Defensive Systems

These special systems are rarely if ever seen in Power Armor types outside of those used by Desert Star, for reasons simply being either cost efficiency, or lack of technology, but more often than not it's the almightly credit that determines whether or not a unit has one or more of these systems.

EMP Sponge: This is an obsolete form of defence versus Electro Magnetic Pulses. In effect what is does is utilizes a super sensitive system that is designed to absorb one Pulse effectively burning out the sponge, and must then be replaced, or the system is once again vulnerable to EMP. Note to EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse is now the greatest threat in the world against high tech electrical systems as it will burn it out quickly unless the circuits are hardened. However in the time of RIFTS since the issue is not addressed it must be taken for granted that the high tech military equipment of ALL Rifts organizations already utilize EMP defences, as an automatic system, to prevent the disablement or destruction of their equipment via EMP.
EMP Capacitator: The most common safety feature on powered armor and military vehicles, as it prevents any damage internally from EMP, as it absorbs and distributes the pulse harmlessly.
Smoke Cannister: Another fairly common system on Military vehicles (esspecially CS vehicles), is a simple smoke dispenser that releases dense clouds of colored smoke capable of blocking even Infra red vision! It also takes any and all bonuses granted from the guided weapons (Mini Missles, Shorts, Meds, and Long Range are all included!). It also works well at preventing Thermographs from seeing anything within the cloud either!
Stardust Cannister: This is another defence that is rarely found outside of Desert Star, as it was appearantly discovered shortly before the Catacalysm, that fine glass dust, can and usually does disperse all light based attacks directed at the unit. To use the Stardust Cannister, the pilot may instead of dodging, select to parry the Laser attack, with only a -2, and then the Stardust remains around the unit for 1D6 rounds of combat, (GMs change this if weather is a bit more violent, at which time it only remains for the one round.) Another use of the Stardust cannister is to negate the usefulness of laser guidance, but this can only be done with the use of a laser detector in addition to the Stardust Cannister. (90% chance of rendering any and all light based attacks impotent.)
Ribbon Cannister: This is a ground based chaff dispenser, designed to negate the usefulness of small missles using Radar Guidance, yet it is also a marginal deturant to laser guided missles as well (aka smart weapons). Asside from this the Ribbon cannister is also used in conjunction with the Microwave Detector to prevent vehicle mounted radar from picking up an exact fix on the Unit. (All Non Smart Missles strike at -8, while smart weapons strike at a -5.) There is a 70% chance when used in conjunction with the Microwave Detector, that the Ribbon C. will spoof the radar with the following effect;
01-25%- Totally Spoofed System will glitch and require shut down of the sensor system and reboot.
25-50%- Adversaries radar will be spoofed into believing there are 1D4x100 targets!
51-70%- Radar simply does not pick up the unit.
71-00%- Radar Detects the unit as plain as day, and have an exact fix on the suits location, altitude, and whether or not the weapon systems are activated.
Flash Cannister: Another system designed to block out any thermal guided missles (ie sidewinders, ect.), but since these are fairly rare in the RIFTS world, it is more commonly used to blind Thermal and IR sensors in night ops to give the units side a better chance versus larger more heavily armed forces. It will effect such sensors for 1D6 mellee rounds, rendering them completely useless, forcing the oposition to utilize such sensors as passive nightvision or starlight, which is by no means as effective as thermals or IRs.
Electronic Counter Measures: The Age old ECM, once again brought to life. This system is not dissimilar to the Wild Weasle Samas system in the World Book 14: New West. However this is only the jamming system, the system that permits the unit to block radio transmitions 65% of the time, and block incoming missles guidance, at effectively a -7 to strike. This system has a range equivalent of a 100 mile radius. Note: Unlike Bandito Arms, Desert Star will stop at no end to prevent the CS from aquiring this technology, so therefore never sells this option to those outside of the alliance (ie Wa-Daisho, Kyatashiro, Desert Star, ect.). The Black Market has also been informed by Ace Ripley that if a single S-Mart ECM device finds it's way to a buyer via the Black Market, Ace will break off ties between himself and the Black Market, a risk they are not willing to take under any conditions!!
Electronic Counter Counter Measures: This system is specifically designed to fight against ECM, reguardless of whether it's air based, ground based, or sea based. It has a 60% chance to burn through ECM, effectively making this unit a communications platform, in a ECM environment. Desert Star currently is working on a suit specifically designed for the use of ECM and ECCM, so that in the event that the CS does aquire the Black Markets ECM designs, the alliance will not be caught unawares. Notes: As with the ECM, Desert Star would rather sit on this technology a while, to prevent the CS from getting their hands on this kind of technology, thereby giving their selves a bit of an advantage, while they hold ECM above them.
Stealthing: The rarest addition to any unit is stealthing, this completely renders the unit invisible to Radar, thermals, and infrareds. It baffles Radar 90% of the time, and Thermals/Infrareds 80% of the time. Although this sounds great, there is a great cost as well, both monitarily, and physically.
Step 1: Reduce the suits weight capacity by 10%.
Step 2: Reduce the external spaces by 1 per body area.
Step 3: Multiply the Credit cost by 5!
IR Baffeling: This reduces the Infrared signature of the suit. (40% undetectable) It costs 10% of the chassis cost.
Light Pulse Laser LPL-2Mk2: A highly useful integral system. It is not a weapon in the traditional sense, but more of a defensive weapon as it's designed specifically as an anti missle system. It utilizes the traditional LPL-2Mk1 as well as a sophisticated beam splitter, that is integrated with the combat computer. In effect it creates a beautiful peacock-like array of laser beams that covers a 180 degree area for five seconds, but then the system must be cooled for a full melee after. (Must be mounted in this area for it's effect to be applicable. Can be mounted on the front or back.) designed to wipe out mini missle volleys before they become a threat. If anything is foolish enough to come within the area of effect of this system, the pilot may elect to fire the system off at the target inflicting an incredible 2D6x10+6MD, which gives the target little if any chance of dodging, even with these two factors in mind it is rarely used this way, as most power armor pilots fear mini missles too much!! (For damage against mini missles, simply reguard the deadly missiles destroyed.)
Name Damage Payload ROF Range Space Cost Weight MDC
EMP Sponge N/A N/A N/A N/A 1/4 500 2 Lbs N/A
EMP Capacitator N/A N/A N/A N/A 1/2 5,000 5 Lbs N/A
Smoke Cannister N/A 6 1 N/A 1/2 500 8 Lbs N/A
Stardust Cannister N/A 2 1 N/A 1/2 500 3 Lbs N/A
Ribbon Cannister N/A 3 1 N/A 1/2 500 5 Lbs N/A
Flash Cannister N/A 1 1 N/A 1/2 500 2 Lbs N/A
ECM N/A N/A N/A 100mi 2 Not Avail. 60 Lbs N/A
ECCM N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Not avail. 12Lbs N/A
Stealthing N/A N/A N/A N/A Special Special Special N/A
IR Baffeling N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Special Special N/A
LPL-2Mk2 Special Special Special 60' 3 75,000 45 Lbs 25

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