Powered Armor Systems

Power Armor utilizes three types of systems beyond the chassis and armor of the unit.These are listed with their vital data: namely, weight, number of spaces they occupy, MDC of the system, then the MDC of the built in armor on the system, Cost, and whether the system can be carried internally or externally. All power armor created by Desert Star is considered watertight down to 900' underwater, and have a filter rebreather unit built in that allows up to six hours of sealed operation. Also make note of the different power used in Desert Stars Power Armor. These units were originally designed with some form of micronized fusion reactor (when perfected will last 30 years or more!!), but for the time being the unit carries a mini nucular reactor, which can power the unit up to 6 years of constant use. (Note: At Desert Stars current rate of development, the micronized fusion reactor will not be available for at least 15 years, after the fifteen years are up there is a 01-20% accumulative chance per year that it is perfected.)

Utility Systems (General Systems)
Anything from the necessary Reflex systems, Communications systems, to nifty little devices that may increase a pilots life span on the battlefield.

Offensive Systems (Weapons-N-Stuff)
Contains everything one would normally find on Military Powered Armor when talking on the terms of weaponary.

Defensive Systems (Save-Your-Life-Stuff)
Defensive Systems designed to defeat the usefulness of missles, both guided and dumb, Lasers and Laser Targetting, Thermal and Nightvision Sensors, ECM, ECCM, Stealthing, IR Baffeling, and a few other suprises.

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