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Here are some pictures of my happy little family. In my happy little family there is, of course, me, my mom, my dad, my older brother Nick, and my little brother (people yell at me for calling him my little brother, when he's even bigger than my big brother...) Mike.

One of our many self portraits My brother realised that on my dad's camera there is a way to set it to take pictures..this is one of the best ones:) brendan, and cousin sarah

baby brendan and brother nick I don't know if you can see, but here, brother Nick is playing with baby Brendan. They are playing with bubbles. Apparently this is gonna screw 10 month old Brendan up, cuz at this stage of his life he is supossed to be learning all about time space realities...ideas such as "things can't always go through things", and such. By experimenting with the bubbles, he'll eventually develop the fear that maybe if he touches Mommy or Daddy, they will burst too. Oops.

Dad and Barrie.. My Dad has three brothers, Barrie, Wendall, and Kevin. And one poor sister, Allison. Anyways, for one reason or another, Dad and Barrie both showed up wearing all black...weird...

Trip to Cape Breton

Y2K as some people call it was a pretty good year in the life of Steph. I got to travel all over the place, and met tons of new people. Traditionally, my family has some family bonding time just before school goes in- the last few days of August and first few of September. This year we went to Cape Breton. This island of Nova Scotia, is where my Dad was born and all sorts of family is well as this giant national park called "The Cabot Trail". I had "done the trail" as us schonners call it, when I was a wee little thing, but I couldn't remember it. Whoa. It's gorgeous.

An exciting Bog, in Cape Breton.. The goverment pays for this don'tcha know?

A pretty Valley off the Cabot Trail

Who said NS wasn't pretty?

A nice jump..

Exciting, eh? It's artistic photography or something...

Where Cabot discovered the whole entire contenent of AMERICA

Wonder what it looked like when he was here...

The Great School Swicharoo

I spent my summer in Rivi�re du Loup. It was awesome, and I was so sad :( when I was on the train ride home. But once we pulled in to Halifax, I began to get a little anxious to be home. You know, the comforts of my own bed, etc. So I have this joyous reunion with my family in the train station, and then I get in the car to go home. I turn on the radio, tuning in to C100 FM, today's light rock hits, and a song is just fading out. Then comes on NEWSFLASH: Halifax West High School has been shut down for the upcomming school year . I nearly cried. My school. Shut down. Well that kinda sucks. So, like everyone else, we were wondering where we would go. There was a big meeting, one of the most pathetic displays of maturity I have ever seen on the parents and students behalves. It was eventually decided, after WAY too much fuss, that we were going to split shift with JL Ilsley High School. They go from 07:30 until 12:05 and we arrive in our 18 yellow school buses from 12:45 until 17:15...Now that everything has settled out it's great. Just great. Actually, I love sleeping in every morning, so I can't complain. The only cruddy thing is that they don't know what's gonna happen to the West next year...but OH WELL. I'm graduating :)

Halifax West My old school...shut down because of health and safety problems. So what if the roof fell in if it snowed too much....

Birdland Express My new transportation. Unfortuantly these busses are made for 60 elementry 60 high school kids is a tight squeeze...

JL Ilsley Is it a conicidence that when you say JL, is sounds like Jail? I think not...

My Psycho Friends

my friends taking over a restaurant.. Sean, Kirsten, and le vengeur masqu�..

Will East Side's ever let us back? Matt, Sharon, and Matt...

ALL FROM L TO R (left to right for those amongst us a little slow....)

Matt, Sean(in back), Monica, Matt (striking a pose)

Grr...tigre... Roberto...just acting normal...

Harassing Metro Transit Mon, Matt, Sharon..

EVERYONE ahhh! Kirsten, Kate, Rob, Matt LT, Will, Matt Dyer, Sean, Sharon, Matt Deveau...

The ONLY street in hali...

Kate and Rob

Monica and Shaun

My Rivi�re du Loup

La f�te du Canada 2000: 100 �trangers viennent � Rivi�re du Loup. Ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils attendent. En cinq semaines, ils auront faire des amis pour la vie, et peut-�tre apprendre un peu de fran�ais!

Qui ne sait pas?! Rivi�re du Loup, le deuxi�me plus beau coucher du soleil du monder...apr�s SEULMENT Hawii!

Nous allons voir les beau cotes de rivi�re du loup, notre nouvelle ville pour cinq semaines � c�t� du fleuve st. laurent

Les gentiles familles que nous aurons.

Nous aurons les fr�res et soeurs anglophones tout a fait normals...

Les profs plus normales...

Et les classes SUPERS!

avec les id�es geniales!

et les beaux v�tements.



la mur.

qu�bec (la chambre d'amour)

les pilones sauvages


le kojak




Le point

J'ai grimp� ce montagne


Rivi�re du Loup en Blues...

La soir�e des adieux..sniffsniff

Moi et Allison

Prom and Graduation

Steph, the sexy graduate

Sean (the guy in a dress), Kirsten, Me, and Peter

Katie, Peter, and I

Katie's Visit to Halifax

Me and Katie

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