Blackeagle's Wizard's Den: Gaming

General Gaming
Computer Games (reload current)

I'm in my 40s. I play traditional games.
I also play computer games, particularly those which allow me to use the computer as a substitute opponent or moderator for games that I first learned in more traditional forms.

I also play the occasional arcade or combat flight simulator types of computer game, even though my reflexes and enjoyment lend themselves more to strategic or turn-based game-play.

I didn't generally like Doom, Quake or similar "shooter" games in general, with the curious exception of the arcade version of Area 51 -- which I came across nearly a year before I found this GeoCities neighborhood and "homesteaded".

Since I first composed this particular page, I found at least two "shooters" that have been a step or two above the rest: Unreal and Doom III.

And what would a Computer Games webpage be without a list of favorites (with links where I have found them)?

Kihe's Favorite Computer Games

  • The Operational Art of War (simulate any 20th century conflict, at the company or larger scale...)
  • Civilization II
  • SSI's "Gold Box" AD&D series (can't match live DM, but always there)
  • "original" NeverWinterNights (on AOL: specialized subset of the "Gold Box")
    (See Notes)
  • Baldur's Gate (with Tales of the Sword Coast) {Although well-advanced from the original SSI "Gold Box" games, the primary reservation I have here is the lack of being able to use a "live" gamemaster/DM; hasn't kept me from investing a few hundred hours of enjoyable playing time}
  • Wing Commander (series)
  • The Bard's Tale
  • Wizardry
  • Neverwinter Nights {not particularly related to the SSI "Gold Box" version once hosted by AOL, the remake claims to allow players to use a "live" gamemaster/DM; while limited to dial-up speeds, I haven't been able to explore the interactive, DM-led versions -- which once again hasn't kept me from investing a few hundred hours of very enjoyable playing time}

Cautionary Note(s)
I would urge everyone considering the purchase of a computer game to "try before you buy", and to avoid reliance upon the manufacturer's claims as to computer system or operating system compatibility.
Further, not all games are suitable for all game-playing personalities. Example: I thoroughly enjoyed my first foray into Myst. It is not, however, a game that I choose to add to my own library or recommend to others who have not played it previously.

LAMENTATION & WARNING: Become not too attached to any on-line game, from any provider. Consider the abominable way in which AOL shut down one of their most popular games back in the '90s,

    Neverwinter Nights
(at least until they formally apologize and return NWN to active playable status, preferably with the eternally-promised and never delivered upgrades included...)

NeverWinter Update
A new computer game based upon the NeverWinter area of the Forgotten Realms is on the market now. It even leaves AOL out of the loop. Thank you, WotC! {and see above...}

Related Notes:
I've no doubt missed items on this first pass. Expect updates to this page from time to time.

Comments, complaints, and brickbats should be directed to the perpetrator.

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Quotations & Thoughts


Computer games rot your mind.

Yeah, right, dad.

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The Wizard's Den, Page gaming04
copyright 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006 Mike C. Baker.

Last Updated: 06 AUG 2006

All rights reserved except as specifically noted throughout.

Kihe Blackeagle: [email protected]
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