Blood on My Shoes

Black rain beats down drowning out the unending pain
Crazy memories of you repeating in an endless refrain
Blood on my shoes,
No time to lose.
Now I must chose.
Win or forever lose
Oh God, blood on my shoes

Pieces of us like a jigsaw all broken and discarded
Sweet chills in my soul,visions of you now departed
Blood on my shoes
Tell me please whose
Fearing the evening news
Got no time to lose
Running, blood on my shoes

Acid tears eat my soul,heart torn with restless agony of you
Shrouded from my mind's view,what has this tainted love led me to?
Blood on my shoes
Silence takes it's cues
Dreams born to confuse
Bring on Death's muse
No escaping, blood on my shoes

Empty corridors,caught in a slipstream, terror in everyface I see
Beseeching eyes,your face haunts my dreams,claws my soul hungrily
Blood on my shoes
God, help me loose,
the Hangman's noose
Devil's gonna chose
Too much blood on my shoes!



�1999 by Hilary McPhee. may not be reproduced without written permission of the author

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