Danny's Home Page!!
A fascinating and unique page, perhaps one of the greatest pages on the Internet today... Astounding, Amazing...

(or at least it will be, when finished)

Designer Notes

This page, while apparently under construction, is actually done. It is simply in a never--ending state of change as a metaphor for man's inhumanity to man, all the sins of the present day, and because ... well... I have no life. Please feel free to check back here early and often, for new and surprising updates. For your information, this site was last updated today, April 28th, 1997, at 10:40 PM. May 9th, 1997 at 6:25 PM.
NEW!(5/15/97) Get Interactive! The footer now has a guestbook!
And coming SOON!Get Sleuthing! Try The Semmel Manor Mystery!Starting 6/1/97 (tentatively)

Don't forget to check out the amazing link to the Old Bernie Puzzle Page, and the link to the Lenny's home page. New links include the JOE page, and a link to the Roder family.

An offer of help

If you would like help in designing your own web page, feel free to contact me. In an effort to improve this page, I have recently spent several hundred dollars on books and CDs on HTML, SNEW, and HTML3.2, so while this page may look like it took only 5 minutes to do, it has tremendous potential. In fact, it can Only get better. So,if you have a question, feel free to send it my way and I'll "Look it up" for you. Offer void where prohibited. NEW-> Alternatively, you might actual want to come watch me build "This Old Page" for the Semmels.

Why this page is here

The reason I set this page up in Area 51 is that I have always enjoyed fantasy and science fiction. Be it movies like Star Wars, TV shows like Sliders and the X-Files, or books like Conan and the Eye of the World series, I enjoy it all. I also enjoy games of all sort: board games, RPG games, and play-by-mail (PBM) games, such as Riftlords, Adventurer Kings, or Midgard. In fact, a guilty pleasure of mine is the new TV show "Sinbad," which is very funny.

. . .Speaking of games. . . (Added 5/9/97)

While surfing the net yesterday, I was startled to discover my own words staring back at me... from the Flying Buffalo home page.
Flying Buffalo is the company that produces RiftLords, one of the above-mentioned games that I play, and they actually published a fan letter of mine on the web. I truly enjoy this game... and am currently ranked 8th out of 100 or so players. If you'd like to learn more about this game, go to Flying Buffalo.
NEW (5/24/97) -> I am starting my own fully-illustrated Riftlords page! If you ever wanted to see an HTML table, check it out. . .

About the author

If you are interested in some vital statistics concerning me, then you'd enjoy surfing over to Danny's Room.

Links to other sites on the Web

Perhaps the world's foremost fascinating Web Page devoted to Bernard B. Semmel and sons.
Enjoy the New Age Philosophy and Metaphysical Musings of the Caliban of Coconut Creek, the Boss of Broward, the Enchanter of Enclave himself, brother Joe Semmel

The Roder family.

Guest room

This page brought to you by the letters D, N, and the number 2.
The New Semmels. We can Only get better.
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If you would like to tell me what you think of this marvelous page,
or simply want to say "Hi!," then feel free to drop me a line at:

� 1997 [email protected]

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