The Science Fiction
and Fantasy Haikupage
Why? Because I can
Follow this linkage
to my other haiku page...
It might change your life.
Here youll encounter
haiku's about Space Debris...
a spaceship captain.
Here youll find haikus
'bout Earthpig Warrior Prince...
in search of his Self.
20 AU out,
5 above the ecliptic...
a long way from home.
Fell thru a portal
after losing my soul mate...
We wer'nt immortal.
My weapons from earth,
my one true love from venus,
my coffee from mars.
My weapons from earth,
my one true love from venus,
my coffee from mars.
The Academy
and then our first assignment;
We sailed together.
For 600 yrs
I lost my self in fighting.
Did i lose my soul?
We planned to marry,
at the end of that damned cruise.
Fate had other plans.
The Hundred Years War
was my first taste of combat...
(other than dueling).
Venus Colony
had sent out a plea for help;
Something was bad wrong.
Wars of the roses,
wars in scotland and in france...
My education.
A portal lay open,
time and space began to mix;
Time Anomoly!
I met her at Vicksburg;
a venusian princess.
She fought beside me.
Her home was destroyed,
but the colony survived.
Then we met Earthpig.
She said she'd seen me
she'd nursed me once in winter,
one cold waterloo
Nazjyll was with him;
injured by a bayonet.
She was his woman.
I remembered then
those eyes that haunted my soul...
Id thought "just a dream".
Six months in that hell,
we rescued the time shifted...
when we could find them.
The Ardenne Forest
1917 enfield
(a 30'06)
We drafted Earthpig
Nazjyll too. They were soldiers.
We became good friends
Door to the future,
What devastation you wrought
what grief to my friends
Then we found a way
to close that deadly time rift.
I didnt suspect.
Space Debris' woman
caught when we closed the time rift
the last casualty
I found her too late;
I closed her unseeing eyes.
I held her dead hands.
Back to the Ardenne,
back to poor dying soldiers.
A similar hell.
stray couplets, more haiku

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