10 Reasons Why the World will end as we know it,

Or, "It’s going to be a long 18 months isn’t it?".


The Ice Age will begin soon, beginning this winter and getting really destructive next winter. This will destroy civilization, as far too many refugees are created.

Cause: The 11500-yr. climactic cycle.(5/5/2000)


The Earth's poles will "shift" causing earthquakes and tidal waves. Civilization will be destroyed by the physical destruction of the environment. (Due May 3rd, 2000)

Cause: The alignment of the planets.


The Earth will "shift" causing earthquakes and tidal waves. Civilization will be destroyed by the physical destruction of the environment. Could happen at any time, but is expected soon after HAARP is fully developed.(sometime in 1999, or 2000)except HAARP isnt powerful enough...or maybe OTH-B radars, all of them worldwide, used in concert by the world gov...

Cause: The geomagnetic field and consequently magma currents have been destabilized by the Tesla waves generated by various OTH-B, and Woodpecker. –Precedent: Atlantis was destroyed similarly.


The Earth will "shift" causing earthquakes and tidal waves. Civilization will be destroyed by the physical destruction of the environment. Could happen at any time, but according to the geologic record, its due.

Cause: The geomagnetic field is due to reverse and consequently magma currents will change, due to natural not man made causes. This usually occurs as part of the 11500-yr. climactic cycle.


A massive solar eruption will destroy most of the planet. Civilization will be destroyed by the physical destruction of the environment. Most life will be destroyed, as in previous mass extinctions.

Cause: The geomagnetic field and Earth/Sun resonance has been destabilized by the Tesla waves generated by HAARP, OTH-B, and Woodpecker.


A massive solar eruption will destroy most of the planet. Civilization will be destroyed by the physical destruction of the environment. Most life will be destroyed, as in previous mass extinctions.

Cause: The geomagnetic field and Earth/Sun resonance has been destabilized by natural not man made causes.


An asteroid impact will destroy most of the planet. Civilization will be destroyed by the physical destruction of the environment. Most life will be destroyed, as in previous mass extinctions.

Cause: Previous extinctions and recurring impacts suggest that its time.


Although the government has attempted to hide its involvement, and even the existence of the Aliens, the year 2000 event, scheduled for 01/01/2000 at 00:0000 GMT will make such efforts moot. At that time the Alien takeover of earth will begin. Civilization will be a fond memory.

Cause: Alien imperialist imperatives.


Although the government has attempted to hide its involvement, and even the existence of the New World Order, the year 2000 event, scheduled for 01/01/2000 at 00:0000 GMT will make such efforts moot. At that time the NWO takeover of earth will begin. Most people will be slaves of the NWO rulers.

Cause: A long running Globalist Conspiracy.


The Y2K computer glitch will bring about the downfall of Civilization. Shortsighted programmers left two places for the year, and when 1900 comes around again, watch out.

Cause: Too many interconnected systems, too many legacy systems.


Okay, that last one seems a little hokey in relation to the others, but I included it because it IS one of the reasons why the world will end as we know it sometime within the next 18 months. (Everybody says so) Have a nice day J


Signs of the End Times:

The weather; a record number of records are being set.

Earthquake and seismic activity are way up.

Wars, famine, disease and disaster have been loosed on the world.

The Falcons are going to the SuperBowl. (YEAH, GO BIRDZ!)


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