The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 18

Day 6 of the Second Month

A decision

Dear Diary,

I woke up this morning, and was amazed at how busy Imaginarium was. Furres could hardly move around in the city center! I set up the entrance to Rainbow Challenge, and carried my breakfast to eat at the entrace of it, because the air bot was charging up under the sun of Laputa, so I must guide any challenger by myself as they arrived.

This morning I got 4 challengers nearly simultaneously, in the order of succeeding, Shane Reily the blonde canine, Memo the gree equine, WolfGuardian (who's an arctic wolf with dark navy hair and claniya, feline with Red Hair. There had been some others (about 3), but they didn't finish it.

Wolf and Memo had great difficulty in passing the maze. Wolf, I think, restarted the game several times... As Memo finished the game before Wolf, I tried to get Memo to guide Wolf, but Memo was VERY uncooperative, and even blocked the Wolf several times. Finally I brought Wolf to my old home and left her there because claniya came. Shane who, came when Memo was at the yellow challenge, had had no difficulty in passing the challenges at all. He was surely one of the fastest furre in my knowledge.

Claniya was interested in becoming a guide for Rainbow Challenge, so I taught her about the egg of the Love Dragon. As I offered her tour round my old home, she was too tired and left for rest.

After I went to Captin Fox Mc.Cloud's home, I had my lunch. I took a walk afer lunch, as usual, and today I took a look at the Neo Senshi Orphanage. It's not a deserted orphanage. There were several furres inside. I queried about the list of orphans-to-be-adopted, but finally, I decided that I am not prepared to take a student. Then I learnt that jh'Scrud's bought a Galleon the Rose and therefore I went into it.

I was welcomed by a beautiful song of harp by Shate. It's a private and cast ship with a curious AI system in control. Scrud was obviously VERY proud of it.

The Rose, located in the seaside of a little island, had a beautiful indoor lighting system -- the starlight system. It's really wonderful to have those colourful star-shaped bulbs twinkering around. Scrud's living room had two large-sized pools beside it. I immediately jumped into it after Shate's music's's very refreshing. The Rose had many rooms, several kitchens, battle hall, outdoor stage for music performances, and even prisons! That reminded me of the Battleship Death Angel. I clearly remembered myself shaking my head, desperately wanting to shake away the emotion triggered by the memory of Death Angel.

I left the Rose and continued my afternoon trip in Furcadia. As I wandered aimlessly in and out dreams, I thought about my new ability. I cannot understand how am I controlling wind and water, or why that I suddenly know how to...and what should I do with this ability? Also, I notice that I am beginning to treat my ability as magic. I tried to force myself not to do so, but the fact that I don't know how I am controlling the wind and water somehow forced me to consider this ability of mine as magic...

I dropped by the Medical Center in Allgeria Island. Suddenly I thought of yesterday's incident in which I stopped a wounded furre's bleeding by controlling the waterflow inside the body. I had a good knowledge of the blood vessels thanks to the medical books which I got from the City Library and read when I was waiting for challengers. Also, I am able to make delicate control of the water flow. I volunteered myself to be a first-aider of the Center.

I was welcomed and immediately hired. I would be informed of when they need me to bring in a furre. Then I went into the Colour world, and in the Blue World, I met 10 furres sitting around two small tables! I never saw such a crowded dream!!

I went back to my old cosy home and had my dinner.

After dinner, I had sharp claw, Nelly-Kat and Shiiah successfully completing the Rainbow Challenge. claniya came back, so she and sharp claw was taken to Laputa to had some soup, and then visited the altar and Rainbow Island. claniya asserted that she truly wanted to be a guide in the Rainbow Challenge, so we chatted at the entrace of Rainbow Challenge, while sharp left for his own business.

Then as I waited for more challengers (there weren't), I guided claniya to the mediation clouds, which were one of the more private areas of my old home. We waited till I was so sleepy that I had to say good bye to claniya.

Day 7 of the second month -- new experience

Dear Diary,

I was sick today. Or perhaps I was not. I slept for the whole day.

But that doesn't mean nothing happened today. Sure, there had been no successful challenger today, but then I was using my bot, which was controlled subconsciously, to roam around.

It's a very new experience to roam around in the air bot for such a long time. I had raom around for several minutes with the air bot for several minutes at a time before, but never hours.

The first characteristic of the method was that I couldn't remember clearly what happened.

This might be because I am only in contact with the airbot by my subconsciousness. I had made this airbot so because it would be dangerous for me to let the airbot to occupy my conscious resources, which is very limited and grows to demand slowly. Second, is that my airbot can roam around in another dimension, other than Furcadia, aka in other worlds that is near or similar to Furcadia.

I remembered myself, through the air bot, went into someone's dream. The place was very similar to the Rose and Death Angel. Then I went to the Love Kingdom, before I went into another dimension.

In that world, which I forgot what it's called, I was a human being and a mage, who used magic and fighting skills to kill monsters. I had to imporve my abilities by constantly fighting with knights, dragons and other characters and beasts, so that I could success in the quest, which was a serious of fight, each more bloody than the one before, and which ended with a fight with a necromancer and his various rebirthed forms. It was a messy experience that tired me mentally.

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