in association with Amazon Books

Welcome to my store. Here I'll reccomend to you a few of my favorite books (I can't reccomend all my favorite books, I like too many!) and link you to, where you can purchase them from the world's biggest bookstore. And now I've got three authors up, not bad progress, huh?

As I get this store up and running, I'll be adding more books, both by author and by subject. I'm almost finished adding cover pictures, though the reviews and summaries take a little longer, of course. If you'd like to speed it up (or even if you couldn't care less, but are a nice person) help me by sending in your own reviews. And if you have a book that you're just dying to review, but I don't feature, send that in too. If I've read it (and if it's fantasy or Sci-Fi, odds are I have.) I'll put it up here too.


ball David and Leigh Eddings ball

ball Alan Dean Foster ball

ball Terry Pratchett ball

Ordering is very simple. Just click on the link that reads "order" and, when the link takes you to the Amazon store, click on the link that says "add to shopping cart" then fill out Amazon's order form and they'll put the book in the mail.

Due to the way Amazon works, I only get full credit for books that you order directly from my site. Since I can't possibly feature all the books you might want to order, I've come up with a nifty way for you to order through me. Go ahead and browse at Amazon's site, (there's a link to them at the bottom of the page) then, when you've found the book you want, look at the URL. it will look something like this:

Highlight the number after the letters ISBN or ASIN. (the part that's in red.)Go to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose copy. Then, come back here and paste it into the box below. Hit the submit button, (do NOT press your "enter" key on the keyboard, this will just get you an error message.) and it will take you to the correct Amazon page. After that, you follow the same steps you would ordering a featured book.

Enter ISBN Number:


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