Exoskeleton Armor

In Desert Stars power armor, they employ a variety of materials for their actual armoring. Among these are the usual mix of alloys, ceramics, and ultra dense plastics like that found in Plastic Man, along with layers of depleted heavy metals, nets of various high tensile, shock absorbing materials, ect. Armor is purchased and Installed as a homogeneous shell protecting the entire suit.

MDC Weight Prowl Negative** Cost
25 3.6Lbs -5% 20,500
30 15Lbs -10% 24,000
40 20Lbs -15% 30,000
50 25Lbs -20% 39,000
65 33Lbs -25% 49,500
80 40Lbs -30% 49,500
100 50Lbs -35% 80,000

**: Most everyone knows that Power Armor cannot prowl, under normal circumstances right? Well when you start getting into the lighter frames such as the Ninja and the Gunslinger it is somewhat possible to prowl, allowing true espionage types of power armor. (-10% Ninja, -25% Gunslinger) Now with that in mind, one might ask, why can't the heavier types then prowl as well? Simple, they are too big, bulky, and heavy. The constant sounds of metal clanking, and hum of electronics is a dead give away, however there is an exception to this rule, as in a normal combat setting, there are explosions, rail gun fire, missles flight, jet thrusters screaming, as well as the sizzling of laser fire ripping through adversaries, and the screaming of fallen men, this all can be used to the advantage of a power armor pilot, allowing them a chance to sneak up on his enemies flanks, at a -10%, (The ninja and gunslinger in this setting have no negatives at all.) however if you start adding additional armor to it as well, the negative can accumulate to a whopping -45% for the heaviest types, virtually impossible to prowl at all!!

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