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Season Five Episodes

[Ares] Episode 91 - Fallen Angel - 9/27/99
Joxer is wandering on a snowy mountainside and encounters Amarice; he tells her he's been having nightmares that Xena and Gabrielle are in trouble. Amarice tells him they aren't having any more troubles and points towards their lifeless bodies on crosses below. Joxer says he will return with their bodies to Greece.
Meanwhile, in the afterlife Xena and Gabrille wait atop a peaked mountain and are surrounded by angels who lift them both up towards the light. However, as they rise, the angels are attacked by winged demons, Callisto amongst them and Gabrielle is dropped during the fighting and ends up in Hell. She awakes there to find Callisto lying beside her and tempting her to eat fruits of hell. Gabrielle correctly guesses it's a trick, but Callisto gets her demon buddies to force feed Gabrielle with the fruit and she turns into a demon with a few choice words for Callisto along the way.
Meanwhile, back up top, Xena attempts a plunge to rescue Gabrielle and is retrieved forceably by the Arch-Angel Michael who is not best impressed. Deciding that Xena could be a useful ally, he gives her the chance to take a test and she becomes an Arch-Angel. Michael warns her that Hell will be very hard and she will be more compassionate than before - should she give up her light, she will trade places with whoever she rescues. Undetered Xena and the other arch-angels launch their attack on the demon world below, and succeed in rescuing Gabrielle during a bitter battle. Xena however is confronted by Callisto, and decides to give her her purity. The semi-demonic Gabrielle is bathed in the waters of purity and emerges healed of her demonic attributes. She asks after Xena and Michael refuses to answer the question.
Later she discovers that Xena saved Callisto and is shocked. Confronting the virginal and gentle new Callisto, Gabrielle finds it difficult to forgive her. Michael realises that Xena is now a demon and that with such a leader at their head, they are likely to be even more dangerous than before. Gabrielle offers to distract Xena in the fight, and Michael tells her that she must go through a test to see if she is worthy. She undertakes the test only to be faced with the gentle Callisto again - a sure sign that Michael wants her to forgive Callisto - the hardest thing for Gabrielle to ever do.
Meanwhile having removed their bodies from the crosses, Joxer, Eli and Amarice are moving them. Amarice accuses Eli of as good as killing them himself by teaching Gabrielle all the peace claptrap such that she would not defend herself. Joxer tries to step in, but Eli stops him, accepting there is much truth in what Amarice is saying.
Back in the afterlife, Gabrielle emerges from her trial as an Arch-Angel and sets herself on a high rock where she can be seen. True to form, Xena diverts her attention to Gabrielle and the two talk as the other demons and arch-angels start fighting. After Gabrielle tells Xena she will not join her in Hell, the two come to blows. Eventually wounded they plunge downwards.
Meanwhile, Eli is having a crisis of faith and calls out for help. His cries are answered and an angel appears and tells him to go back to the bodies of his friends. Eli places his hands on Xena and Gabrielle's bodies and the ghostly angel lays her hands there too, though his. Gabrielle and Xena, still falling towards hell, suddenly dissolve and return to their bodies. Eli, Joxer and Amarice are astounded as they move and Gabrielle's hand reaches out to hold Xena's. Joxer touches her face and Gabrielle smiles at him and then rests her head on Xena's shoulders. Michael and the angel watch from the sidelines; he tells the angel that it is time and she is re-united with her parents who died many years before in an attack on a small village called Cirra by a warlord and her army!

[Xena] Episode 92 - Chakram - 10/04/99
Joxer and Amarice stare in wonder as Xena and Gabrielle lock in an emotional embrace. Eli has done what seemed to be the impossible -- raise them from the dead. Overjoyed, Amarice pulls the two broken halves of Xena's chakram out of her bag and Xena eyes them curiously.
Meanwhile, Kal, a pagan god of war, sends the monk Kalib into the Chakram Chamber. Kalib finds himself surrounded by skeletal remains as he approaches the altar, which contains two interlocking circles. One of the circles is empty and the other holds a silver and white chakram. Kalib grabs the chakram and is engulfed in flames when fire erupts from the altar.
Later, Gabrielle realizes that something is wrong with Xena when Xena is more interested in buying a scarf than replacing her weapons. At the market, a guard suddenly attacks Xena, but she doesn't defend herself. Gabrielle, Joxer and Amarice come to her rescue and take her to Eli's temple.
Everyone is confused as Xena continues to behave like a completely different person. When Eli learns that it was Kal's guards who attacked them, he realizes there must be a reason for Xena's condition. Suddenly, Kal's guards approach the temple and the group slips out the back to find Eli's friend Kalib in search of some answers.
Meanwhile, Ares materializes in Kal's fortress and the two gods agree to work together to prevent Xena from becoming herself again.
Later, Xena and Amarice are hunting for food when they are attacked by Kal's lieutenant. Amarice is knocked unconscious and Xena is taken to Kal's fortress, where she is put in manacles. Kal starts to explain his plans for Xena, but Ares arrives and sets her free. Convinced that Kal is trying to pull a fast one, Ares engages him in battle. Xena looks at a mural on the wall and becomes mesmerized by an image of a chakram. She suddenly has visions of past battles, but shakes the memories from her head. Xena escapes through an open window and meets up with her friends.
They arrive at Kalib's library, which has been totally ransacked. Xena and Eli realize that Kalib is dead. After looking through Kalib's scrolls, Eli discovers that they need the chakram of light to bring Xena back to normal. But only the purest soul can touch it without being destroyed. The chakram of light is also one of the few things on earth that can kill a god, which explains why Ares and Kal are so eager to get hold of it. Whoever has possession of the chakram could wipe out all the other gods.
The group rushes to the Chakram Chamber and Xena retrieves the chakram of light. When she exits the chamber, her friends are surrounded by Ares, Kal and his guards. Ares and Kal freeze when they see that Xena has the chakram, but she can't make the kill and drops it to the ground. Amarice grabs the chakram of light and Eli rushes everyone back into the chamber. Xena places the broken halves of her dark chakram into one of the altar's interlocking circles. Ares and Kal burst into the chamber and Xena destroys Kal with the chakram of light. The altar repairs Xena's dark chakram and she holds both chakrams above her head and strikes them together. Sparks fly and Xena is left holding a new chakram forged from the dark and light ones, inscribed with a Yin and Yang symbol. Xena is back! She and Ares exchange blows, but the god of war suddenly disappears. Eli decides to stay behind to study Kalib's scrolls and Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer head back to Greece.

