The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

Second Month

This place has been visited for Counter times.

Windera, having adapted to life in Furcadia, and built her own home and territory in it, started to carry out her job as a messenger of the Wind from Water. At the same time, she discovered about the vast power inside herself. Could Windera control the power and made it her own ?

Day 1 of Second month (aka Day 31) Page 1 Page 2

Windera's first lecture! Revelations about how her dear home, Laputa, which floats on the little sea, was built;
about Magic v.s. Lost Technologies.

Day 2-3 of Second month (aka Day 32-33)

Windera spoke about the altar which she built for the Wind and Water and gave the message that lost technologies had been mistaken as magic in Furcadia to another furre. Also, more and more challengers came to Rainbow Challenge.

Day 4 of Second month (aka Day 34)

Windera discovered her ability in controlling the wind and water!
Revelations on the meaning behind Rainbow Challenge! A Must-read for challengers of Rainbow Challenge!

*editor's choice* Day 5 of Second month (aka Day 35) Page 1 Page 2

Windera's first fight! Crooky developments, witty methods!

Day 6-7 of Second month (aka Day 36-37)

Windera made a little decision as an atonement for using her newfound abilities in killing.
An alternative world! Windera accessed a new world with her bot.

Day 8 of Second month (aka Day 38)

Windera explored in the new world with her bot, and was disappointed.

Day 9 of Second month (aka Day 39) Page 1 Page 2

The invisible field of Friendship! Windera made another friend. At the same time, Windera got a glimpse of her own desire.

Day 10 of Second month (aka Day 40) Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

Windera's Second Lecture! *editor 262501's warning: heavy philosophical stuffs present!*
After repeating about the Wind and Water, Windera introduced the 5-elements theory, and tried her best to explain to SynderWind who's got trouble with her(SynderWind's) love!

Day 11-12 of Second month (aka Day 41, 42)

Windera did a little bit of philosophy again. Then she experienced a weird situation...she saw another 'her'!!

Day 13-14 of Second month (aka Day 43, 44)

Windera's bot was the focus of a group of furres!

Day 15-16 of Second month (aka Day 45, 46)

Development about the game, Rainbow Challenge.

Day 17-18 of Second month (aka Day 47, 48)

Windera reviewed her situation in Furcadia, and found that sometimes, one might not know what one has acheived.

Day 19 of Second month (aka Day 49)

Windera wandered around in several Worlds and discovered something.

Day 20 of Second month (aka Day 40) Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

Windera got a huge surprise from her bot!! Who on earth was her bot?? *editor 262501: If you want to know more about Windera's airbot, read here!*

Day 21 of Second month (aka Day 51)

Still dizzy due to what happened the day before, Windera was told that she had won a pair of Triwings Lottery! Rainbow Challenge was praised in the bulletin board of Kasuria. Windera's feelings were never so mixed up.

Day 22-24 of Second month (aka Day 52-54)

Windera met with Talzhemir, one of the creators of Furcadia!

Day 25 of Second month (aka Day 55)

Windera discovered something interesting from Rainbow!

Day 26-28 of Second month (aka Day 56-58)

Windera met with a friend whom came from the other World. Windera was taught by Rainbow...?!.

Day 29 of Second month (aka Day 59)

Windera was brought to the secret land of Zephiroh, the land for the winged, and discovered some 'secrets' of Kasuria, and.. .and more truth.

Day 30 of Second month (aka Day 60)

Windera reviewed her situation in Furcadia, and refound something.

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