The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 28

Day 49 -- The Blue Bird does not exist in a particular physical form

(Day 49 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I wandered in several alternative worlds today. I have, finally, understood why my bot could travel around the Worlds. The trick is that I kept my memory here in Furcadia, empowered a 'mindless' body in the target world, and transferred my consciousness to it...sort of like controlling a bot in another world.

Although each of the worlds I went to looks very different from each other and from Furcadia, those worlds were similar, but different from Furcadia in their social structure and ecology.

All of those worlds I visited was of, mainly, violence nature. There, most people survived by killing creatures or other people. They fought hard to have their level (in skills, and ability) raised. Others survived by producing weapons and armors, or in some worlds, services like medication (doctors and nurses).

They all have to do something in order to survive, and are, not only willing, but also determined to do so. Most of them hoped to gained larger abilities and higher levels. There were friends and charters, but most of the people care a lot about their friends' abilities, and don't like 'weaklings'.

I didn't dare staying in those worlds for long, and didn't like the fact that in most of those worlds I visited, I had to kill creatures to raise my ability etc., or work continuously. I told about life in Furcadia to some people in each of the worlds I visited, but most of them were first amazed, and then exclaimed 'what a boring world it is'!

I did tried out life particularly in one of those worlds, but I didn't like it. As I needed to increase my ability first in order to have a 'normal' life there, I had to push myself to my limit in training myself, constantly finding some little animals like deer and snakes to fight them to death, and several times, I exerted myself so much that I fainted away

Many of the people in those world seek fights not only because they wanted to improve their fighting skills, but also that fighting is a happy experience to them. In some worlds, people enjoyed what they called the 'grand effects' of magic attacks. I had to admit that those battle scenes with magic attacks were really gorgeous, but I am anti-sorcery, as you must have known, dear Diary, and had not liked the situations there. However, I managed to keep my mouth shut, might be because I have subconsciously realized, at that point, why is it that the Blue Bird is not transferable.

Although those worlds were much beautiful (oh, how I love the looks of my body in those harsh places) when compared to Furcadia, I am now quite sure that my Blue Bird is here in Furcadia. More importantly, I now understand why the Blue Bird is not transferable.

We see things because there are 'things' and we can see. The Blue Bird, or the highest blessing is there because we can feel its presence first of all. Now here the problem comes. We don't feel the same thing in the same way, presumably because each individual, represented in the 5-elements theory format, are not the same ring. Therefore the Blue Bird does not exist in a particular physical form, because the 'physical' world and each individual mind cannot be represented by the same ring. Each ring is equivalent to a world. Why should two worlds be the same? Therefore, it is not transferable.

Today, my bot got me eight successful challengers: L'enai, Charlotte Lariena, S'arai'aria, Almost Angelic, bar of club blizzards, Lord Psionic, Lilly#SOAngel and Chrystalis.

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