[Ares] Episode 93 - Succession - 10/11/99
Ares sees Gabrielle is getting good with her fighting skills but Xena ignored that. So he helps her out by puting Xena and Gabrielle in the same body... letting Xena only come out during the day and Gabrielle at night. And he puts this other woman, Mavican, with them in this world he creates. Only Gabrielle can kill this woman but Xena can't. Yet Mavican can kill either of them.
This whole thing is to see who would be a better person to pass down Ares (title? Fortune?) too.
Xena and Gabrielle win and Xena actually tells Gabrielle she is PROUD of her!

[Xena] Episode 94 - Animal Attraction - 10/18/99
Xena's pregnant and acting very strange. Gabrielle gets a chocolate brown horse to ride (to keep up with Xena and Argo) and Xena finally finds out she is PREGNANT, yet she claims not to know who or how Gabrielle DOES suggest the work of Ares to which Xena replies "NO!!" Ammerice falls in love and Joxer practically CLINGS to Gabrielle.

[Xena/Gabrielle] Episode 95 - Them Bones, Them Bones- 11/01/99
During a remedy taste for morning sickness, Xena becomes awfully sick and has a premonition of somebody trying to kill her baby. She goes to see Yakut, shamaness and leader of the northern amazons. Once there, Yakut tells her that the baby is being attacked in the spiritual realm, and that the attacker bears the mark of a shamaness. Alti. Xena wants to go to that realm and fight for her baby, but Gabrielle doesn�t let her and she goes instead.
After the ritual, the bard reaches the spiritual realm, and tries to kill Alti with the sacred dagger of the shaman, but the sorceress mind is too strong in a place where the strongest mind always wins. When Gabrielle comes back to physical realm, she knows that Alti doesn�t want to kill the baby, instead wants to steal his/her soul, and replace it with her own.
Xena will try the burial ritual for restless souls, that will enable to trap Alti�s soul. For that she needs an special amber, and commands Gabrielle and Amarise to go and get it, while she and Yakut go after Alti�s bones. When Xena arrives to the gravesite, she sees that the skull is missing and Yakut confesses that she stole it, she wanted to harness Alti�s power for good, but freed her spirit instead. Yakut wants to redeem herself by going alone against Alti, but is defeated and about to die when Xena arrives to spirit world. Once there, Alti do steals her baby soul and offers a deal to the princess, her restoration to physical realm in exchange for the soul of the baby. To do that, she must convince the amazon tribe to put their minds and wills together, ant then, anything is possible.
Gabrielle and Amarise arribe to the cave and are met by Chi�ah, the guardian of the amber, who has the ability to see into the souls of those who enter into the cave, and then reveals the secret that Amarise has held, she is not an amazon, but Gabrielle can pass and she gets the amber and they both return to Yakut village.
Xena plans to comply and bring Alti back, and the amazons unite their mind to the ritual, Xena forces Alti into a trap by taking the shamaness into her dreams. Both the warrior and the sorceress shed their skin (literally) and their skeletons fight. After some flips and somersaults, Xena rips the soul of her baby out of Alti and then the amazons use the amber to trap the evil sorceress soul.
Amarise decides to stay with Yakut amazons and Gabrielle tells her that she considers her one of her amazon sisters, Xena finally accepts her baby and heads east.

[Xena] Episode 96 - Purity - 11/08/99
Xena receives a message from a dying man on her way to Chin "The Hawk and the Dove must be made one with the wisdom" She realizes that this phrase means that the book of Lao Ma is in danger, and along Gabrielle and Joxer hurries to Chin, to the temple where the book ('the wisdom') is hidden.
When they get there, the town close to the monastery is destroyed, and Xena identifies the explosive stuff that was in use, black powder, a forbidden composite by Chinese law. The monastery is being as attacked, and is up to her and Gabrielle to defend it. They receive help from a Chinese girl that identifies herself as Pao Su, daughter of Lao Ma. When the incoming army retreats, they go where Xena left the book, and realize it is gone. Xena grabs a random book, puts it in her saddle, and along Pao Su goes tracking for Lao Ma's wisdom book.
Gabrielle and Joxer remain in the village, trying to find the missing component of the powder, Xena knows there is sulfur and coal in it, but can't identify the final component, the only clue they have is that the explosive powder was discovered by a cook, so it must be something that a cook uses.
When Xena and Pao Su find the book, is in the hands of Kao Sin, another offspring of Lao Ma. Pao Su reveals herself as the owner of the army that attacked the monastery and rediscovered the formula of black powder, and takes off with what she thinks is the book of wisdom, not knowing that Xena was on her from the start, and made an exchange of books, keeping the wisdom and giving her only a prayer book.
Joxer gets Gabrielle and himself arrested by telling everybody that he is looking for the forbidden formula of powder, the law officers put them in the torture chamber, with the classic drop of water on their heads, until Gabrielle is able to make the lock explode with a little bag of powder that Joxer was carrying. With all the spices they were able to carry, they go looking for Xena and Pao Su.
Pao Su meanwhile, realizes she's been had, the book she has, has nothing more than prayers and meditation, deciding to hunt Xena and get the book. Kao Sin and the warrior princess go to Lao Ma's palace, and they begin the study of the wisdom, for they know that the only way they can defeat an army with explosives is with the power of Lao Ma. However, Pao Su captures Joxer and Gabrielle, and takes them to the palace, where the ties them spread eagle, and puts a few kegs of powder around them, then calls for Xena to surrender the book, otherwise she will get to see her friends blowing to pieces. Joxer screams to Xena that she must save Gabrielle first, put Kao Sin prefers to give the book to her sister, thinking that she will be fulfilling her mother's wish, Pao Su is 'the Hawk' and she is 'the Dove', united with the book of wisdom. Pao Su doesn't think that she has to share the secret of the book with anyone, hits her sister and set fire on the powder. Xena sends her chakram to cut Joxer bonds while stamping off the fire under Gabrielle.
Pao Su studies the book while Xena and Kao Sin study in a different way, Lao Ma's blood runs in Kao Sin, and the teachings are in Xena head. Together, they discover that Lao Ma's power is based on purity and focus, they have purity of love, but Pao Su has purity of hate, hate for her mother never being there for her. Xena plans to dilute that hate by telling her that her mother loved her so much, that had to sent both her daugthers away, to insure that his son, Ming T'ien, did not kill them.
Joxer discovers the formula for powder and they are ready to blow Pao Su's powder supply sky high, while Xena and Kao Sin face Pao Su personally. When they are face to face, Pao Su claims to be following the footsteps of a great man, the Green Dragon, and attacks, Xena and Kao Sin deflect her power time and again, all the while telling her that her mother did love her, and that his idolized Green Dragon was the son of Lao Ma that would have them killed. Pao Su starts to lose concentration, and claims that at least dead she will have them for company, channeling all her remaining power against the duo. They deflect it and say together "To conquer others is to have power, to conquer yourself is to know the way." Then they reflect the power back to Pao Su, making her fly to where all her powder was concentrated, Joxer and Gabrielle send a few rockets that way, and when all the powder storage blows, Pao Su dies screaming. After all is over, Kao Sin tells Xena that the real Hawk that her mother message was referring wasn't Pao Su, but Xena, who is her sister.

