
Warning: This site has stories that have sex, violence, and maybe things that can "squick" you out. If you're not wanting to read any of this, please leave now. You must be at least 18 years old to read these stories. Or just fake being so. Heh.


Title: Winter's Knight 1|2 by Cinoflex (NC-17 Het)
Pairing: Max/Bruce (Batman Beyond)

Title: For One Night Only by Bat Chick (NC-17 Het)
Pairing: Bruce and Mary McGinnis (Batman Beyond)
Summary:�Mary goes to Bruce to talk and ends up staying the night

In Between:

New! 010/13/2002
Title: Vicarious
Author: Sydni 6.4
Fandom: B:TAS, TNAoBaS
Pairings: Bruce/Barbara, Dick/Barbara (but it's slash; you'll see)
Rating: R (heterosexual sex, adult language, angst)
Continuity: Contemporaneous somehow with the expanse of time covered by "Old Wounds."


New! 3/1/2003
Title:Resolution by Prodigette (G)
Pairings: Terry/Bruce. (Batman Beyond)
Summary: A fresh new start

New! 010/13/2002
Title:From Above by Prodigette (PG-13)
Pairings: Terry/Charlie, Terry/Bruce. (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Terry looks at what's around him

New! 010/13/2002

Title:Gotham's Babylon by Prodigette (R)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Terry lets go
Note: Spot the show reference?

New! 010/13/2002

Title:Euphrates Draining byDragonLady (PG-13)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce
Timeline: Post-ROTJ
Summary: There are always consequences.
Disclaimer: I don't own Terry or Bruce, WB and DC do. I don't own "Babylon" either. This is a sequel to Prodigette's "Gotham's Babylon."
Note: Spot the historical reference?

Title:Delicious Battle by Prodigette (NC-17)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Bruce isn't in charge all the time.

New! 010/13/2002
Title:Birthday Pleasures by Lady Fighter (NC-17)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Terry designates to take Bruce's birthday into his own hands. As well as turn the tables on his mentor.
Note: Has crossdressing in it

New! 010/10/2002

Title:A Permanent Mark by Prodigette (R Slash)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Terry. Cold. Naked. Hurt.

Title:Forcible Acquistion by DragonLady (NC-17 Rape)
Pairing: Derek Powers/Bruce Wayne, after a fashion (Batman Beyond)
Timeline: A month after Bruce "retired" from being Batman
Summary: Derek gets what he wants.

Title:Ten Paces byProdigette (PG)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Bruce teaches Terry something

Title:Bound by Prodigette (R, almost PWP)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Terry's a little occupied

Title:Maternal Instincts by Prodigette (PG)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce flavored (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Mary senses something.

Title:As Usual (apart of "Maternal Insticts" by Prodigette (PG)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce flavored (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Mary wonders what she did wrong.

Title:Losing (apart of "Maternal Insticts") by Prodigette (R)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce flavored (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Mary confronts her son.

Title:It's Homework by Prodigette (R)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond))
Summary: Terry has a little question

Title: On The Wall by Prodigette (PG, Voyeurism)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: There's more to see.

Title: Resisting
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 by Lady Wayne (NC-17)
Pairings: Terry/Bruce, Terry/Others (B.B)

Title: Word Paintings by Lynne and Lurker (G to NC-17)
Pairings: Terry/Bruce, Terry/Other (B.B)
Summary: Word paintings. Not fanfics, but they're verbal sketchings of what is going on.

Title: Realizing Love by Bat Chick (NC-17)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Terry and Bruce get hot and heavy.

Title: Things They Won't Teach You In Gotham Police Academy by Sydni 6.4 (PG-13)
Pairing: Bruce/Anonymous T- gangster (Batman Beyond)
Warning: allusions to sexual violence, adult language
Notes: I'm just curious about what happened after Max left that room!

Title: Sessions Of Nature by Prodigette (PG)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Rain.
Note: Inspired by "Storm" by [email protected]

Title: Certain Aspects by Prodigette (PG)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Spoilers: A week after "Out Of The Past"
Summary: Things get better after all what happenned.

Title: Sometimes by DarkLady (R)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)

Title: Rush
Rush: Tension
Rush: Pensive
Rush: Solitude
Rush: Confide
Rush: Conversation by Prodigette (NC-17)
Category: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Sometimes, being hurried is a good thing.

Title: Steps To Healing by Prodigette (PG-13)
Pairing: Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Summary: None really. Heh. It follows "Rush".

Title:Studied by Prodigette (PG-13)
Category: Dick/? (Nightwing/Batman comics)
Summary: Sanity is overrated. Insanity is contageous.

Title: Nothing Ever Changes by Brancher (NC-17)
Pairing: Batman/Commissioner Gordon (Bat comics)
Summary: PWP. A moment within a long and complex friendship. Takes place in modified comics continuity, around the events of "The Killing Joke" and "A Death in the Family." The "child" referred to is Jason Todd.

Title: Things Unsaid 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | by Random, Prodigette, & Jatona, Syd 6.4 (PG-13 UST slash)
Pairing:�Terry/Bruce (Batman Beyond)
Spoiler/Episode: After "Out Of The Past"
Summary: Things just get stranger...

Title: Buns of Steel by J.D. (PG)
Fandom:� Batman and Superman
Pairing:� Clark/Bruce (Superman/Batman)
Summary:� A sillyfic about how scattery Bruce's thought get in the after-glow

Title: In The Pale Moonlight 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 by Sydni 6.4
Pairings: m/m, m/f (Batman/Robin, Batman/Joker, Joker/Barbara)
Universe: Combo of B:TAS,"Batman" & "Batman Returns"
Rating: NC-17. Explicit homosexual sex,Murder, hetereosexual and homosexual rape, bondage,etc.
Summary: The Masked Avenger brings the Joker to his knees

Title:Anytime (PG-13 Slash)
Author: Prodigette
Pairing: Bruce/Dick (Any Bat series)
Summary: Bruce thinks about Dick and their lives

Title: Red Number Five by Sydni_6.4
Fandom: Batman (Universe: tv cartoons)
Pairing: m/m (Bruce/Tim)
Rating: PG-13 (allusions to underage eroticism, very mild angst)

Title:Hindsight by Prodigette (PG-13 Slash)
Pairing: Bruce/Terry (Batman Beyond)
Summary: Terry things about everything. Including Bruce

Title:Delegation by Prodigette (R)
Pairing: Bruce/Male character (Batman Beyond)
Spoiler/Episode: During "Out Of The Past"
Summary: Some things just never lay down...

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