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Ive got a theory
I call it nightmare scenario number one.
The World Government, (NWO) has conspired with the aliens, (beta reticulan greys) to hand over earth in an orderly transfer of power January 1, 2000. The terms are stark. The population will be slaves and eventually food for the aliens. Humans will be encouraged to breed prolifically, as they are in demand as slaves and entrees on many worlds. The leaders of the NWO will be allowed to remain as our overseers. A threat to the plan has emerged however. Iraq has developed a biological weapon that could kill aliens. Rather than risk a confrontation, the NWO has decided to take out Iraqs bioweapon production facilities.

You can help save the earth. Seek out your local anti-alien militia Stockpile resources to aid your survival, evasion and escape in time for the Y2K event. Act quickly. Martial law will be declared soon. "hoarding food" will be illegal. Food will only be supplied at the Government (FEMA) Relocation Camps. The possession of ANY weapon will be illegal. Currently the Government defines Ammunition as a weapon! If you do not have an exit plan in place before the end of the year, it may be too late. When it happens, (martial law),head for the mountains. All militia groups draw there strength from the mountains.
Good Luck, Maybe I'll see you. Remember:

Trust No One,
Fight the Future,
The Truth is Out There,
Expect the Unexpected, and
The Only Good Grey is a Dead Grey.

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