[Joxer] Episode 97 - Back In The Bottle - 11/15/99
Xena is trying to archive perfect stillness to cook a rabbit that Gabrielle is holding, however, all she gets it to turn the bunny to stone. Ever since the battle with Pao Su, she can't concentrate. Joxer joins them saying that there is no game to be found, and that they have to eat the rabbit, but seeing it turned to stone (with some others) screams at Xena. Gabrielle decides to go to the closest town to buy some food and asks Joxer for money. He pulls a bag and hands it over to her, but there is not money in there, but powder. When Xena takes it she has a premonition.
Fireworks destroying villages, people dying in the explosions, Gabrielle fighting alongside a Chinese man, until a rocket explodes at his feet, then one blowing Joxer to pieces and then one hitting Gabrielle.
Kun, leader of the northern Chinese warriors (Mongols) invokes the spirit of the Green Dragon, who appears telling him that thanks to his sister, Pao Su, they will have the formula for black powder, and carve his name in blood all over the continent.
Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer hurry back to Chin, and are met by a column of refugees, leaded by Kao Sin, who informs them that Kun, a warlord, is coming, taking everything in his path, and, to make things worse, he has the black powder. Xena suggest taking the caravan to Lao Ma's palace, where they can find solace in the tunnels that are beneath it. Gabrielle rides ahead to warn the castle, and meets Lin Chi, the one in charge the palace defenses who disagrees with the idea of bringing the refuges to a bottle with no exit. In the palace he can contain the enemy army buying the refugees time to escape. Then an advance of Kun's army blows a hole in a wall, and they find fighting side by side. The skirmish makes Lin Chi see the side of Gabrielle's argument, and orders the defenders to help her any way they can.
When a group leaded by Joxer encounters a mined field, Xena has to go to get them out, meeting with Kun personal guard, who informs her that he serves Ming T'ien and Pao Su, who appear before Xena. The warlord then orders his soldiers to send explosives her way, but with the power of Lao Ma, Xena is able to deflect them. Then she uses her chakram to set all the mines on, and the group makes the escape, with Lin Chi and Gabrielle covering them.
Xena tries to practice the power inside the palace, but is unable to archive stillness. Kao Sin shows up and tell her that she can't help in the battle, for she found a warning on her mother's book, every time one of the children of Lao Ma use the power, it makes all stronger. Then a servant comes in and tells them that the army stopped for the night, so Gabrielle and Lin Chi go to try to blow the powder cache.
Once there, they are trapped, and Kun tells them there are hundreds of caches, and nothing can be done to stop him. He then proceeds to put fire to the powder and leave the tent. Xena, back in the palace, feels the fear that Gabrielle is generating, and uses the power from a distance to suck up all the air in the tent. No oxygen, no fire. That buys Gabrielle and Chi time to escape, carrying the news of all the powder camps to Xena.
Ming T'ien and Pao Su order Kun to advance, they must be ready to finish Xena by morning. In the palace, the warrior princess is getting desperate, because she can't control the power, it only works to protect those she loves, and with that she can't fight an enemy, she can't love her enemy to death. Love does not end wars. When the morning comes, Joxer informs Xena that Kun's Army is right in front of the castle, and that they are using villagers as human shields.
Xena goes to face the army, while Gabrielle, Lin Chi and Joxer try to rescue the peasants. All the explosives that Kun sends to Xena are deflected, and some are even reflected back to the attackers. Joxer leads the villagers out to safety, while Gabrielle and Lin Chi fight to cover them. This recreates the premonition that Xena had, so she concentrates on the dragon emblem that is in all the breastplates of the army, a dragon. All the dragons start to glow green and then all the army turns to stone. Once all their followers are dead, Pao Su and Ming T'ien explode as well.
After the battle ended, Kao Sin tells Xena that she feels closer to her mother than ever, and Xena agrees that she feels her closer, but she doesn't feel the power anymore. Kao Sin theorizes that it has already served its purpose, after all it saved all Chin from the threat of the powder. Lastly, Xena claims that with love as her focus, she was able to end the war, therefore, love does end wars.

