)

Warlord (deceased), Xena's lover and father of Solan.
Helped Xena commit many atrocities both in China and against the Amazons of the Steppes. Killed by Dagnen during an attack on the centaurs.
(XWP: Render The Debt I/II, Adventures In The Sin Trade I/II, Past Imperfect)

Cheiron [Cheiron]
Cheiron the centaur is the head of the academy and mentor to Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason. Cheiron is wise, noble, honest and brave. He runs the academy, teaching young people how to be warriors and is highly respected. His wisdom and tutelage has proven invaluable to Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason.
(YH: Movie Pilot, The Treasure of Zeus, Between Friends, Girl Trouble, Teacher's Pests, Keeping Up With the Jasons, Amazon Grace, Battle Lines PT 1-2, No Way Out, Ares on Trial, Down and Out in Academy Hills, The Lure of the Lyre, In Your Dreams, Cram-Ped, Me Myself and Eye, The Skeptic, Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, The Beasts Beneath, Parents' Day, A Life for a Life, Under Siege, Apollo, Ill Wind)
(HTLJ: Regret�s I�ve Had a Few)

[Cyane] Cyane
Leader of the Amazon tribe of the Steppes (deceased - at Xena's hands).
This is NOT supposed to be the same Cyane that appeared in several episodes of Young Hercules.

Cyane [Cyane]
Cyane is the queen of the Amazons. Cyan and her tribe was turned over to slave traders by Zeus before Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason helped them escape. She and her tribe have crossed paths with our heroes several times sense then, she even visited the academy and recruited Lilith into her tribe for a time saying she had all the qualities of a true Amazon.
Cyane and her tribe have come to accept the Cadets at Cheirons academy as probably their closest allies, and they have come to the aid of the Amazons many times, including helping cure Cyane after a rival tribe had her poisoned.
Cyane shares an attraction with Hercules, which suffered some upon learning that he was Zeus's son before eventually realizing that he was not like his father.
Cyane's tribe currently has found a home and set up a village near Cheiron's kin.
(This is NOT supposed to be the same Cyane that appeared in two episodes of Xena)
(YH: Girl Trouble, Amazon Grace, Battle Lines 1-2, Under Siege, Ill Wind)

[Cyrene] Cyrene
Xena's mother, Tavern keeper in Amphipolis.

Hercules comes to the aid of Deianaira, who is seeking the lost city of Troy. Eventually, Hercules leads her to a camp of refugees from the city, which has been taken over by Hera's Blue Monks. Hercules helps the refugees take back the city.
Hercules and his future wife, Deianeria, must bring back the sacred flame of Prometheus, the Eternal Torch, from the Ethion Mountains, which has been stolen by Hera or else all fire in the world will vanish, plunging the world into an ice age.
Hercules is called away by a Nurian Maiden after spending several years raising a family with Deianeira by a young Nurian Maiden.
Hera destroys Hercules' wife and kids in her continuous efforts to antagonize Hercules.
(HTLJ: Hercules And The Lost Kingdom, Hercules and the Circle of Fire, Hercules in the Underworld, Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur, The Wrong Path, The Other Site, When a Man Loves a Woman)

Draco [Draco]
(XWP: Sins Of The Past, Comedy of Eros)

[Eli] Eli
Healer, Avatar and spiritual inspiration to Gabrielle.
(XWP: Devi, The Way, Ides of March, Fallen Angel)

