Dead souls dance in my eyes

Dance of the Dead

Dead souls dance around love's funeral pyre
Decaying hope's ashes spiral higher and higher
Night thickens like a noose around your throat
Demons dismember dreams havesting thier gloat
Vultures gorge on the carrion of past loves
Darkness reigns the now bloodied skies above
Skeletons mate in a parody of sterile gestation
Death watches salivating in frenzied anticpation

Ghostly figures play in the silent foothills
Lamenting past lives as from eyes tears spill
Raining milky poison on the sleeping innocents
Stealing souls from unchristened bassinets
Corpses gather gleefully exchanging rotting limbs
Wraiths dance in cricles while blashphemy sings
Watchers from the shadows creep into the firelight
All the devil's children home to spawn tonight




�1999 by Hilary McPhee. may not be reproduced without written permission of the author

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