Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 39)

Month 3

Day 61 - A Tragedy?

(Day 1 of Month 3)

Dear Diary,

I started out today's work by telling furres who were standing at the city center of Imaginarium that the Triwings Lottery was found to be a gimmick.

Then Salitra, who claimed to know the owner of the bot, whom she called Kage, came up to me and told me that the lottery had been real, but then Kage couldn't manage to pay so much money for the wings and then the Lottery was cancelled. But then, somehow, he still put the bot around. She told me that Kage, who she knew, claimed that he owned it, and that the bot was made and maintained by a furre called Ridere

Isn't that a sort of tragedy, dear Diary?

If what Salitra said was true, then Kage was certainly unfortunate. He was simply just another furre who cannot predict the future, and thus could not have seen the denouement of the lottery. A generous furre who could no longer be generous... how sad it was.

But, he shouldn't transmit his tragedy to others by putting that bot around when he knew he would no longer give out wings. Giving out false hope to others which others would discover its falsity is forever an effective way to hurt others.

Dear Diary, you might have never known that the smell of tragedy fills the air, no matter where I went to. This world, or the others...

So, that's another tragedy, among all the others, which surround us like the air?

And the joke was, Salitra later informed me that Ridere, whom she asked about Kage and the Lottery bot, told Salitra that Kage didn't own the bot.

However, I think the story of a generous furre could no longer afford his promised generosity was very close to the truth.

Kaniaz, Teir Klinge, kushiomi tusuma were the three successful challengers today.

Teir had played the game before a long time ago and he had already found out, by playing 4 more times, the alternative paths. He had dropped by to find whether there was a new challenge. I apologized to him that I only finished debugging the whole game so that important props won't disappear anymore and that my pet dragons won't follow other furres.

As a sort of apology, I guided him around my living place

We had a good chat on the way and Teir told me that he was a dreamweaver and have been having a hard time making a decent dream. Then he suddenly remembered that he had gone into my living place once upon a time and there was a lot of water, he suddenly got an idea for a cool dream. He got a piece of paper out and drafted his new idea down secretly, then promised me that he would invite me to his dream when he got it finished

Day 62 - Busy Day

Dear Diary,

In the morning, there were a continuous flow of challengers. I got Masin, Lykopis, Emerald Kurayami, and Blizzard Nightwolf as successful challengers.

Lykopis was very interested in the alternative paths, as he had volunteered to be a guide. He had had an enjoyable time trying out the several methods in crossing the water at the Blue challenge.

After he found out all the alternative solutions, by then there were two more successful challengers (Emerald and Blizzard who was a very optimistic furre who kept saying "this is fun"), he started helping me to do the guiding work.

We waited at the entrance of the place, chatting, then I gave him my diary to read. When he knew that he would be in my diary, he got somewhat excited.

Dear Diary, but the fact was that I sensed that he was not really excited at all.

He seemed to like another World called Inferno, and was talking about it half of the time when we chatted. Finally, he made me promised that I would write him as 'a good guide' who is one of the few guides who knows about all the alternative paths', which he is.

Well, there it is, Lykopis.

After awhile, there came another challenger. I asked Lykopis to do the guiding work for me, and Lykopis joked why couldn't he have a day off. The challenger immediately apologized for causing trouble and left.

Obviously, the poor challenger didn't take Lykopis' words as a joke of welcome.


At lunch, Lykopis bid me off. I was a little bit glad to have someone who didn't want to do what he was supposed to do off. That will reduce some tragedy.

After lunch, I went to Allgeria Island and got Argente, Nagerus and demo invited to Rainbow Challenge. They all completed the game. Argente and demo were one of the few who were able to use the power of Companion to pass the Blue Challenge. All three of them thought that the game was fun and inquired me about the work involved in creating the game.

I then talked about the Battle Maze with demo, whom told me that he spent several times less than me to complete the two levels... demo then told me he once ran a mansion in which a detective game took place, and more than 10 challengers came every day, but the sad thing was that the game needed a whole team of furres to run and therefore couldn't whole long.

I explained to demo that my game doesn't need any guide at all, given that the challengers could read instructions. Demo acknowledged that he would not stay longer than 5 minutes if I were not with him...

Is a guide psychologically significant to challengers? Very possible...

Before dinner, I went into Hysteria Mansion in Allgeria Island. It's a sort of detective game as well, but I got so hungry after a short time and had to go back to dinner.

After dinner, Hundin and Lessis, followed by Blado, took up the Rainbow Challenge. They all succeeded. When Blado finished the game, Masin came into the place. He told me that he's got the surname Firewolf just then because he'd join the Firewolves.

And then, jh'Scrud sent greetings to me through the central messenger system, and told me that he had 'turned to dark business' because he had built a 'Chapel dedicated to Evil'.

Then we met at the wedding of Lucretia Bloodrose and Trilby. It's obviously a dream built by Scrud to celebrate L&T's wedding.

That place was sumptuous with beautiful plants, flowers and cushions. There was a wedding chapel, and waterfall.

All visitors were given a pair of weird looking (because of its unnatural angle) Triwings so that they may do a bit of flying over trees. The place has got a sort of enchanted smell in it.

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