Eurydice [Eurydice]
Eurydice was a member of the fang-bearing, vampire like followers of Bacchus known as the Bacchae. She was even Bacchus� favorite.
When Eurydice and her boyfriend Orpheus tried to help trick Hercules into joining she had a change of heart and turned against her former master. Despite her attempts to hide from him she and Orpheus never could escape Bacchus for long and kept on being drawn back into his cult, mostly due to his hold he had on Orpheus then she herself. Despite Orpheus constantly endangering her she loved him and never really did accept that he was her biggest problem.
Hercules was in love with Eurydice also but she stayed with Orpheus blinded by her love for him, until she finally realized that he cared more about his music and Bacchus' help in making him a star than her and saw him for what he really was. In desperation she made a deal with Bacchus agreeing to marry him if he would leave Hercules and Iolaus alone. Bacchus agreed but Hercules refused to accept that and intervened. The fight that resulted from that caused Bacchus to accidentally kill Eurydice in the crossfire.
Eurydice was bound for Tartarus as all Bacchae are but Hercules, with Jason in tow, paid a visit to Hades and showed him that Eurydice had changed and earned a place in the Elysian fields, where she currently resides.
(YH: Luro of the Lyre, Fame, Lyre Liar, A Lady in Hades)

A cook usually giving Hercules and Iolaus a chance to sample some of his latest culinary inventions, for better or worse.
(HTLJ: The Wedding of Alcmene, Surprise, The End of the Beginning, Genies and Grecians and Geeks..., Stranger and Stranger, Just Passing Through, Revelations)

Fiducius is the assistant to Chieron at the academy. Fiducius is stern, strict, and always onto Hercules and the others for something.
His son was a student at the academy many years ago but ran away from home when Fidudius couldn't control his wild reckless attitude. He has come down hard on the cadets sense then trying to teach them to be good responsible adults.
Despite his gruff treatment of them he is very fond of the cadets, especially Hercules, Iolaus and Jason although he would never admit that out loud.
(YH: Between Friends, Herc and Seek, Teacher's Pests, Battle Lines PT 1, Cram-Ped, Get Jason)

Gabrielle's Mother.

Helene is one of the last of a the Golden Hind, a dying species half deer-half human and Artemis favorite. Little is known about Helene herself. Like all of her kind Helen can turn into a human when she feels safe but she does turn back into a Hind when touched by a mortal, also like all Golden Hind, Helene possesses the power to heal.
She first met Hercules when he, Iolaus, and Jason hunted the Golden Hind not knowing they were more then animals before Kora steeped in and with Hercules help kept a band of hunters, as well as Jason and Iolaus away from her.
Jason and Iolaus eventually learned the value of the Hinds life themselves when Iolaus was turned into a deer after trying to kill Helen, realizing his mistake after being one of the hunted Helen eventually helped Iolaus proving to the rest of the boys to be the kind and good creature she was.
(YH: Hind Sight, Iolaus Goes Stag )

Gabrielle's father.

On a mission to help the frightened men of a distant village, Hercules and Iolaus venture into the nearby forest, where they are attacked by a group of Amazons ruled by Queen Hippolyta.
(HTLJ: Hercules And The Amazon Women)

Iphicles is Hercules mortal half brother. When the two were growing up Iphicles was jealous of Hercules strength and left home early. He and his brother eventually were reunited and have become closer as of late. Despite his habit of getting himself in over his head he has proven to be a good and just man. He even won over Jason and was recently declared King of Corinth after Jason stepped down.
He was married to a woman named Rena, who was lost to him recently.
(HTLJ: What's in a Name, The Wedding of Alcmene, Surprise, War Wounds)

Kora [Kora]
Kora is the owner of Kora's, a tavern that the cadets frequent.
Kora is beautiful and has caught the eye of our heroes despite the fact she is always very serious and 'uptight'. She comes down hard on our heroes sometimes but it is hoping to keep them from making the same mistakes she did.
Kora is the follower of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt who she owes a debt to for saving her life. Kora has lived to regret this decision for because of it Artemis now has a strong hold on her life and has prevented her from being able to get close to people.
With some help from Hercules she retrieve Artemis's bow from Strife and a band of thugs and was freed from her debt before having to pledge her loyalty again in order to help Hercules. So far no one besides Hercules knows of Kora's debt to the goddess.
(YH: The Treasure of Zeus, Between Friends, Herc and Seek, Teacher's Pests, Inn Trouble, Keeping Up With the Jasons, Forgery, No Way Out, Down and Out in Academy Hills,, Herc's Nemesis, Cold Feet, In Your Dreams, Sisters, Hind Sight, The Skeptic, Iolaus Goes Stag, Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, The Prize)

Sister of Gabrielle.

