The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 37

Day 59 - Zefiroth, the secret dream for the winged

(Day 29 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I decided to do the guiding work myself because I am mentally tired due to the studying, and Rainbow also admitted that he needed some charging up.

I got Daiktana, who could morph into a dragon, or a canine, as the only successful challenger of the day because Daiktana did something that I, who do not have a pair of wings, did not know of.

He, at the entrance of the game, stepped UPON the trim of the floating island, i.e. cloud and walked on the cloud as if he was walking on solid ground. I thought it was due to the fact that he was a dragon, but then he explained that any winged furre could do that.

Then Daiktana told me about a the fact that there's a secret door in Vinca, the castle-bridge which joined the several cities of Kasuria for which only winged furres could walk through and Zefiroth, a hidden dream for the Winged in Furcadia

He flied me directly to Zephiroth, after his completion of the game. I told him about the Triwings Lottery on the way.

We landed at the entrance of Zefiroth. Seeing two of myself again, I sighed and killed the mirroring illusion almost immediately by directing it to hit on a beautiful pillar.

Zephiroth was a Kingdom consisted of several island floating upon the cloud, like Laputa. And upon closer inspection, I decided to take a sample of Zephiroh's ground and warped the sample to Rainbow. After a while, Rainbow reported that Zefiroth was supported by the same technology to float in the air on the clouds as Laputa.

Zephiroth was indeed a beautiful ruin. There were rivers and waterfalls every where, flowers, trees with sumptuous friuits, grassland, and, fresh cool peaceful air. It was like the fairyland...

I then asked Daiktana about the secret door at Vinca.

Therefore the two of us wrapped to Vinca Nexus. Daiktana walked through a piece of wall at the east corner and onto the cloud. Obviously it was an illusionary wall. Soon, he disappeared among the clouds.

After a while, he summoned me to a little place which seemed like the peak of a tower. There it was, the entrance to Zefiroth. Now, dear diary, I think I know what's that thing which when I stepped into the portal, wild music was pumped into my ears... it might have been the safety field alarm... I had searched through the land of Kasuria with the wind some weeks ago and when I swept pass the peak of the tower where Zephiroth's entrance were, I thought I touched something... might have been that I had touched the alarm system, because I couldn't see the entrance of Zephiroth at that time... The protective field must have hidden the fact that there's a dream there...

After the unforgettable trip to Zephiroth, I decided to see if I have got the luck of getting a pair of Triwings. I went to the help desk in New Haven and found a Beekin, Autero, who claimed to know much about the Triwings Lottery.

I told Autero about my experience with Triwings Lottery, and got the reply that "Triwings Lottery was a gimmick". So it's been a joke, afterall. The little hope inside me shattered.

Autero told me that there had been an investigation on Triwings Lottery but no one that he knew of had been able to really track down the bot's owner.

That damned owner! And which Beekin said that it's an official Lottery?!

I tried to calm myself down. Afterall, if I haven't seen Zephiroth, I wouldn't have minded in the least bit that I don't have wings.

And as for islands floating on the sea, well, I could have created as many I would like.

I don't need Wings.

I have got the Wind and Water already.

I expressed my anger for the last time, dissipating what was remained in my brain that chemically made me feel angry and went back to have dinner.

After dinner, I walked around as usual, and took every chance to tell any furre within sight that Triwings Lottery was a gimmick, and that furres, if they haven't, should not send their names to that bot.

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