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Season Six (1999 - 2000)

This is the story of a time long ago, a time of myth and legend when the ancient gods were petty and cruel and they plagued mankind with suffering. Only one man dared to challenge their power: Hercules.
Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart. He journeyed the Earth battling the minions of his wicked step-mother Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods. But wherever there was evil, wherever the innocent would suffer, there would be: Hercules!


[Hercules] Episode 104 - Be Deviled - 9/27/99
A demon takes the form of Hercules' dead wife Serena to try to lure the hero into committing murder.

[Aphrodite] Episode 105 - Love, Amazon Style - 10/04/99
Aprodite and Hephaestus break up, causing the Goddess of Love to cast some pretty terrible spells.

[Hercules] Episode 106 - Rebel With a Cause - 10/11/99
After Creon takes the throne of Thebes from his disgraced Oedipus, Hercules helps Antigone become its rightful ruler.

[Iolaus] Episode 107 - Darkness Visible - 10/25/99
When they visit their old friend Prince Vlad, Hercules and Iolaus nearly wind up dead ... or undead!

Episode 108 - Hercules, Tramps and Thieves - 11/01/99 [Autolycus]
Autolycus is following Hercules, who is going to Thracia, for the inauguration of the first bank of Greece. Hercules agrees to take the thief with him to keep an eye on him, if he promises not to rob the bank.
When they arrive to Thracia, they walk into a tavern with a live show, starring Luscius Deluxe, which happens to be Autolycus ex-wife. They separated because he left her paying for a robbery that he committed and accidentally left her gather belt in the scene of crime (they swap an article of clothing for good luck). According to their agreement, Autolycus did not confess to get her out. When Luscius finally goes to where Autolycus is, she punches him straight in the jaw, and then flirts with Hercules.
After the show is over, Autolycus goes to Luscius and begs her to forgive him, offering her even to work if she forgive him, and she kisses him appearing to have forgiven him. The very first night the bank is open, it is robbed, and the grappling hook is found, making Autolycus the only suspect. Hercules compromises himself to bring the thief to justice, and goes to see Luscius to ask for Autolycus whereabouts. She answers that she has not seen him, and asks if Autolycus left the hook behind, making obvious for Hercules she was the thief.
In the meantime, Autolycus goes to a tavern to celebrate that his ex-wife is accepting him again. However, it is revealed to the townsfolk that Autolycus is the bank robber. They try to catch him, but he eludes them until Hercules find him, and when the villagers try to lynch him, Hercules protects Autolycus, but he confesses that he is guilty. [Hercules]
Once in jail, Hercules confronts the thief and tells him that he knows that he is covering for Luscius, and the sheriff is going to stretch him. He volunteers to get the money back so that Autolycus is not executed. The thief then goes to the tavern and tells Luscius that there are still a lot of valuables in the bank and when she enters for the rest of the loot, Hercules is there waiting for her. They fight and Hercules disarms her and tells her that if the money is returned, she needs not go to prison, and she agrees.
Meanwhile, about to be hanged, Autolycus� silver tongue tries to win some time when they ask him for any last words, he begins reciting the dictionary.
Luscius tries to seduce Hercules again, but he manages to escape with his virtue intact. They both go to get the money. Unfortunately, her gang is not happy that Luscius is robbing them of what they stole fair and square, so they have to fight their way out of the tavern and finally get back to the bank returning all the loot. Autolycus finishes the dictionary and when asked for a last request, he asks for a ripe peach. Since it is out of season, he wants to wait. When the sheriff is going to hang him, Hercules and Luscius arrive, claiming that all was a test for the bank. "Which better way to prove that the bank is safe, than have the king of thieves to detect all the weak spots."
Autolycus is cleared and regrets that has no money to give to Luscius so she can buy the tavern. Hercules informs him that with a loan by the bank, she will be able to acquire the tavern, and when Autolycus finds the interest rate of the loan, he realizes that he is in the wrong stealing business.

