My Campaign

My campaign is set in the year 750 by the Barovian Calender. Boris Gustaffe is a npc of mine that has travelled for years in the different domains of the core with numerous different adventures in pursuit of evil. I made up this character from Domains of Dread book, one of the best Ravenloft source books produced to this day.

Boris was born in Mordentshire, my personal favorite domain of the core because of the "uninvolvement" upon the common people by Lord Wilfred Godfrey and the English countryside feel that it confers. The players in my campaign have been complaining since hitting the road out of Mordent to track down evil that they want to go back "home" to their base in Mordent. I guess I spread my love for the domain to them as well.

In Mordent, The Nightstalkers live in a mansion outside of the town common in the richer more sparcely populated section. I have no map to work from yet of Mordent but in my version of the town of Mordentshire the town is set in a kind of circle around the docks. The richer part of my Mordentshire is in the outer ring of town and has houses spread far enough apart in some places that the light of the others can barely be seen from any given home.

The home that The Nightstalkers reside in is a house of some repute in town. It has long been whispered that that house attracts trouble and evil. The bard that originally owned it was the first to experience its curse. A dark, robed man appeared upon his front stoop one day and the bard let him in. The people in town, especially the richer folk, saw a change in the bard and feared evil magic was at work. Eventually there was no sign of either man and one rich, elderly gentlemen spread word around town of hearing a struggle amonst the two men and then screams. That was enough for the townsfolk, they made it up in their mind to never go around that mansion again, not unless need dictated so.

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