The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 16

Page 1 of Day 5 of the Second Month

First Fight, with the newly found abilities

Dear Dairy,

This morning, I took a walk in the Battleship Death Angel. It's a large, intriguing place, but I didn't like it. I don't like bloodshed-related things. Probably it's a sort of animal instinct.

After I took a look at the whole ship, I got involved in a fight at the steer. There's a group there sitting near the steer originally. A Canine called Captin Fox Mc.Cloud was trying to kill another furre with golden fur called Cloud Rie, who seemed to be a member of the group. Fox had just been biting two other members of the group and drank their blood before I came into the scene.

The group, led by Hadrian, tried to kill Fox after two members of the group was bitten by Fox. Cloud Rie was the main fighter. He used holy power while Fox used evil power.

Cloud floated in the air and shot Captin with holy beams, while Fox, who hardly able to dodge away from the holy beams, shot back death beams from time to time. I found that this had been a senseless violence, so I used my new power to protect Cloud and Fox. I created a heavy cloud between the two fighting furres to divert their beams.

However, I was so scared when Fox was finally stunned by the holy beams and Hadrian ordered everybody to attack Fox, so that daggers, claws, fangs, magic bolts and blood were swirling around Fox, that as I moved away from the attacking furres I summoned Scrud to help. Soon, an evil spirit was seen (!) coming out from the dying Fox and Cloud killed the spirit immediately with his excaliber (a holy dagger).

Scrud came yelling who's doing destructive things on HIS ship, while Hadrain went white. Later, Hadrian told me that he had a dispute with Scrud and the two wasn't friendly with each other since. Also, after the stuff, I know that Scrud was the engineer of the ship. After Scrud and Fox exchanged unintelligible words, Hadrian told that Fox was trying to destroy the ship and kill Cloud Rie.

Before Captin Fox Mc.Cloud was knocked off by the bunch, he told us that he had been possessed by Lavos. No furre there knew who Lavos was. Fox continued saying, while spitting blood into the sea, that he had been a mighty mercenary who once commanded a space army. Then he was attacked by lavos and since lavos took control of him.

All the furres explained to Scrud that they never knew Lavos, or Captin Fox before this incident. Before Fox fell over the side, into the sea, he told Cloud Rie to avenge to lavos for him! Cloud and us were baffled while Scrud complained that he shouldn't be called only for such a 'dip'. I apologized to Scrud, explaining that it's the first fight I witnessed, and was very scared.

And it was then two Equines arrived. They were Silver Force and Vinsent, who had been under Fox's command before the lavos' attack. They repeated Fox's story to us and explained that they were ordered, before Fox was taken by lavos and went insane, to protect Cloud Rie. This explained why they were there. Cloud Rie swore that lavos must die, and Hadrian agreed to help.

(Well, dear diary, I am glad that I carried you around, so that I could jot all this stuff down.)

Hadrian then suggested. Scrud, who's a necromancer, might be able to revive Fox. Then Vinsent said Fox had said that he didn't want to be revived, because his soul is with Cloud (Rie). What is the relationship between Cloud and Fox? I wondered.

Not long after Fox fell down into the sea, seemingly dead (or would be dead in a while), there came the Mighty Lavos, a red Equine. Lavos, saying nothing, casted HELL FIRE on the ship, and I immediately called for 'holy water' (aka water that is best at opposing his fire) and ceased the fire, while Hadrian produced a force wall protecting all furres on the ship except Lavos.

Cloud Rie immediately challenged Lavos, and they went down to the water to fight. The two used holy/hell magic plus daggers, fangs and claws, desperately wanting to hurt each other. Meanwhile, I wonder what's the difference between holy/hell magic. During the fight, Lavos tried to hurt us, the witnesses, with hell flare, but Hadrian's force wall (which lasted on us since he casted it) managed to screen off the fire. But the wall was weaken. I could feel it.

Although Cloud Rie fought bravely, he was defeated. Hadrian continued the fight. However, Hadrian's bullet couldn't harm Lavos. Things were really bad. As Hadrian fought with Lavos, Lavos tried to hurt Cloud, whom I couldn't see where he had sinked, with fire beam. The fire beam revealed the place where Cloud was, and I reacted quickly by turning the sea water around Cloud into ice which acted as a mirror that reflected most of the beam energy away and saved Cloud from further damage, while realizing that although I couldn't see where Cloud was, I could FEEL where he was, due to the water.

I found the defeated Cloud in the water, who was drowning then, and told Arctic Sea, a lilac Feline of the group, to get Cloud to safety.

I reviewed the situation: Lavos was very strong and couldn't be defeated because Hadrian's bullets couldn't harm Lavos, and Hadrian wasn't good with casting holy magic, which was the only thing that could harm Lavos. (Lavos proudly told us that.) Although Hadrian had received holy material from Cloud, he couldn't properly use that.

I suddenly remembered the anguishing look of Lavos when he was cut by the Excaliber earlier by Cloud, and how I just protect Cloud with the ice mirror, and got an idea. I could make use of the environment!

Meanwhile, Silver and Vinsent was seriously hurt by Lavos, and Hadrian was very angry. Luckily, Lavos was not good at fighting in water. He forgot that the refractive index of water and air was different and therefore his beams didn't hit the Equine brothers fatally. Cloud, before he was removed from the scene, struck Lavos with the Excaliber one more time and then threw the holy dagger to Hadrian, before he passed away due to the attack from the angry Lavos, who was in serious pain due to the stab of the Excaliber.

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