The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

First month

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Windera Z. Aquaz -- who is she? Why is Windera in Furcadia?

Find out from her diary of her first month.

Page index of the Diary

Page 1: Day 1 - Day 3

Windera found herself physically and psychologically lost in the furry world of Furcadia. How would she cope with it?
Page 2: Day 4 - Day 8
Windera discovered that in Furcadia, dreams have power. She built herself a a dream.

Page 3: Day 9
Windera met a furre whom would become her first friend in Furcadia, and...

Page 4: Day 10 - Day 11
Windera discovered more about herself while the flora of friendship grew.

Page 5: Day 12 - Day 13
Wandering in Furcadia, Windera thought she had remembered something about her 'lost' past as she adapted to life in Furcadia.

Page 6: Day 14 - Day 16
Windera discovered something weird. Something that is partially lost.

Page 7: Day 17
Windera's friend had had a weird illusion about Windera and Windera wondered about the role of memory.

Page 8: Day 18 - Day 21
Weird things happened on Windera and brought Windera inspiration on a plan about the construction of a new type of dream, using her talent and power! Meanwhile, her best friend in Furcadia got married in the altar of the Wind and Water in her home...without Windera holding the ceremony!

Page 9: Day 22 - Day 24
Windera threw all her time into the plan, and all her spare time in guiding voluntary furres to test her new game.

Page 10: Day 25 - Day 29
While Windera started to have challengers to her newly built game, which was called Rainbow Challenge, she started to show, in deeds who she is. Also, she gradually knew more about Furcadia's situation.

Page 11: Day 30
Last day of the First month in Furcadia. Windera made an air bot for the Rainbow Challenge, whom was immediately blackmailed by another furre?! Summary of the month. List of successful challengers of Rainbow Challenge.


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