The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 28

Day 47 -- You may not know what you have achieved

(Day 17 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I got Alaok, Meneadryk and Luna#SO this morning. I gave a tour and some food in Laputa to Alaok, who at the end expressed his appreciation with my dream, after his game.

Meneadryk, although tired and slow moving, managed to complete the whole game to my amazement. Like so much challengers, Meneadryk wanted to replay the game at the yellow challenge in order to have the Power to pursue the dream and weren't allowed. Some never had it, some dropped it when they tried to free themselves from the temptation of Comfort. Meneadryk was the latter.

And, like many recent challengers, Meneadryk had to be shown how to use wealth to get pass the guards. I was quite disappointed and hoped that it had been my bot guiding him, not me.

Still worse, he got very stuck at the Blue obstacles. He dropped his key when he fought with the ants, and therefore went up the stairs wanting to get back the key. But one can only go into the yellow challenge once. Therefore, he had to redo the maze.

Finally, I lost my patience and demonstrated the solution to him finally. It was because of this I thought for a minute whether I should put him on the list of successful challengers or not.

Finally, considering that Meneadryk at least has a lot of patience, and completed the Challenge unders suboptimal condition, I wrote his name on the list as well.

Meneadryk found my game interesting and even tried out alternative paths at the Yellow and Blue Challenge afterwards. Suddenly, when he was trying out killing the ants with the sword, he asked, 'What have I achieved?'

So I told him that he had achieved at getting a message from Wind and Water, which was a subconscious message embedded in the game

Luna#SO(LunaHEART) was a Feline who's very afraid of deep water. I had to assure her that the water is only waist deep in the Blue Challenge to make her go on. She complained to me that the 'tile' 'ate up' her key. I laughed and told her that there's a recycle system which recycle important props so that the important props only appear at the right place. I told Luna that 'if you treasure something, never give it up'.

I studied Aritificial Intelligence in the afternoon and night. I don't like the fact that I don't know how my bot is working.

Day 48 - I've got the Blue Bird here

Dear Diary,

The first thing that came to my mind when I woke up this morning was Meneadryk's question 'What have I achieved?'. Why should I achieve something, first of all? I reflected upon myself and decided that I REALLY wanted to achieve something: I am here, as the messenger of the Wind from Water. What if I were not? I sat quietly on the pouf and kept my consciousness calm and transparent. There's still something there. I didn't know what it is. But it is there. Not a desire, but it's something I have got, I could sense. But I couldn't catch it. It's a tiny bird.

Subconsciously, I picked up the Blue Bird, which is a tale from another world, and finally finished it at night. The protagonists in the story had to find the Blue Bird, in order to give it to someone else. In the end, they realized that they had already had the Blue Bird, but was disappointed that it could not be transferred to anybody else.

The Blue Bird symbolized the highest blessing one could obtain in one's life. However, I had a feeling that I did not understand why it could not be transferred to anybody else. I decided that I would go on a trip tomorrow to find that out.

This is because I think I have got the Blue Bird here in Furcadia. I have a safe and peaceful home here, can eat and sleep whenever I want, and have a controllable environment. I have friends to chat with, books to read, music to play, sing and enjoy, and I can wander around whenever I like. I can choose my life here. And more, I have nothing to lose. I have no money, no family, no history, and if my little cosy home were destroyed, I can always build another one. The best thing is, I can always warp away from undesirable situations. Death would be meaningless to me because it just means that I won't be able to enjoy my life anymore, and I won't know it in any case. May be at my death, my memory would be transferred to where I came from, but that would be none of my business anymore.

In the afternoon, I got Selanium the graceful handsome dragon, Aden Tu'akuma, Kenzan, and Rob D.. as successful challenger of today.

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