The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 27

Day 45 -- 2000th Furre, 60th challenger

(Day 15 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

This morning, when I woke up, I received a news from the central message system that Furcadia had, for its first time, got more than 2000 furres roaming around in the kingdom!

And today, I got my 60th challenger too.

In my statistics, usually there's about 1300 players at peak hours (at noon of Standard Furcadian Time aka SFT), and about 400 players in other hours. Therefore, on average, there are about 800 players around at a time. If most furres are out there for one hour of SFT per SF Day, and most furres appear in alternate SF Day, then, there should be nearly about 40000 active furres in Furcadia.

I told myself that I would create a brand new RPG game to Furcadia when 400 (aka 1% of the population) furres had completed the Rainbow Challenge. Dear Diary, I think I will only take 6 months to complete that goal.

I wander into Dim LightFoot's new home this morning. Opposite to his old one, which was dark and dry, his new one was flowery. However, He had not finished with the main house and there was only the little building in the middle of the lavender (pink and purple) seas. There were sakura trees as well as beautiful statues of the legendary creatures in Furcadia.

In the after noon, I got Saergoth Edoan the golden and black dragon, Zash, Mursame, Jack Goldmen the theif succesfully completed the Rainbow Challenge.

I had a good chat with Saergoth whom was a veteran. He had lived in Furcadia, which I learnt from him that it's other name was Kasuria, for 4 yrs. He inspected my list of furres who completed the Rainbow Challenge and pointed out that he was acquaintance with Deathworg, Kain D'Artagnan (whom Saerogoth told me was now Kain Edoan), Cobo, and Lord Nobunaga.

He told me that once he also ran an RPG game in another world. It was called 'Murder Mystery' which was a detective type game plus hide-and-seek. He sadly told me that he closed the game down when his idea was copied by somebody else.

Zash liked the Rainbow Challenge a lot and played the game over for a few times, trying out alternative paths. After Jack finished the game, he carelessly fell down the stair which joined the recap section with the goal hall and black out.

There had been several other challengers who gave up. However, there had been an unhappy incident in which a bug at the red challenge made a female canine trapped in the sea, who gave up immedaitely. I repaired the bug immediately.

I decided to get a thorough check with the whole game again, as I am more experienced with DragonSpeak now.

Day 46 -- Rainbow Challenge version 2.0

Dear Diary,

I wandered again in the morning with my bot form while I checked through Rainbow Challenge. I am fond of using my bot these days, because he can protect himself without fighting. I can't.

First, not really awaken I dropped into Icicle Inn, which was a village of snow. I changed my clothes into a set of warm kimono provided by the Inn owner (Editor 262501: Traditional Japanese cliths).

There was a cute bot (small winged Rodent) at the reception desk. I walked around in the inn and met three furres, one of them an employee of the inn.

Two of them were in the size of that bot. I wondered if all Rodents will be transformed into that cute fairy form when they came into the inn.

So much happened today I couldn't remember clearly.

Then I set up the entrance to Rainbow Challenge and soon got Vaalin as the day's first challenger. After the game, we(my bot and Vaalin) discussed many things, about Vaalin and his family, about me, my bot and the game, and about Furcadia.

I learnt that in the places where furres live as a closely jointed community, Lapines and Mustalines weren't welcome, because they are anti-social and don't conform to rules of the community. Equines are not liked too because they 'look weird'. Vaalin told me that only Canine and Feline were respected in those communities.

Then Vaalin brought me to his old home, where he lived as a clan. His home was huge, because there lived the whole of his clan. He was one of the 'treans' aka tree-furre. However, all of his clan members (more than 10) have passed away. The big deserted house was thus spooky.

As I searched through the game, instead of more bugs, I found ways of improvement. I found out the way to change entrytext, which now, instead of announcing just the game's name, included information about the game and where and how challengers could receive help.

It proved to be a busy day. I got 6 challengers today: Sowelu Whitewolf, Caleea, DX, Kakurine the Priestess, and Rini Rodentski. (and Vaalin)

During all this business, I thought about the future of Rainbow Challenge, and decided that I couldn't drive my bot around all day and therefore I should invite as much furres as guides of Rainbow Challenge.

DX and Kakurine were two of the guides I recruited today. When I told them an alternative path for the game, they gladly tried them out and even timed their whole game. There were a lively pair.

That curious bug with the recycling of important props in the yellow challenge was in effect this afternoon. I had long known about the bug but still couldn't catch it.

This night, after dinner, it suddenly dawned on me where the bug was. I happily corrected that bug, tested it (yeah I did it! The bug was removed!!) and made other little improvements. I was very happy.

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