The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 38

Day 60 - The Direction of Wind

(Day 30 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I got up with a little strange but lighted feeling this morning, and was sure that it was because of yesterday's experience.

I couldn't concentrate on anything else, and therefore decided that I should meditate while I wait for challengers. I let Rainbow to be off in the world of ADOM again.

I got Lina Chevernais, Arachne Xavier, Magic City, Hydragan as today's successful challengers. There had been a bunch more, but they gave up in the middle part.

It had been a busy day, or morning, to be accurate. The rush of challengers had deprived me of any chance to think about that strange feeling I have been having since this morning.

And by lunch, I decided to close down the entrance to Rainbow Challenge for a while to solve out that feeling which was tucking my consciousness from the deep sea of my sub-consciousness.

I sat down, chomped on a well cooked sea cucumber with soup and cabbage, with Diary opened on my lap for me to write down any flit of inspiration immediately.

But I might be a little tired from the morning's work. The challengers had nearly came in at overlapping time, totally desynchronized. I wrapped around till I was exhausted mentally, speaking nearly the same instruction over and over again.

May be I really should get one of those common bots in Furcadia to take care of them�

Nevertheless, I feel very happy when those successful challengers shouted 'yay' and thanks when they succeeded and asked for more. And interestingly, those who complained most, and had a lot of trouble in getting pass some of the challenges were those who were the happiest and most excited ones when they finished the game. I am almost sure that I am still doing the boring guiding work after doing it for a month all because of those praises I got from every furre who completed the game.

And then, the tingle tucking feeling increases in me.

What happened yesterday flashed in my mind. The feeling increased.

The feeling of being given an unexpected gift.

That's it.

I don't have wings, and I had been carried to the secret land of Zephiroth, as a gift from Daiktana, a challenger of Rainbow Challenge. I would not have been there if I am not the guide who guided furres through the Rainbow Challenge. I would, I guess, close myself up in my study and face only books from the past and lost era.

A feeling of beatitude rushed into my sense, and a wind gathered in my heart as I looked up at the ever bright sky of Rainbow Challenge. The wind blows along, in my mind, and across my fur, one direction.

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