Lilith [Lilith]
Lilith is the only female cadet at the academy, joining it shortley after the death of her parents. When she first joined she had a hard time gaining the respect of her fellow cadets but eventually proved to be every bit the warrior they were by becoming top cadet and finally gained the respect of her fellow cadets.
She joined Cyan's Amazon tribe for a brief time, seeing the chance to be respected as a warrior and treated as an equal. She eventually came to the realization that she still had allot to learn and returned to Chiron's academy to resume her training.
Lilith's career at the academy was almost cut short by her sister when she tried to take Lilith home, stating that the academy was no place for her. When on their way home her sister was attacked by robbers fleeing from Hercules, Lilith saved her and proved to her sister what the other cadet's already knew, that Lilith's place always has been at the academy training to be the great warrior she has the potential to one day become.
Lilith is probably Hercules best friend next to Iolaus and Jason.
(YH: Herc and Seek, Girl Trouble, Inn Trouble, Keeping Up With the Jasons, Amazon Grace, Battle Lines PT 1/2, Forgery, No Way Out, Down and Out in Academy Hills, Winner Take All, The Lure of the Lyre, Dad Always Liked Me Best, Cold Feet, Mommy Dearest, In Your Dreams, Cram-Ped, Home for the Holidays, Get Jason, My Fair Lilith, Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, The Beasts Beneath, Parents' Day, A Life for a Life, Apollo, Ill Wind)
(HTLJ: The Academy, A Wicked Good Time)

[Lucius] Lucius
(YH: Dad Always Liked Me Best, Mommy Dearest)

Lyceus [Lilith]
Younger brother of Xena (deceased).

[Meleager] Meleager The Mighty
Always struggling with his addiction to alchol, he is a mercenary who never the less retains a decent side by working for troubled villages for reasonable prices. He has twice been rescued by Gabrielle who is extremely fond of him.
(XWP: The Prodigal, The Execution)

(XWP: The Path Not Taken, Remember Nothing)

Zealot, Crusader and basket case.
(XWP: Crusader, The Convert)

Nebula [Nebula]
Born a Sumerian princess, Nebula left her royal life and became a pirate on the high-seas, becoming a pirate captain of the Leviathan and the last survivor of a crew of twenty which stole King Zolas' treasure. Every man on Nebula's crew had been killed or kidnapped by Arachne, a giant half-woman half-spider who ensnares men and forces them to bear her children by gestating them in their bodies. Hercules and Nebula come up with a slow scheme for drawing her into the light which will kill her, but when she traps Iolaus (after killing the rest of Hercules' crew, by web or by poison), they speed up their plans, eventually burning Arachne to death - though not her nasty arachnid children. They escape with Nebula, intending to return the treasure but not to prosecute her, and she and Iolaus plan to spin a love nest of their own.
When she learned later that her Kingdom was in trouble she joined up with Hercules and Iolaus and set sail for Sumaria with them. During her time back in Sumeria she fell in love with Iolaus who shortly thereafter was killed by her brother under Dahak's influence.
She currently resides as Queen of Sumeria and is the first woman ever to rule. She still morns the loss of Iolaus.
Dahak took over Iolaus's body and nearly drove Nebula crazy before Hercules and Morigan stepped in. She joined them in following Dahak to Greece and helped put an end to Dahak's reign of terror and save her true love's soul once and for all.
(HTLJ: Web of Desire, War Wounds, Faith, Descent, Darkness Rising, Let There be Light, Redemption.)
An alternate universe Nebula appeared in HTLJ: Stranger and A Stranger.

