
A nifty collection of awards I've won. The rings section that used to be here has grown so large, that it has moved out. Also, a few of these links don't go anywhere. The sites I got them from seem to have vanished.

Two more Mysteria contest awards for my collection.

And yet another Mysteria award. Definitely a collection.

Another Mysteria contest. I think I'm starting a collection here!

I actually managed to solve a puzzle at the Mysteria contest, wow!

Many thanks to DragginMamma for this nifty animated award!

I got another award from Lizard Heaven. *grin* Guess they have good taste over there!

Ack! I got turned into a hamburger at the site fights, and I'm not even in the site fights! Fortunately I was rescued, but for a while there I was afraid I was going to be eaten!

This one is from my cousin, Brook. If you like Mossflower (or, for those of you who don't know about it, if you like animals) go take a look at her page.

My good friend from the message boards, Myrror, gave this to me.

Many many thanks to Stephanie (and no, I'm not thanking myself, we happen to share a name :-) for these absoloutely gorgeous awards.

Many thanks to RainbowFrog for giving me her nifty award!
Due to all kinds of thechnical troubles, I got this up on February 7, 1998.

The Dragon's Choice Award
This Award is from a fellow purple dragon, The Amethyst Dragon. I think he has great taste, don't you?

This handsome fellow was earned on January 11, 1998.

These were given to me by SweetMemory on January 11, 1998. As it turns out, I was the first one to visit her site.
I'm very priveledged to have been there.

I got this one on January 14, 1998. Along with it came some useful tips. Thanks for the advice, Diane.

I found Dragon Isle on 12/4/97.

This is for my cyber pets page. Visit my pets.

This is not an award as such, but I've put it here mainly for lack of a better place. It's a valentine I got from SweetMemories. Go ahead and click on it to go to her page and find one of your own.

I found the star at Forest Star on February 11. And boy was it a hard thing to find! While I was at it, I found a few errors, and the folks at Forest Star gave me this to say thanks.

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