Captains Log De( o5 2097 Space Debris Commanding.

(Occasional entry prior to getting underway on the occasion of my visiting the ship. ) Obviously the refit and the crew selection have taken longer than we would have liked. However, it now appears the end is in sight. CPO. Fareing tells me all they need to do in propulsion is reassemble the cruise motors and tune the coils. He says this should take about a week. I think the Chief is optimistic, but for now I will give him the benefit of the doubt. On the 12th, Logistics tells me they can begin loading, and by the 19th we should be ready to sail. I believe the decision to use SEALS instead of Marines was a good one. The word came down from the SECSPACNAV himself and it snow being implemented fleetwide. SEALS will be attached to patrol boats, Marines will be attached to MultiPurpose Assault Ships. Our boat will carry 38 souls to some distant shore. I am glad though itwill be at least six months before we reach that shore. This will be a crew of strangers when we sail. Fleet continues to delay on assigning my choice for head of the SEAL platoon to this ship. I do not know why.

Captains Log De( 24 2097 Space Debris Commanding.

We are finally underway. CPO fareing has rigged christmas lights throughout the boat. He did it without compromising the airtight integrity of any hatchway, of course or I would have had him keelhauled. The party starts in about an hour. Its good to be going again. I finally got my platoon leader.

Captains Log De( 25 2097 Space Debris Commanding. Santa-arriving

I recieved a book for christmas. "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carrol.

Captains Log De( 26 2097 Space Debris Commanding.

Two days out of lunar orbit. Tomorrow I will open our orders. All I have for the crew now is a heading. Our delta vee since deorbit is 122,010 km/hr.

Captains log Jan 1 2098

traditional New Years day in USASECTOR, Earth. our delta vee since deorbit is 426746 km/hr

March 8 2098

20 AU out,
5 above the ecliptic...
a long way from home.


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