Ophistus is Jason's advisor and teacher in his kingly duties. After jason's father died Ophistus took to the task of training the young prince in diplomacy, ettiquete, and running a kingdom. Despite Jason's youth and reluctance to rule causing some obsticles in his teaching, with Ophistus help Jason eventually took to the task of ruling Corinth.
Ophistus recently watched with pride when after his long and hard work Jason was finally crowned King of Corinth.
(YH: A Serpent's Tooth, Cold Feet, Mommy Dearest, My Fair Lilith, The Head That Wears the Crown)

Orphes was a minstrel who used his music to incite Bacchus�s Bacchae, he also lured other unsuspecting people into Bacchus cult which was why he was not made a Bacchae himself. He tried to lure Hercules and his friends, who did manage to almost make Lilith a Bacchae before Hercules found a cure and helped him and his girlfriend Eurydice escape.
Despite his attempt to escape Bacchus he could never leave him completely for fear of loosing his gift of music which Bacchus gave him and the fame he became addicted to. He recruited Bacchae many times endangering which Eurydice many times before she finally saw him for what he was. Unfortunately Eurydice found out too late and was killed by Bacchus.
(YH: Lure of the Lyre, Fame, Lyre Liar)
(XWP: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun)

Villager turned Soldier (deceased), husband of Gabrielle.

Pollux like his brother Castor is a half-mortal son of Zeus. Unlike his brother though Pollux was violent and angry, bitter from a lifetime of being an outsider among his village. Castor seemed to be the only person capable of controlling his rage most of the time.
Pollux had a recent confrontation with Jason that ended with Hercules and Pollux battling it out during an athletic competition.
When his brother was killed by Lucius, Pollux found an inner peace he didn�t know he had and has given up his ways for violence to help try to be like his brother and live for peace.
(YH: Winner Take All, Dad Always Liked me Best)

Ruff was originally used as part of a plan by Strife and Discord to burn Corinth to the ground. Posing as an Egyptian traveler and a sybil the two gods gave a basilisk egg claiming it was a gift that would insure Jason to become a fair ruler. In reality it was a baby basilisk who upon hatching the was named Ruff by Iolaus. Hercules, Jason, and especially Iolaus took a liking to the baby until they realized it's venom could cause anything it touches to turn into fire.
After Ruff nearly burned down Corinth, Jason decided that Ruff was too dangerous to be running around in Corinth. The boys set him loose near an area where other basilisk roamed. Ruff never made it though and was kidnapped by a freak show owner.
The freak show traveled to Corinth and was noticed by Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason who saw Ruff who had grown quickly into an adult. The three boys helped free him from his owner and with the help of Kora took him to an island sacred to Artemis where he would be protected.
(YH: A Serpents Tooth, Mysteries of Life)

Born a golden hind, a magical half-deer half-human creature, Serena's�s people were killed by Zeus who feared the blood in their veins, which had the power to kill even a god. Serena alone was spared from Zeus�s punishment with the help of Ares, the God of War who gave her the ability to become human at will, so as to hide from him. Ares took advantage of her gratitude, and feeling she owed him her life Serena stayed under his protection until she met Hercules.
She quickly fell in love with Hercules and eventually with his help broke away from Ares and married Hercules even though to do so she had to give up her hind self and become mortal. Her marriage was short lived as Ares nephew Strife killed her shortly thereafter framing Hercules for it.
Hercules later traveled back in time to when Ares first helped her and forced Ares into making her human shortly after her kind dies. It came at a price though as by doing so her memory of Hercules and everything they shared was erased.
She is currently married and has at least one child that we know about. Hercules met her once after she was saved and helped her get Triton, god of the seas and brother of Neptune, to return her husband who was lost at sea. Hercules was given the chance to tell Serena how he felt and how he used to know her, but he knew it would only make her life difficult and his loosing her was the price he agreed to pay to save her life. Serena will likely never know what she once meant to Hercules in another lifetime.
An evil being from the other side later assumed Serena's form as part of a plan to try and cost Hercules his soul.
(HTLJ: Encounter, When a Man Loves a Woman, Judgement Day, The End of the Begining, My Best Girls Wedding)