[Aphrodite] Episode 98 - Little Problems - 11/22/99
A group of bandits are attacking Aphrodite's temple, planning on sacking the treasure, when Xena and Gabrielle show up to interrupt their fun, after defeating the rogues, Xena manages to persuade the leader to reveal who they are working for, it happens that the head of this group is Tharon, a warlord that Xena had defeated before. So, Xena sends a message back to him, if he doesn't back up, she will come back to finish what she started.
After the bandits leave, Aphrodite appears to 'thank' Xena and Gabrielle for their efforts, and when asked how is it that there is so much treasure, she answers that she has found a very lucrative way to help, she has a hospital inside her temple. When they reach the bed of a little girl, Daphne, that is in a coma, Xena wishes she could do something to help, she would give her energy is she could to make the little girl better. Taking this as her cue, Aphrodite uses her powers to sap Xena strength and put it inside Daphne.
Daphne wakes up and Xena falls asleep, and Aphrodite tells them not to worry, since Xena and her baby are ok, getting rest. Problem is, Xena's soul was transferred to the little girl body, and if it is not back on her own by nightfall, the change will be permanent. Daphne's father comes to take her home, but he is distant, as if he is not all that happy to have his daughter back. Daphne comments this to Xena (every time she looks in the mirror she sees Xena reflection) but the Princess tells her that her father loves her, it just may be hard for him to have her back, now that her mother is gone.
Meanwhile, Tharon is very disappointed with the thugs performance, this was supposed to be an easy plundering, but when the name of Xena is mentioned, Tharon goes berserk, he wants the Warrior Princess head in a platter. Gabrielle and Aphrodite put Xena's body in a cave, Tharon's thugs attack them, the goddess of love disappears and Gabrielle is forced to battle against them alone and she wins. Aphrodite returns to seal the cave and together they go for an oil developed by Castor and Pollux, that will allow them to separate Xena from Daphne.
After Galantis failure to retrieve Xena's body, he goes after her soul, believing that since its in the body of a child, she will not put much fight. He is wrong however, for Daphne kicks all of them, leaving them with the punch line 'Next time, pick on someone your own size.' The rogues are unable to return to Tharon without a thing, so they plan to capture Daphne's father.
Aphrodite and Gabrielle have a hard time getting inside the Gemini Club, for it is for Twins only, so Gabrielle devises a plan to get them in, passing as nordic siamese twins, Aphrodite is Hilda, the looks, and Gabrielle is Bruna, the muscles. Once inside they have a little problem, when Castor asks in scandinavian "How about a night of crazy sex back at our place?" and since neither of them understand a word, they just nod saying 'Ja', so they go for a match in the ring. After some strange wrestling (strange because is hard to fight with your siamese sister in your arm) Gabrielle manages to steal the oil, and knock Zeus twins, unfortunately, they are revealed as false twins, and have to escape.
Daphne is fishing on a rock, and begins to remember, she was fishing in that place, and she fell, her mother dived after her, and she drowned, it's her fault her mom is dead. Galantis shows up, and prohibits her to go fishing again on her own, and Daphne throws into his face that he blames her for the tragedy and runs away. Just then the group of rogues shows and take Galantis, leaving a note for Daphne to present herself, alone and unarmed on Tharon's fortress before sunset, otherwise, the fisherman is fish food.
Daphne and Gabrielle go together to the castle, while Aphrodite goes to retrieve Xena's body from the cave. Once inside the castle, Gabrielle fights some thugs while Daphne, using Xena's skills, unlocks the manacles from her father, and tells him that they must all escape. But it turns to be a setup, Daphne gets separated from the rest, facing Tharon, while Gabrielle and Galantis face a few thugs.
On the roof of the fortress, is Daphne/Xena Vs Tharon, who wants to do to Xena exactly what she did to him, rip half her face while she's conscious, he doesn't have luck, and gets thrown from a high place, dying as he hit the ground. Just the, Aphrodite shows up with the unconscious body of Xena, and they use the oil to separate their souls. When Gabrielle and Galantis finish with the rest of the bandits, Daphne and Xena appear on the dais, and Galantis is surprised, Xena knows his little girl!
Daphne makes peace with her dad, they are going to be OK, and while Xena and Gabrielle are walking away, they ponder that being a kid is sometimes harder than being an adult, and Gabrielle pokes a little fun at Xena, telling her that she must remember that when her child is a teenager.

[Callisto] Episode 99 - Seeds of Faith - 11/29/99
In a village, a black man is inciting a rebellion against the gods, both a peasant tells him that is foolish to tempt the gods, and be crushed, then threatens the black man with a scythe to shut him up. Xena and Gabrielle walk in then, and defuse the situation, but the blonde amazon sees a man reach for something inside his tunic, proceeding to beat him senseless. Once the first punch is thrown, there is pandemonium, with both the warrior and the bard busting heads. When the fight is over, Xena realizes that all the man was pulling out of his tunic was a handkerchief. [Ares]
Ares shows up that moment, telling Xena that if she was so desperate, he could have made her pregnant, all she had to do was ask, and when Xena tells him that Gabrielle is the father of her child, his answer is "I would have paid to see that." Then the Warrior Princess ask Ares what is he doing up in the morning, he answers that the movement to disobey the gods is growing, and Xena taunts him, saying that this could be the beginning of the 'Twilight'. Ares doesn't laugh and Xena realizes that he IS afraid. This might be the beginning of the end for the Greek gods. Ares warns her that this time is much more important than ever before, and if she interferes, both her and her child are dead meat, and then he fades out.
While escorting the black man back to the village where his teacher is, Xena tells Gabrielle how easy is for her to pull her weapons and attack, Gabrielle denies that she is insensible to violence, she can control herself. In the middle of the argument, the black man mentions to them the name of the teacher, who is leading the movement against the gods; is their friend Eli.
Eli is telling a crowd that they do not need the gods, nor sacrificial daggers, no holy artifacts, and is throwing what was plundered of an Ares temple into a bonfire, then he sees Xena and Gabrielle, and is in for a shock, Xena is with child. Then the Warrior Princess asks him if he knows what he is doing, what will happen when the gods fight back? And he assures them that he is ready to die for this cause, with love as their shield and their weapon.
When a priest of the temple that was plundered goes to Ares to ask him why didn't he destroy Eli when he has desecrating the temple, Ares assures him that he will deal with this teacher, and goes to pay Eli a visit, hoping to scare him off. Gabrielle is walking the center square of the village with Eli, telling him that he might be disappointed that she didn't follow the way of love, but he reassures her that she could never disappoint him. Then Ares fades in, and offers Eli a chance, walk away, leave the pointless crusade, and he gets to save the lives of all his followers and his own. Refuse and all become refuse.
Meanwhile, Xena looks as Ares army approaches the town, and Angel-Callisto appears, telling her that the fact that she is in heaven is thanks to her, and for that she is eternally grateful, but asks Xena must not to interfere with Eli, he must deal with Ares on his own way. Xena refuses and Angel-Callisto tells her that it is the only way for the fall of the gods' order and disappears. Then a group of soldiers see Xena and think her an easy take, attacking her. Once she beats all four of them and persuades one of them to tell her what the attack plan is.
Back in the village, Eli is praying for guidance, and Angel-Callisto shows as an answer, saying that he will do what is necessary, Eli asks if there is no other way, and she answers that there isn't, for the new to be built, it must be over the old, and he is the hammer that will crack the old order. Then with a kiss in his cheek, she leaves him.
Xena comes back to town, warning Eli of the upcoming army, but he resist to leave, he will face Ares and win or lose, on his own. Xena then goes off to stop the army, charging Gabrielle with keeping Eli safe. As Ares' forces are about to cross a suspension bridge, Xena goes to the middle of the bridge, where the soldiers can only come against her one at the time. She kills the few ones that come against her, and cuts the bridge, stopping the invaders cold.
Eli is making a speech of how humankind need no gods, but Ares pops in telling the people that Eli is lying, and will lead them to their deaths. The teacher doesn't back away, telling Ares that he is giving him one last chance to leave. Ares laughs, pulls out his sword and strikes at defenseless Eli, but Gabrielle defends him, stopping the slash. Eli tells her that he doesn't want nor need to be defended by violence. Ares strikes again, and once again the amazon bard stops his sword. Once again, Eli tells her not to interfere, saying that he has never asked anything of her, now he is asking, do not defend him. Ares says "Since the begining of time, it's been warriors who had shaped the world," then he stabs Eli in the chest, pulls out his sword, and fades out. Eli dies on Gabrielle's arms, who cries her anguish at heaven.
When Xena arrives, she sees Eli dead, and the group of followers blaming the amazon for not defending him, she calms them telling them that Eli wouldn't want them looking for a scapegoat, but banding together. Then she asks Gabrielle what happened, and she answers that Ares killed Eli, Xena tries to calm her telling her that she defended him, and when the bard doesn't answer she begins to blame her. Gabrielle answer that she only did what Eli asked of her, and the Warrior Princess reminds her that SHE asked her to keep him safe, that the only way persons like Eli exists, is because persons like them defend them when they wouldn't defend themselves. Gabrielle withdraws furious, saying that if Xena thinks she is to blame for Eli's death, then Ares is right, the future is shaped by warriors.
Gabrielle goes out of town, to the desert, trying to clear some frustration by throwing her sais to a defenseless tree, and Ares pops in, telling her that he did only what he had to do, and that Eli was selfish by putting her in the position of watching him die. Then he shares with her the power of the gods, so that she can feel what he feels like, what it feels to be a god, and then offers to share it with her pernamently, leaving her to think about it.
In the funeral pyre of Eli, Xena sings her mourning song and Gabrielle doesn't come close , for she feels guilty of all that happened, Angel-Callisto pops in front of Xena to comfort her, but Xena answers her that she doesn't care, Eli is dead because a game between deities, and Gabrielle is suffering for she is in the middle of it. Then the Warrior Princess asks the angel to take her to the Dagger of Helios, for nobody of this world may know where is it, but as an angel, Callisto does, and with the Dagger in her hand, she can kill Ares.
Once she has the Dagger in her hands, Angel-Callisto asks her not to kill Ares; Eli's sacrifice was necessary so that people find it easier to follow the way of peace, but Xena only believes that those people will be slaughtered like sheep, and she is going to fight for what she believes.
Back on the village, Ares and his army have taken control of the situation, but the villagers, led by the black man, refuse to renounce to the teachings of Eli. Ares then tells them that he is going to kill them all, and Gabrielle shouts that she will defend the town against him, for now there is no Eli to stop her. When they fight, Gabrielle disarms Ares, throws her sais at him - he evades them - and then she takes his sword, but unused to fight with such a heavy weapon, she is hit, disarmed herself, and on her knees. Ares is going to decapitate her, when the mega-chakram of Xena cuts the sword in two, then she puts the Dagger on his throat, Ares chuckles, until is informed that this is the Dagger of Helios, and has the power to kill him. When she is about to strike, she sees Eli's reflection on the dagger, remembering what he did, and what he didn't do.
She stops and drops the dagger, saying that she is going to do something a lot worse to Ares than just kill him, she's going to spare him. Then Ares grabs the dagger and puts it to Xena's throat, asking her what makes her think that he will spare her as well. She just answers that by turning Eli into a martyr, he made sure that his cause will live on, and if he kills her, the movement will be twice as strong.
When Ares disappears, Angel-Eli and Angel-Callisto fade in, Angel-Eli thanks Xena for keeping his cause alive and Gabrielle, for she never disappointed him. Angel-Callisto then tells Xena that she will be reincarnated, into the body of a child, and she can't think of a better mother than she. They both destroyed each others lives in the past, now, its the time for both to gave back what was taken from each other.

