The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 36

Day 56 - Friend from the Other World

(Day 26 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I didn't slept at all, because of that 9-houred of continuous Tai Chi lesson. I was too excited by it, so I decided to pick up my study on A.I. Rainbow went back to charge himself up for the day's work.

After the whole morning, I was still stuck in the beginning part of that section on artificial learning ability. Rainbow saw to this and asked me whether I would like to switch roles with him. I was surprised at that idea at first, but finally agreed because I decided I really needed some break.

I meditated at the entrance of Rainbow Challenge. Was learning a logical thing to do? If there is pattern, then learning about the pattern would enable us to predict the outcome of our behavior, if we could control ourselves, at the practical level. If there is no real pattern and all patterns are only flowers in the garland of Wind and Water? Well��

That wasn't something we should believe in, I decided, as Xue Fang, the first challenger of the day, stepped into my sight.

I had Xue Fang and Bartmoss as today's successful challengers.

Bartmoss came into Rainbow Challenge when Xue Fang, a female canine with silky black hair started the Green Maze. I went to the entrance and greeted him. And suddenly, I recognized that he was one of my friend in the Other World, the world which a lot of other Worlds were linked to, born from, and affected. Bartmoss recognized me as well, and showed surprise that he had bumped into me so quickly - Bartmoss was a new furre in Furcadia.

Bartmoss had the same problem as me, when I was new to Furcadia: he couldn't control his movement well and was constantly disoriented.

As I was guiding Bartmoss through the blue challenge, Xue got trapped in my meditation cloud. Luckily, she was very calm and soon did as I told her to and freed herself from the clouds.

We chatted leisurely and parted at bedtime.

Day 57 - Fleeting time

Dear Diary,

Time fleets when you study something real hard... and you think time fleets because you don't have much memory left about that period.

All I could remember was that I had got Prince ZeruChaku, Julian as today's successful challengers today and that I was reading a journal about artificial network all day long while sitting at the entrance of the Rainbow Challenge.

Rainbow was let to wonder in ADOM for the day. He told me that walking around in ADOM, fighting monsters were something he would never be able to do in Furcadia... and I realized that Rainbow COULD fight, psychologically at least. All that forbids he to fight is the program implanted inside him...

Day 58 - Study time

Dear Diary,

I've got Rainbow to do the guiding today after he taught me the remaining 24 moves of basic Tai Chi in the early morning. I practiced Tai Chi the whole morning, read some fictions and more about the primitive forms of neural networks in the afternoon, and studied non-standard Furcadian language (called Japanese).

Recently I have found some furres who speak Japaneses wandering around in Furcadia, and I don't like the fact that I can't produce their name correctly nor understand what they are talking about.

I tried to get Rainbow to teach me some moves using weapons like long sticks, but he refused and insisted that I should learn some basic footwork first�K and those footworks were... were...power consuming... physically challenging... urgh...

And Rainbow didn't got me ANY challengers today because, he admitted, that he was from time to time, wandering in ADOM�K but he assured me that no potential challengers were missed, and that he did that because he thought he had remembered something very far away in the past when he was wandering in ADOM.

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