Simula is the oracle of Cyane's tribe and Cyane's right hand woman.
After the Amazons were freed from slave traders with the help of Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason they set out to find a new homeland, having lost their old one after Zeus turned them over to the slavers. Simula had a vision of their new home and led her fellow sisters to their new home. What the Amazons didn't know is that her vision was Discords dooing, and the goddess had tricked them into setting their home on land owned by Centaurs, the Amazon's long time enemies. Discord then kidnapped Simula and tried to use her influence to cause Cyan to declare war on the Centaurs. Hercules eventually figured out his half-sisters plan and saved Simula and the other Amazons and Centaurs who Discord and Strife had captured.
Simula has been with Cyan every sence Hercules and his friends first met the Amazons, and is usually not far from her side. She is not fond of the Cadettes at Cheiron's academy but axcepts them as allies as her Queen does.
(YH: Girl Trouble, Amazon Grace, Battle Lines I/II, Under Siege, Ill Wind)

An obnoxious young teenage girl with a lot of attitude. She picked a fight with Gabrielle, intending to replace Gabrielle as Xena's partner. Despite Xena's refusal, Tara follows them and eventually Xena takes pity on her, much to Gabrielle's chagrin. It turns out that Tara knows something about a gang that has kidnapped an important relic from a local temple, and as a result Xena decides that she may be some help in their mission of recovering the relic. As time progresses however Tara's impetulance lands both her and Gabrielle in deadly trouble at the hands of the gang. When she once again starts a catfight with Gabrielle, Gabrielle gets sufficently angry to really fight back against her natural better nature. After Tara recieves a bad beating at Gabrielle's hands, the tension between them deminishes and they continue on their mission to recover the artifact. However Tara suddenly seems to switch sides and soon Xena and Gabrielle find themselves in a trap carefully set by the gang.
Tara is later arrested for dancing in a town run by a puritanical magistrate.
(XWP: Forgiven, A Tale of Two Muses)

Thesius originally met Hercules and his friends after deserting his troops in battle during his time as soldier; ashamed of his cowardice he went to Kiron's academy and under a false document applied for a job as drill instructor.
Trying to start over and be the man he wished he was Thesius acted brash and arrogant, causing him to conflict with Hercules, and challenge him to a race near an area called the Forbidden Zone, a land inhabited by a dangerous troll. After freezing when Hercules needed him the most in the Forbidden Zone Hercules and Iolaus finally got him to confess to who he really was and quit trying to be someone he wasn't. Finally discovering his courage Thesius helped Hercules and Iolaus escape the Forbidden Zone and came clean to Kiron, asking to stay on and try to find his true place, this time as a cadet.
No longer trying to prove himself, Thesius has gone on to become good friends with Hercules, Iolaus, and Lilith. Thesius recently learned of Hercules half-godhood and his strength.
(YH: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, The Beast Beneath, Under Siege, Apollo, Valley of the Shadow)

A blind, old Seer. While travelling with Hercules, he comes across a group of beleaguered refugees, led by Broteas. They wanted to settle in a town, but the Seer conjures a vision revealing that his town is cursed - someone stole a chalice sacred to Hera. (Broteas had stolen it.)
He later meets up with Hercules again during the Festival of Dionysus in Meliad.
HTLJ: Road To Calydon, Festival of Dionysis

Twanky, Alice
An expert Dance instructor, Twanky taught Hercules how to dance in order to help him win a dance contest with a young girl named Althea. Twanky then went on to run an all girls dance troop for a while.
Recently her reputation was sullied and she went to dancing in a seedy hotel. She soon after that ran into Hercules and Althea again, this time wanting her help in putting on a fashion show which she eventually agreed to do and it of course was a huge success.
HTLJ: And Fancy Free, Men in Pink, Greece is Burning

Velasca [Velasca]
Velasca is an amazon warrior who disagrees with Ephiny and Gabrielle's more gentle approach and seeks a return to the old ways when the Amazons were feared. When she almost dies at Gabrielle's hands, she becomes hell-bent on revenge and pursues Gabrielle.
XWP: The Quest, A Necessary Evil

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