Alan Dean Foster

Alan Dean Foster has long been one of my favorite authors. He is also very prolific, so I've only featured those of his books still in print that I've enjoyed most. Trying to feature them all would be a huge project. (Also, my numberings of the Flinx and Pip series are in the order of events, not in the order that the books were written.) If you have any questions about anything here, feel free to mail me at [email protected]

Picture Title Summary Review Price Ordering
a blue book For Love of Mother Not
Flinx and Pip #1
not available not available $4.79 Order
a purple book The Tar Aiym Krang
Flinx and Pip #2
not available not available $4.79 Order
green book Orphan Star
Flinx and Pip #3
not available not available $4.79 Order
green book Bloodhype
Flinx and Pip #4
not available not available $4.79 Order
blue book The End of the Matter
Flinx and Pip #5
not available not available $5.59 Order
cover picture Flinx in Flux
Flinx and Pip #6
not available not available $5.59 Order
a cover picture Mid-Flinx
Flinx and Pip #7
not available not available $4.79 Order
purple book Cachalot
A commonwealth book
not available not available $22.00 hardcover Order
cover picture The Howling Stones not available not available $15.75 / $5.59 Order hardcover
Order paperback
cover picture Midworld
A commonwealth book
not available not available $4.79 Order
blue book Nor Crystal Tears
A commonwealth book
not available not available $20.00 hardcover Order
a brown book Call to Arms
The Dammned #1
not available not available $4.79 Order
cover picture (is this starting to look familliar?) The False Mirror
The Damned #2
not available not available $4.79 Order
a cover picture, again. The Spoils of WAr
the Damned #3
not available not available $4.79 Order
wow, a cover picture Design for Great Day not available not available $4.79 Order
blue book The Dig not available not available $5.20 Order
You won't believe this, but it's a cover picture! Dinotopia Lost not available not available $9.60 hardcover Order
ho hum...  cover picture Mad Amos not available not available $4.79 Order
I really have too much fun. Slipt not available not available $4.79 Order

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