Episode 109 - City of the Dead - 11/08/99 [Hercules]
The court of Amensu, queen of Egypt is tense. Nefertiti, the princess is trying to convince the court that they should mount an attack on Greece, now that their defenses are low, but the Queen disagrees. She remembers that war brought nothing but sorrow to the country, and has invited the best son of Greece to discuss an alliance, and since she is the Queen, all other opinions are irrelevant. Ramses, prince of Egypt, lauds the queen for her wisdom, that has brought prosperity to the Country, and that the princess is mistaken to want war with anyone.
On a ship, Iolaus is pestering Hercules with stories of Egyptian mythology, until the captain informs them that due the good wind, they are arriving to Alexandria sooner than expected. Once on shore, they head to the palace, and find it deserted. Not a guard on sight, nor a servant passing by, until they hear a scream. They rush to the noise to find a band of thugs attacking the queen on her own royal chamber. Although they have time, the goons do not kill her, only make an impression of the royal seal and a few manage to escape.
Amensu is very grateful with the Greeks for saving her life, and offers a banquet of exotic food on their honor (ape brains, scarab soup and the like). Iolaus eats too much and is a little sick when Hercules asks him to look for clues on who was in the royal chamber last night. Quite obviously, they weren't assassins, for they had more than enough time to kill Amensu if that was the objective, so it had to be something else.
Ramses, meanwhile, is using the seal impression to forge a new seal, but burns his hand with it. Nefertiti spends all the night with the court members, saying that the queen is selling Egypt to the Greeks, in exchange for peace. The next morning, Ramses presents a forged document that sustains the accusations made by her sister the night before. Hercules accuses him of falsifying the document, for Greece has no interest in Egypt, excepts as an ally, and dares the prince to show his burned hand. Forced, Ramses shows the seal impression. Revealed his treachery, he is arrested.
Hercules goes to the queen to tell her that Nefertiti was part of the scheme as well, but Amensu already knew it. Furthermore, she has already passed judgement on her son; the sentence for high treason is death. She blames herself for this situation, if she had time for her children after her husband died, this would not have happened, but she was always too busy, and Egypt must always come first.
When Nefertiti goes to see her mother, the queen says she's sorry for never being there for her kids, then gives her the key to the dungeon and asks her to rescue Ramses and lead him out of Egypt. When the princess puts her brother out of jail she tells him that it was thanks to their mother that he is free. Yet, saying "Too little too late", he departs leaving his sister behind.
He goes to the temple of Osiris, where he makes the priest hand over the map to the book of the dead, the Necronomicon. After he obtains the map, he murders the priest and goes to the pyramid where the book is hidden.
Hercules and Iolaus find the priest body and inform the queen and the princess, and are told what Ramses is after. Amensu orders Hercules to stop the prince, no matter what, Egypt is first. The Greeks go to the pyramid. However, without the map, they trigger a trap, getting too late to the chamber of the book, Ramses is already there and uses it to bring to life two statues, jackal headed Anubis and crocodile headed Sebek. Ordering them to dispatch the intruders, he departs in a cloud of smoke. The heroes are able to survive, making the golems crash one against the other, and then head back to the palace.
Ramses has already been there. Taking his sister, he departs saying that with the book, they will bring back the glory of Egypt. When Hercules and Iolaus arrive, the queen tells them that the Necronomicon is unstable. When her late husband tried to use it, she was forced to kill him. Hercules then heads to the pyramid that the late king left in construction, finding there both siblings. Although Nefertiti is trying to dissuade his brother from using the book, Ramses is beyond caring.
When the prince sees Hercules, he uses the power of the book to throw lightning at him. Yet, in a careless moment, he loses the Necronomicon, but when her sister takes it, he is confident that she will hand it over. She however, gives it to Hercules, who throws it to the stars.
Ramses loses it then, he goes to the place where he was chanting the book, knowing that without the protection of the book, he will be torn apart by the chaotic forces in action. He recites the famous words: "Klaatu Barada Nikto", and is swept away by the magical forces.
Amensu and Nefertiti thank Hercules and promise him that they will try to get along better.