[Callisto] Episode 100 - Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire - 12/06/99
Draco and his henchmen are looking for something, they dig and find a lyre, but just when the warlord claims it, a group of Amazons, led by Amoria, show up, saying that since the lyre was on their territory, it rightfully belongs to them.
When things are escalating to a nice fight, Xena makes her appearance, with Gabrielle and Joxer in toll, taking the lyre and saying that if they can't play nice with their toys, she's going to take them away. They Lyre belongs to Terpsycore, to spread music in the world. Draco tries to charm Gabrielle, for he's still in love with her, courtesy of baby Bliss spell. The amazons laugh at lovestruck Draco and both sides draw swords. To prevent the conflict, Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer sing "War", convincing both sides not to fight over the lyre physically, however, to decide who gets the lyre, there's going to be a battle, the battle of the bands.
So, they go to Melodia, music capital of Greece, to announce the concert, and be villagers get so excited about it, that they begin to sing "Is there really a jam?" to the despair of Gabrielle, when everyone thinks of participating and making the battle of the bands, into a great headache for the bard.
Xena puts Joxer in charge of building a stage, when Cyrene gets to the scene, surprising the warrior princess and asking her about the father of her future grandchild. Xena answers her that he's not on her life. Her mother says that every child needs a father, even though that she raised her three children on her own, so she takes on herself to get a husband for her daughter.
Gabrielle is in a tavern, listening to some of the local talent, and much less than happy, when Xena and Joxer come into the bar, the amazon queen claims that everyone in Melodia is tone-deaf. Then they hear dance music outside, and going to see who is playing, they see that the singer looks just like Joxer, who lets out a sigh saying "It's my brother Jace."
Jace and company sing "Dancing in the moonlight", with Joxer withdrawing uncomfortable with his brother, but Gabrielle and Xena join in the conga-like dance. When the song is over, Draco threatens Jace, asking him not so politely to leave town. Xena defends Joxer brother threatening the warlord with a scalping job if he dares to touch Jace.
Next day, Joxer is building the stage, when Amoria comes to charm him, for she honestly finds him attractive, and he makes her laugh. Then Jace comes to say hello to his brother, but Joxer is very rude to him, saying in short words to stay away from him.
Jace is hurt, and goes to a tavern to have a drink with Xena (who is drinking milk - pregnancy you know) then Cyrene enters with the very first candidate for a son-in-law, Philipus, a healer, who after seeing Xena's advanced pregnancy, slips away. Xena scolds her mom for trying to find a man for her, and leaves the tavern.
Back in the construction site, Gabrielle ask Joxer why was he so rude with his brother, and the warrior-wanna-be just answers that Jace is different, and is wasting his life, then Amoria invites Joxer to see the routine that she's practicing with her amazon sisters and he promptly accepts, leaving the bard confused, after all, this is Joxer, why is she worrying on who is he seeing?
Xena is putting a poster to promote the concert, when candidate number 2 comes, he has just read an ad, which request a provider for a future mom, who doesn't look a day over 20, when the warrior princess tells him that she didn't wrote the ad, and that she isn't looking for a husband; he then asks her that if she won't marry him, if at least he would be willing to sleep with him.
In the amazon dancing training, Gabrielle is still frustrated for feeling jealous of Joxer, when Draco comes to her, saying that he loves her, and wants to marry her. She gives him the classic answer of not marring him if he was the last man alive, and kicks him between the legs for good measure. The warlord isn't discouraged, thinking that her loved bard is just playing hard to get, and sings "Always something there to remind me!" ending the song with the punch line "If I can't have you Gabrielle, no one can.
Back on the stage, Amoria asks Joxer to get Jace to teach her a move or three on dancing. And when he goes, Gabrielle is jealous again, asking Xena what does she think of Amoria and Joxer together, and when the warrior princess answers that it works for her, the bard explodes saying that they are so wrong for each other, and that Joxer should be with someone who is more like... and is unable to find the right word, so Xena supplies "you?", and Gabrielle acts offended. Xena only says, "If you're not going to take him, it's not fair to stop someone else from trying."
Then candidate number three comes to Xena, with flowers in his hands, and acne on his face, making a sweat speech to her, about how he will grow up to be a man that her child will be proud to call dad. Xena is moved by him, but unable to accept, telling him that he shouldn't be in such a hurry to grow up. And she goes to find her mom.
In a health spa, Cyrene is getting a backrub, when her daughter puts her hands on her shoulders and makes her bones crack, Cyrene only says that she wants a father for her grandchild, and that she cares about her only daughter, and no Gabrielle, Joxer or even a grandmother, can substitute a father in the life of a child. To prove her wrong, Xena, Amoria and the amazons sing "Sisters are doin' it for themselves", convincing her mom that everything will be alright, however Cyrene still wants to know who is the father.
Draco is throwing a tantrum, and since as long as Gabrielle is alive, she can't love someone else, well, after his act on the stage is over, the execution of her love will be the grand finale, and grabbing Gabrielle, he puts her on a go-go cage hitting the stage with the song "Kick out the jams". Then he says goodbye to his love, and is ready to burn the bard to ashes. Right when he points his guitar/battle axe/flame thrower to Gabrielle, Xena plays the lyre with the 'Xena' theme song, distracting him long enough for the bard to escape; Amoria and her amazons take the instruments (guitars/battle axes) of Draco's boys and continue with the 'Xena' theme song while the warlord henchmen attack the warrior princess and the warlord himself goes after the bard, saying sweetly "Wait for me my love!". Gabrielle robs a quarterstaff from somebody in the audience, but even with it, she's no match for an unarmed Draco. Once again, he's about to kill her, when, once again, Xena stops him. They begin to rap the usual in sults that are exchanged before a fight, and when it starts, is over the audience heads & shoulders Xena gets on the shoulders of candidate number two, does a flip and knocks Draco to the ground.
Once the warlord and his boys are tied up, Amoria gets very friendly with one of the soldiers, extracting a sigh from poor Joxer. Gabrielle consoles him, and tell him that he means a lot to her, and when he asks how much, she just answers not enough to date him. Then Jace announces that Xena won the contest and Terpsycore's lyre belongs to her.
Xena goes to the stage, saying that she's leaving the Lyre in Melodia, so that it serves to spread music in the world. Then is Jace's boys and Amoria's amazons choreographing Joxer, Amoria, Gabrielle, Xena, Cyrene and Jace in the song "People want to be free."

