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Xena in Hercules Episodes

From Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
(Before Season 1)

[Warrior Princess] Hercules Epidose #9: The Warrior Princess - 3/13/95
Xena sets out to kill because that's the only way she will ever be able to secure complete control of the region of Arcadian. With the help of her faithful love-struck lieutenants, Xena plans the mighty Hercules' downfall. She poses as a maiden in distress to lure away Iolaus. Enchanting him with sex and lies and preying on his loneliness, she uses him as bait for Hercules.
When Hercules learns Xena's identity, he goes to rescue Iolaus, falling into her trap. Blinded by Xena's guile, Iolaus turns on his friend and wears him down in an emotional confrontation. Finally, Iolaus realizes the truth and again, joins Hercules to fight against Xena and her army. However, when Iolaus is wounded, Hercules goes to his rescue rather than pursuing Xena for a fight to the finish. She vows to return and wreak her revenge on Hercules and Iolaus.

[Gauntlet] Hercules Epidose #12: The Gauntlet - 5/1/95
Hercules learns that Xena is raiding villages throughout the land. Hercules and his cousin Iloran follow the bloody path of destruction, which is headed towards Parthis, the town where Iloran's mother lives.
Meanwhile, Xena's command is challenged by her cruel and ruthless lieutenant Darphus, who goes against her instructions and code, killing even women and children. When Xena stops the slaying of an infant, Darphus denounces her act of compassion as weak. He forces her to endure the deadly warrior ritual known as the Gauntlet, a series of trials in which she is first punished by the fists and feet of her former soldiers, then by their staffs and clubs, their knives and short swords, and finally, their spears and long swords. Xena survives by her formidable skills and staggers alone into the wilderness.
Hercules and Iloran are joined by Salmoneus, who explains that although Xena is dangerous, she is much less brutal than Darphus, who now controls her army. Suddenly, Xena steps out from the brush in full battle garb and challenges Hercules to a duel. Both warriors put on an astounding display of swordsmanship, but it is Hercules who ultimately triumphs. Xena is shocked when he spares her life and invites her to join him to fight Darphus. Pride keeps her from accepting and she storms off into the forest. Hercules and friends rush to Parthis but Hercules has difficulty protecting the entire village by himself. Just when all hope appears lost Xena storms in from the woods and fights side-by-side with Hercules. Together they defeat Darphus.

[Ares] Hercules Epidose #13: The Unchained Heart - 5/8/95
Hercules and Xena pursue her former lieutenant Darphus, who has risen from the dead to carry out Ares' evil plan to rule the world. Xena, Hercules and Salmoneus set off to face Darphus. Along the way they meet up with Iolaus, who cannot believe that Hercules is giving Xena a chance. After a number of hair raising adventures, and a romantic interlude for Xena and Hercules they arrive at Darphus' camp and must defeat him and the monster. Xena then tells Hercules she must go on her own to try and put right the things she has done wrong.

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