
The Kargat:This is the headquarters of Azalin's dreaded police force. They have a vast amount of information conserning our lands at their disposal but be wary of your dealings with them.

Secrets of the Kargantane: This secret society is connected to the dreaded Azalin. From what I have gathered, these foul beings serve the Kargat, Azalin's secret police force. Even though these beings serve that foul Azalin and his police, they are quite useful for information.

Alanik Ray's Ravenloft Library:This library is filled with more books on these dreaded lands than our own base. Ravenloft's greatest detective has done well to amass such a collection of information and knowledge. If one does battle with the evil around him/her, then one need look no further than this library.

Richten's Laboratory:This is the secret laboratory of Ravenloft's finest supernatural researcher. One would do well to go here to find information that may not be available from some of the larger libraries.

Mordent Cartographic Society:This is the location of the greatest mapmakers in the demiplane. If it is a map you need, then that is what you will find. The maps are very detailed and show the locations of many unknown locales, even in your home domain. Please check out this shop.

Dark Covenant: This man speaks of a Ravenloft I have never known, one that is different from the one I live in. I have heard such things before though, people proffesing of events that haven't happened yet or in a time frame that doesn't fit our own. Maybe these people are from different "versions" of our land. How they got here to tell us this information is undisclosed. However, if the mists can drag a being in from another world, then surely they can bring them in from different "Ravenloft's".

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