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talking love dolls and androids

A Java Audio Player for your Robot, Android or Love Doll

I wrote this simple program as a demonstration of an idea in the Doll Forum. It is written in the Java Programming Language. When the mouse is clicked on the green square, the program plays an audio clip at random from a list provided by the user. If a list is not provided a default list is used. Audio clips can be stored with the list and Java .class files in a single .jar file for convenience. You can download the .jar file by clicking on this link. Place the .jar file on your desktop or in a directory. If you have the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed, you should be able to run the .jar by clicking on it. It will run the default .wav clips that are in the .jar. If you want to run your own files simply make a list of the .wav files you want to run using a text processor. One file per line and save as a text file. Let's say you've saved the list of files in a file called "dollwaves.txt". To run your files open the MS-DOS window and use the command line:

java -jar DollAudioPlayer.jar dollwaves.txt

It's that simple. The DollAudioPlayer.jar, your .wav clips and the file list should all be in one directory. You can create and edit audio clips on your computer using simple programs. Download this freeware audio editing program called Soliton II by clicking here.

You can download a .zip file of the source code here. The code is commented and is in two parts and The code is easy to modify so that it can work with your doll. Use simple switches (microswitches, momentary contact) in your doll or android to activate the program through the mouse, serial or parallel port.

If you're working on a doll and you would like it to have the illusion of speaking see the motor mouth talking head (aka Fred the Head) a simple way of making the jaw move in synchronization with an audio signal.

Below is the Doll Audio Player running as an applet. Give it a try. Just click inside the green area to hear audio clips played at random. The clips are ones that I collected at random from various archives on the Internet and vary greatly in quality.

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