[Hercules] Episode 101 - God Fearing Child - 12/13/99
The Fates tell Zeus that the time when a child that doesn't have a father is born has come closer, and that will bring the end of the Olympian reign. Zeus doesn't want to believe it, for his dominion is eternal, Hera, his wife, takes fatalism, for all things that had a beginning must have an end. Zeus just says that he's the master of fate, and does not bow to it.
Xena and Gabrielle are awakening and the bard tells of a dream she had, how in her dream both were giving birth, Xena tells her companion that she'll gladly give her half the labor pains. Hercules shows up and reprimands them for not telling him sooner that Xena is pregnant, to that the warrior princess answers "Hi friend, I'm pregnant" Hercules congratulates her and gives her a stuffed hydra, named Iolaus, for the baby. Then 12 guys in blue tunics come out of nowhere and a battle begins, when all the blue men are down, Xena and Hercules grab one each and ask at the same time "Who sent you" One of the blue guys answers that Zeus has decreed that the unborn child from Xena must die. When Gabrielle asks why would the father of all gods want to hurt the child, Xena can't answer, but she's not going to stand around to find out. When one of the blue guys gets to his feet, Xena kills him with her chakram and Hercules identifies the blue guys as 'Proxidicae' Zeus personal guard, if you kill one, the rest grow stronger, so they leave the battle site before the rest of the blue tunics can get up.
Gabrielle asks Xena what will she do, for she can't hide from Zeus, Xena answers that she can if she's invisible, she plans to go to the underworld and steal the helmet from Hades. Hercules reminds them that if Xena gives birth on the underworld, her child will be stillborn, Xena just comments that if she has to choose between Zeus and her child, she'll choose her child. Hercules agrees but asks for time to go and talk with his father, and if it doesn't go well, he'll go to find the grave of Cronos, with a rib he'll fashion a dagger that can kill a god, and he'll use it if it comes to save Xena's child. Xena and Gabrielle go to a lake, for it's the only way she know to get to Tartarus, and she's troubled, for it will be the same every time, her child will always be in danger. Gabrielle consoles her saying that they both will be there for the baby and they won't permit that what happen to Solan happen again and they go to the lake.
Hercules goes to a temple of his father and when he pops in, he says that Xena's child will be a force more destructive, Hercules doesn't believe it. Hera pops in as well to confirm the words of her husband, but the hero says that there aren't 2 people he trusts less. Zeus then says that the birth of Xena's child will herald the death of the Greek gods. Hercules understands then that they are both as selfish as ever, thinking only of themselves. Zeus grows angry for his son enjoys the benefits of being a half-god, but looks at them with superior eyes, and reminds him that due his divine blood, the child might kill him as well. The hero doesn't care, and tells Zeus that won't be calling him 'father' again. After his son leave, Hera again tries to tell her husband that maybe they should bow to destiny, but Zeus refuses to go without fighting.
Zeus goes then to see Ares, asking him to keep Hercules distracted while he kills Xena. Ares refuses, for he has feeling for Xena, when his father asks if those feelings are strong enough to risk death the god of war answers that there's no deal, unless instead of distracting Hercules he gives his permission to kill him. Zeus refuses very angry, and when Ares asks what has he seen in Hercules that he's never seen in him, his father answers that his half mortal son has won the hearts of mortals; Ares says that Xena has won his heart, so Zeus gives his permission to kill Hercules.
Ares engages Hercules on the woods, informing him that his head is no longer safe by Zeus command, Hercules laughs, for he's never cared for his father's orders, but he's worried when Ares throws a fireball his way. Then Hera appears, and throws another fireball, at Ares, who is knocked unconscious, then she tells her stepson that she's here to help him find the ribs of Cronos.
In Tartarus, Xena and Gabrielle are walking across a place where the damned sentence it to watch the lives they left behind, the bard says that is too cruel, but Xena tells her that everyone in Tartarus is here because they deserve to be. Then they find Solan, suffering the same torture. Xena gets him out and asks him how he got there, for he was supposed to be in the Elysian Fields. Solan tells her that in Elysium he wouldn't know he was dead, and wouldn't miss her, so he rather be in Tartarus, and remember her. Xena promises him to get him back to Elysium, where he belongs. When they reach the gate of Hades castle, Solan one again tells his mom that he doesn't want to be in a place where he doesn't remember her, and that maybe she just want to dump him so she can be happy with her new baby. Xena tells him he's wrong, for he was the beginning of her change, he's the reason that she's a better person now, and she'll always love him.
They venture inside the castle, and see the helmet, but it's a trap and they find themselves surrounded by Hades and Proxidicae, now dressed in purple. The lord of the underworld offers Xena a deal, if she surrenders, he'll let Gabrielle go and take Solan to the Elysian Fields. Xena refuses and Hades reminds her that time is against her, if she chooses to fight, she might go into labor. Xena still refuses and she and Gabrielle fighting the purple guys. The bard manages to take the helmet and puts it on, leveling the battlefield and allowing Xena and Solan to escape.
Hera is walking with Hercules, who's doubtful of her conversion, she tells him that their war is over, she knows that he's looking for the grave of Cronos, and she can lead him to it, then she tells him of the story of how Cronos forged a dagger from one of his ribs, and used it to pierce the darkness, allowing light to come to the world, and Zeus used that dagger to kill him, with access to his ribs, Hercules can forge another dagger. He asks her why is she doing this and she responds that once she forgave Zeus infidelities, she realized that mankind is the only creation that she's proud of. Hercules then believes it, but asks her how is he to know that she won't change her mind, and Hera replies that because of a lesson that she regrets having thought him a long time ago: Parents, should not outlive their children.
Zeus finds Ares unconscious, and asks him what is the matter, Ares answers that Hera is helping Hercules, maybe the reconciliation of their marriage was not sincere enough? Zeus fears that his wife is leading his son to Cronos remains, but tries to dismiss the idea, Ares tells him that his wife is a woman, the worse he can think of, is probably the truth, so Zeus goes to rid the world of Xena and Hercules by himself.
Hera and Hercules get to the tomb, and he tells her that he'll not forgive her for killing his family, but he's grateful to her for siding with humanity at the risk of losing Zeus. She tells him that his husband knows her too well, and will anticipate getting to the tomb, so they must be ready for him.
In the underworld, Ares comes to Xena, saying that he doesn't want to fight her, he wants to protect her and her baby from the other gods, Xena asks why and Ares answers that due a fight he had with Zeus, he's willing to offer his protection. Xena doesn't believe him, why would he protect a child the fates say will destroy him? He counters that the baby will destroy all the gods, he can become mortal and live with her, for he has feelings for her. Xena then dares him to say that he loves her, but he's unable to say it, instead he taunts her saying that he thought that in her condition she might be more gullible, her answer "I'm pregnant, not brain damaged" and then leaves him. When she's gone, he is able to say that he loves her. Xena and Solan arrive to the edge between Tartarus and Elysium, guarded by Hades and the Proxidicae, and Gabrielle joins them, they devise a plan, the bard and the warrior will attack, Solan will put the helmet and run for Elysium, Solan asks Xena to promise him not to forget himand then whispers something in her hear. Then Xena and Gabrielle charge against the purple guys and Solan makes a run for it, Hades sends a fireball at Xena, but she reflects is with her chakram back at him, throwing him senseless. Then she sees Solan in Elysium, promising him to come back soon, then feels the beginning of the labor pains. When they get out of the underworld, they're back again attacked by the Proxidicae.
Hercules breaks into the tomb of Cronos, and pulls out a rib, but Zeus gets there, surprised that his wife is helping his son and throws a lightning bolt at him, but Hercules blocks it with the rib and it absorbs the impact, Zeus claims that it doesn't matter, for the Proxidicae are dealing with Xena at the moment. Hera throws a fireball at her husband, saying that she'll not be responsible for the death of an innocent child, urging Hercules to leave and go to Xena's aid.
Xena can't fight forever, the blue guys are overwhelming her and Gabrielle when Hercules comes in and with the rib they're able to dispatch the blue boys without having them to pass the strength from one to another. When Xena goes into serious labor, Hercules takes the rib and stands guard.
On Cronos grave, Zeus tells Hera that their eternal bliss will have to come to an end but his wife doesn't fight back, saying only that she's proud of what she had done. Zeus kisses her and they begin to spin in a whirlwind. When it stops, only Zeus remains, popping out to where Xena is. When he appears in front of Hercules, he sends a bolt to take the rib from the hand of his son and tries to talk to him into getting out of the way. Hercules refuses but a lightning bolt sends him flying. Hercules picks up a column and throws it at his father, but the king of the gods blasts it. Hercules then tries to punch his way across, but his father just keeps blocking the punches. Zeus finally passes his son and makes a lightning bolt in his hand at the same time the baby begins to cry. Hercules grabs the rib and knocks is father down, stabbing him in the chest. Ares, the Fates and Hades all feel the ending of Zeus' life, the sky clouds and the baby is finally born, a girl. Hercules tells his father that this was not necessary to end this way, but his father tells him that maybe it was fate and he's not disappointed of his son, then he exhales and disappears when Atrophos cuts his divine thread. In the weaving place of the Fates, Ares looks surprised at his hands.
When all is over, Hercules is depressed, Xena says that she's sorry it had to end with his father that way. The half god asks what is the name of the little girl and Xena answers that her name is Eve, a name suggested by Solan when they were in Tartarus. Gabrielle and Hercules leave her a moment alone with the child. Xena tells her baby that now they are together, and they will remain together, forever, with Solan, forever.

