The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 17

Page 2 of Day 5 of the Second Month

First Fight, with the newly found abilities (continued)

(Well, dear diary, I am really really glad that I had been carring you around, so that I could jot all this stuff down.)

I smiled and whispered to Hadrian about my plan. Then without hesitation, I casted a water lens between us and Lavos, then Hadrian casted the strongest holy beam he could with the help of the Excaliber, and I focused the beam on Lavos's brain. Lavos was freezed by the beam and Hadrian quickly took the chance and stabbed Lavos fatally with Excaliber while I hold a sphere of wind and water round the two to prevent Lavos from wrapping or escaping. Lavos went down into the water, while what was left with his soul was blown away by my wind, to where peace would be upon him. We got back to the ship, saw that Cloud was ok, and Hadrian collapsed due to his effort and wounds.

Just as Hadrian lied down to rest on the deck to recover from his heavy casting, Lavos, heavily damaged, reappear in front of us. Cloud, who had recovered a little, had just called back the holy material from Hadrian, and shot some holy beam on the wounded brothers, immediately shot a holy beam to the Might Lavos, who claimed to be the true Lavos. Finally, lavos' original soul rested in peace. Alarmingly, Lavos body disappeared at this moment. Cloud cleaned the whole thing up by casting a holy light around the ship.

So, I guessed, dear diary, that lavos was also under the control of someone else. And the one in control of lavos had jsut warped lavo's body back.

Vinsent and Silver said adieu to us, much recovered due to the holy beam. Fox, who had just woken up, asked who had killed lavos and therefore allowed him to return to consciousness. Fox was very happy when he was told that Cloud did, and told us that Cloud was his son! Cloud and all the furres were surprised. Fox explained that he had not got the chance to tell Cloud before due to lavos.

Then we discussed about who Lavos was, and I told them my theory that Lavos had probably, like Fox, been also controlled by someone else, judging from what happened after I blew 'his' soul off. We all agreed that in such case, Lavos might become alive again...

Afterwards, Fox told us that he had been the 3rd commander of Death Angel before he was possessed by 'lavos', and he confessed that what 'he' had done on the ship would probably not be forgiven by the owner of Death Angel, Leon Cartival.

As I observed that the situation has calmed down, and tried to cheer up the atmosphere, Arctic Sea fell ill, but no one, except me, noticed. Hadrian soothed Fox saying that he would persuade Leon to forgive Fox, and would ask jh'Scrud to help on this matter. I turned my ear to them, and was surprised to hear that Scrud was Hadrian's teacher!!

Finally, Captin Fox Mc.Cloud told Hadrian to remember not to make so much hate and evil on the ship. I smiled. Then he asked Hadrian to forgive him. The two hugged together. I was happy that the case was partly resolved.

At this moment, Arctic Sea was rolling on the wooden deck and moaning in pain. I inspected Arctic and reported to Fox and Cloud that there's a wide cut on her. I tried to control the flow of liquid inside Arctic to stop her bleeding while Fox casted 'holy' and 'numb' on Arctic. But it didn't work. Arctic was still in trmendous pain. Captin then tried to heal Arctic with lost technologies.

Then Captin, under Hadrian's request, taught all he knew about magic to Hadrian. He put his paw on Hadrian's forehead and transfer the knowledge, or what ever is required to use the lost technologies, to Hadrian. It was done in a short time. Meanwhile, I sat beside Arctic and kept an eye on her. She was obviously having hallucinations about Death Angel, in which the ship was burnt to ashes, and many were killed.

Captin was confident that Arctic's condition was not dangerous, and occupied himself with something more emergent: steering the ship, which was left floating aimlessly since the start of the fight. Captin was very skilled in steering and soon brought the ship back to it's original course.

And soon, Arctic went convulsive and we had to restrained her to the ground. Cloud decided that it was due to lavos because Arctic had thought too much hate and evil. I tried to calm Arctic by music.

At this moment, LAVOS suddenly appeared on the deck, laughing like mad. Cloud and Fox hit LAVOS with holy, and this time, all of LAVOS, physically and mentally, was destroyed. It's a horrible sight.

The air bot I put in Rainbow Challenge complained to me twice this morning about no furre coming into the Challenge. It's very unusual because Imaginarium had been crowded this morning...had something happened? I still don't know.

I left Death Angel when it's closest to my home. I landed softly near the entrace of my water surface hotel by casting a suitable gust of wind. I would study on this newfound ability immediately when I had time, I decided.

I went back to Laputa to have my lunch, and was soon joined by, to whom I gave lunch to, Cloud Rie and Fox. Cloud left after his lunch, because he had some job to finish. I brought Fox to Rainbow Challenge.

I handed the job to my air bot, but the air bot broke down after awhile. So I had to guide Fox myself. After some effort, Fox finished all the 7 challenges. As he was very tired after the possession by lavos and the fight with lavos, I was very lenient with him and gave him extra hints.

Then I visited Fox's unfinished airship and home, and gave some unimportant advice on DragonSpeak, which Fox had had a lot of bad time with. I didn't know how to teach him to use DragonSpeak, because programming had been a natural ability of me, just like my ability to deal with wind and water. Ah, so, dear diary, you may say that magic, might also be things that one's not able to explained, but is able to use.

After dinner, I had absolutely no interest to study or read, so I repaired the air bot and placed it in Rainbow Challenge while I took a walk in Furcadia. In Deepwaters Tavern, I met 6 furres there. I was surprised. I might say that today had been the day in which I had met the maximum number of furres in dreams. There had been several challengers, but none succeeded.

Tonight, I decided that my meditation topic before sleep will be 'what is holy magic and hell magic? What are their differences?'.

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