The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 26

Day 43 -- My bot is not a dummy

Dear Diary,

This morning I wandered in the deserted but interesting Hogwarts Magic Academy. It was another dream built in resemblance to the world of Harry Potter. I was transformed into a little orange bird as I entered the place. There was a cab that brought one to a dark kingdom. Although it's spooky there, there were many interesting creatures like unicorns and more fancy organisms that I couldn't name. Even a shrub fire had a blue colour there.

In a classroom there, I met a three-eyed Canine there. It's the first time I have ever seen a three-eyed furre. He/She sat silently and was like a statue. After a while, I left this incredible canine after taking nap beside him/her. Then I got a dainty lunch buffet in the main hall. Although the place was deserted, I was not feeling negatively...may be because I WAS a bird and a bird couldn't feel lonely?

Afterwards, I sent my bot into the underground mansion of Nate McCloud, who was the brother of Captin Fox McCloud, while I read Faust at the entrace of Rainbow Challenge. There was a small noisy crowd of furre there, in the living room.

The crowd was very interested in my air bot. My bot had an interesting time explaining how he worked to the curious 6 furres. When one of them, who was called Runewolf heard that it had been my air bot, he showed in his expressions that he knew me(Windera). My bot inquisited about the matter, and discovered he was the one Scrud discussed my memory 'problem' with when I came to Furcadia without any memory of my past.

Unfortunately, Scrud misinformed him that he had kind of 'saved' me from 'the replapsing memory problem. My bot politely told him that the reality was that I had NO memory of the past. I had not lost anything thus, nor had some memory problem.

Runewolf was a Canine. He was a mercenary and a drifter. As the crowd chattered continuously about their own topic while listening to my bot's self-introduction at the same time.

Ah, dear Diary, I should tell you more about my bot, too.

My bot, rather than just a kind of dummy, or programmed robot, was a creature with half-a-mind. It was not totally controlled by me in real-time, since I only controlled it with my subconsciousness, and therefore can only give rough directional command with inaccurate quantification and details.

And therefore, my bot had to complete a task with his own intelligence. Problem solving and speaking in general would be difficult to be programmed wholly, and therefore, I had to give him learning abilities. The lines he needed to give (as hints) to the challengers and when he should give them were pre-programmed. However, he could learn new vocabularies and grammar rules from furres who talked to him.

Honestly, I didn't know how to did the learning program. I just input it to Rainbow by copying the code from one of the books about artificial intelligence I got from the Lost Technology.

My bot is called 'airbot' because it's body was composed of little nanomachines that, separately, acted like air particles. In fact, my bot had a furre shape and could hold things with it's paw because the particles can 'condense' by forming attractive and repulsive bonds between them.

One of the crowd, Khelar, had pointed out that my bot could walk through walls. It is true, but too energy consumimg that its generally not a good idea. After dinner, I got Warynn as the day's only challenger. He appreciated my ability with DragonSpeak a lot However, compared to the programmers of the Lost Technology era, I was no good at all.

Day 44 -- Rest

Dear Diary,

I didn't wander around today.

I had Augustulus, Tarkin Williams and Lord Nobunaga successfully completed Rainbow challenge during the day. I spent the rest of the day playing the furiano (editor 262501: Furcadian style piano, which is much like a digital piano) with some new scores I got from the Imaginarium library.

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