[Joxer] Episode 102 - Eternal Bonds - 12/20/99
The gods are trying to destroy Eve, hoping that it will stop the Twilight, they throw a tornado at Xena and Gabrielle, but they take refuge on a cave, where Joxer is waiting to meet the baby. With him are three other persons, who claim that are there to pay their respects to her baby, for she's the beginning of a new era, they present gifts, grain, fruit and oil, but the oil is acid, and the three turn out to be assassins from Apollo, Artemis and Poseidon. After a brief struggle the killers end up dead and only one manages to wound Joxer. Gabrielle accompanies him to wash the wound and Ares appears, he claims that he wants to talk with Xena, but when she sees that the blade of the assassin of Apollo is bloodied, she rushes to her two companions, leaving Ares talking to himself.
On the river, Gabrielle is reprimanding Joxer for bringing the killers to them, maybe he should just stay away. Xena comes to examine the wound and asks Joxer who it was that wounded him, he can't remember, but if it was Apollo's killer, then he's poisoned and will die, Joxer says he feels just fine but Xena tells them that they must go north, to the mandrake tree that is the only antidote for the poison, while she diverts the attention of their pursuers, Gabrielle barks a little at this decision, but agrees to go with Joxer.
In the temple of Artemis, the priestess is using a human hearth for an augury, it reveals that the assassins failed and they must track and destroy personally Xena and her child, using all the resources that they have.
Joxer and Gabrielle take the horses and have a discussion on their relationship, how Gabrielle sometimes acts without thinking just like Joxer does, when she's concerned by her companions. Xena is singing for her baby, when a group of soldiers of Poseidon attack her, she dispatches them and eve gets a drop of blood on her cheek. Ares comes to offer his assistance, he claims that he wants to be with Xena, and is willing to do anything is required to prove himself to her.
The poison is moving on Joxer system, they talk and Gabrielle realizes that when she charges to help Xena she's not different than when Joxer charges to help her, and she's a very angry bitch sometimes, especially toward Joxer.
In the night, Ares comes again to Xena, asking her to forgive him while he's still alive and he kisses her. Then a soldier of Apollo comes to try and kill Eve, Ares and Xena turn at the same time, and while the chakram springs a trap that pulls Eve out of danger, Ares fireball kills the soldier. Xena says that she doesn't understand why is he protecting Eve, when she's going to be the cause of his death, he answers that he'd rather die in her arms, than live without them and kisses her again, passionately and Xena wakes up.
Come morning, and Gabrielle has some problems to wake Joxer up, when they ride they get surrounded by soldiers of Artemis; they manage to talk their way out, but Joxer's health is worsening every minute. Xena is laying a false trail, leading south and remembering the dream she had, with erotic detail. Joxer starts hallucinating and doesn't connect his brain with his mouth, finally he falls from Argo, Gabrielle goes to help him and when she realizes they don't have any water, she goes to a stream to fill up their water bottles and there she sees Poseidon's temple army on the move.
Ares turns the attention of the General of Apollo back north, to come close to Xena, who reaches the mandrake tree first, climbs it to get a better look and sees the army that she diverted closing on her position, she says the word 'Ares' and the god of war pops in. He confides her that what he really wants is to have a baby with her, then she'll protect her and her friends from all the olympians. If she refuses, it might cost the lives of Joxer, Gabrielle, Eve, herself or all of them. Gabrielle finds Joxer, but he's unable to move, he tells her that she must go to the tree and bring the antidote, for she loves him, but not the way that he wants, so she puts one of her scrolls on a light rope and turns it into a kite, which Xena sees and goes their way. Xena arrives about the same time that the armies, and a battle begins, but the armies don't swarm them over and don't use bolts or arrows on them, they engage the warrior princess and the amazon queen one-on-one, while the rest of the army is just cheering.
Then Ares stops everything, and gives Xena the same offer, a child with her in exchange for security for herself and her friends. Xena rejects him again, and the battle continues. She manages to put Eve on a safe place and uses her chakram to split the only arrow thrown in the entire battle, half of it goes to the chest of the general of Apollo and the other half kills the high priest of Poseidon; the chakram also tears the throat of the priestess of Artemis. With their leaders gone, the armies rout and leave, but not before Ares grabs Eve and releases her again, popping out and saying "sweet dreams".

