S-Mart Online

      S-mart has come to be known as THE industry of Desert Star. As it is owned by Ace Ripley, the founder and King of Desert Star. There are two primary buildings of roughly the same size (7 city blocks long and 3 wide.) that production takes place in. They are devided by the nature of what is produced. All Aircraft, aerodynes, helicoptors, and hovercraft are all produced in the north building, while the armored vehicles, civilian vehicles, motorcycles, weapons, body and power armor are produced in the southern building. All production rates are monitored and kept under careful scrutiny, to be sure that an unneccessary number of one peice of equipment is not being produced. The list below describes these vehicles catagorically. Please note however, that S-mart is soon to be a huge competitor as a producer of vehicles and equipment in North America, therefore equipment stats will be posted as often as possible. This page has been under construction for over a year now, and thus things have gone quite slow. If there is one type of equipment that has your' curiosity sparked that is not posted currently drop Egan a line, and he will try to aleviate any questions you may have.

Jet/Turboprop/Prop Driven Aircraft
Armored Vehicles
Civilian Vehicles
Power Armor
Custom Power Armor

Any questions?
Contact S-Mart PR Rep Egan Winthrop at: 1327 Bloodwalk, Code A, Desert Star. 1
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