Episode 110 - A Wicked Good Time - 11/15/99 [Hercules]
Hercules and Iolaus are going to visit their old friend, Lilith to give some advice to her daughter, Seska of how to pass through adolescence. Seska is upset and has nobody to talk to, and to make things worse, Magnus, the magistrate son and a certifiable jerk, picks on her often. When she kicks his butt, his father shows up to reprimand her. Two girls, Hayla and Sariah, think that Seska might be the third witch to complete their circle. Discord shows up and confirms that she indeed is the one. So, the two of them go and offer Seska an opportunity to get even: Witchcraft.
Hercules tells Seska that her mother is worried and she responds that she cannot keep taking the presence of her mother. It suffocates her. Later, at lunch, Hercules tries to make friends with Seska. He tells her a funny story of how her mother, Iolaus and himself were at her age, but she does not care, and excuses herself to go with Hayla and Sariah to practice their witchcraft homework.
Their plan is to get even with Magnus and make Hercules busy, to busy to snoop on them. They cast a spell on Magnus, turning him to a beast, and then they make it look as if Hercules is the warlock that made the turning. It works as planned, and Hercules is arrested, the charge: Practicing Witchcraft. The magistrate, Magnus� father, makes an excellent case, so that some people actually believe that Hercules is a warlock.
Seska is upset with the framing, and Discord agrees to set him free if the trial does not go his way. Iolaus asks Hercules why he does not tell the truth, and Hercules answers that the truth would send Seska and her friends to a burning stake. Iolaus wants to help, but Hayla overhears him and casts a spell to make Iolaus fall madly in love with Lilith.
When the magistrate interrogates Lilith, he asks her to explain how is it possible that she did not know that Hercules was a warlock, or maybe she did know? Maybe she is a witch herself. A confession of Hercules guilt will be her salvation, otherwise, she will burn alongside the 'warlock'. Hercules confesses then, to save Lilith from being burned, and as a convicted felon, he is to be executed in the morning.
Hayla comes to Hercules in his dreams, to seduce him, but he tells her that he would not touch her with a ten-foot pole. So, Hayla springs him out of jail, after all, they did promise Seska to get him free if the trial didn't go his way. Iolaus receives the news that Hercules escaped and goes to the forest to find him. Once they are together, and after losing a posse of town militia, Hercules goes to find the spell book while Iolaus goes to check on Lilith. Unfortunately, the love spell kicks in, and Iolaus is obsessed with her. [Iolaus]
Hercules finds the cave where Hayla is with the book, but is unable to reach her, due his own words he cannot come closer than 10 feet. So he goes to Seska, who is sorry for causing all this trouble. Hercules suggests taking a page from the spell book to cast a binding spell when he gives her the signal. Discord shows when Hercules is leaving town and passing, Hercules lets her know that Hayla might be planning something to bring her more power, something that even she wouldn't permit. Iolaus comes to Lilith's door, with flowers and sweets, proposing immediate marriage, she tells him to go and take a cold shower. He becomes unstable, thinking that she has somebody else inside her house, breaking partially the door saying, "If I can't have you, nobody can." Hercules shows up then and tells his friend that she did not open because she did not want to spoil the surprise party that they were planning to celebrate the engagement. They just need ice, and Iolaus goes to get it, from a very high, snowed mountain.
Hayla is trying to cast a summoning spell, one that will bring the spirit of Nebros, the first warlock, to her body. Nebros was banished by the gods after he defied them with magic. When Discord appears, demanding to know what they think are doing, Hayla quickly casts a spell to lock her in a crystal cube. Hercules shows up just when the summoning spell is finished, and Nebros is in complete possession of Hayla's body, using sorcery to knock Hercules repeatedly. Seska takes her cue then and cast the binding spell, allowing Hercules to take the book, and with it deflect all the magical attacks send against him. He rebounds one directly to her, knocking the witch/warlock to the tornado that was an effect of the summoning, in there s/he is dispelled.
The next day, after confessing, Sariah and Seska get a community service summer, thanks in a large part to the confession that they extracted from Discord. Now, they let her get out of the cube, and Seska asks her mom to forgive her for all the trouble that she has caused.
Meanwhile, on the top of a mountain, Iolaus snaps from the spell, not knowing how he got there.

Episode 111 - Full Circle - 11/22/99 [Hercules]
Zeus frees Hera from the Pit of Tartarus, and the Titans along with her. Can Hercules save the world one more time?

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