[Gabrielle] Episode 103 - Married With Fishsticks - 12/27/99
Gabrielle envies Xena's maternal instincts when Eve will not stop crying until her mother arrives. Joxer arrives and shows that he would make an even worse parent: his idea of baby food is baby back ribs.
Meanwhile, Aphrodite and Discord quarrel because Aphrodite has made one of Discord's favorite bad guys become a romantic idiot. They fight. One of their fireballs hits Gabrielle when she and Joxer walk along a nearby dock. She falls into the water and begins to dream�
In her dream, Gabrielle is a lovely mermaid, who sports legs on land but a fishtail in the water. She has amnesia, and is shocked to learn that she is married to a man named Hagar, a dead ringer for Joxer. They have three children: Flipper, an adolescent seal with the face of an ape, Urchin, a pre-teen with spiky scales on his head, and Roe, an infant who resembles a crustacean. Gabrielle's mermaid name is Crustacea.
Hagar feeds his wife an elixir that is supposed to help her recover her wits. Yet Aphrodite (posing as Crabella) and Discord (posing as Sturgina) are providing him with the potion to repress her memories, because she is a dead ringer for his real wife who walked out on him. Hagar needs a wife because he is running for President; he needs both the images of a stable domestic life and someone to cook and clean for him.
Crustacea is terrorized by her wild children and confused by her friends Crabella and Sturgina, both of whom want President Hagar for themselves. When eventually she insists that the kids behave and Hagar help with the chores, he develops so much respect for her that he cooks her favorite foods and begins to woo her. However, her two "friends" trick Crustacea into falling into the pool at the club where she has taken Roe for a Swimboree class and an octopus nearly kills her before Crustacea destroys it. At home, Hagar vows his love and the two decide to reaffirm their marriage vows. However, Sturgina and Crabella have replaced the elixir with a potion to help Gabrielle recover her memories, and as the ceremony proceeds, she sees a wicker hanging that reminds her of Xena's chakram.
A series of flashbacks ensue, in which Gabrielle remembers fighting at Xena's side and hearing the warrior princess call her name. She stops the wedding, to the relief of an increasingly guilty Hagar who has been trying to tell her that she is not really his wife Crustacea. Crabella and Sturgina offer themselves as potential mates for Hagar, but he takes Gabrielle's advice to try to reconcile with the real Crustacea. Gabrielle bids farewell to the children and reaches for Hagar, then wakes in the real world to discover Joxer giving her mouth to mouth resuscitation. She kisses him, then comes to her senses, and punches him out.
After Aphrodite reveals that Gabrielle was unconscious for a full minute, Xena asks her friend whether there is anything she wants to tell her. Then Eve cries, and Gabrielle asks to hold the baby. Eve settles happily in Gabrielle's arms and Xena's skepticism vanishes as the two women walk off with Joxer following.

[Xena] Episode 104 - Amphipolis Under Siege - 01/03/00
Athena wages war on Xena's hometown, Amphipolis, in an effort to kill Eve.

[Xena/Gabrielle] Episode 105 - Lifeblood - 01/10/00
Xena and Gabrielle must prevent unnecessary bloodshed in a vengeful war.

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