Vampire Kiss

Your tongue burns my cool skin like molten flame,
As you pierce my soul I silently scream your name,
I kiss your lips and taste your bloodied soul,
Feel the blood engorge us and make our love whole,
You come to me silently on wings of blackest night,
Consuming my heart with your dark lover's bite.
Joyously my blood gushes forth and splashes your face,
As my fevered body you now so passionately embrace,
My soul sings your black desires in endless refrain,
My dark angel lover you make pleasure such sweet pain.

Dark Lover

He awaits her with arms outstretched,
Wanting to gather her to him and never let go.
He has tasted her sweet blood and is doomed to this life,
Desire for her burns brightly in his bloodied soul.
She comes to him he knows not when,
Time has no meaning unless she is with him
Then it passes too swiftly leaving him alone,
Waiting for her return to bring him life again.
Such dark passion she arouses in his heart,
He lives for each moment,yearns longingly for her touch.
To walk beside her eternally is his black desire,
To be consumed by her love, his passion burns brighter!
Suddenly she is there and his heart leaps to her mouth,
Drowning in her bloodlust, such sweet pain unimaginable.
Becomming whole with her in his arms yet once again,
To live briefly but so thrillingly with her,he is content.

More Vampire Poetry

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Auralite.....� 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.
Return to The Abyss

� 1998 [email protected]

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