The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 25

Day 41 -- mesh of Rings?

(Day 11 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I spent my time controlling the bot to wander in Furcabia, the city of wild dreams, while I sat in the front of my altar meditating about how could the 5-elements theory explain the phenomenon of 'consciousness'.

Again, like in the past, most of the dreams I entered contained less than one furre, and usually, the furre other than me in the dream is a bot.

I visited the Erotic Fantasies, a banal place if you exclude its name, and the dream of Academy of Enchanters, where the only furre I met was a bot, who was the Head of the Dark Magic side of Enchanters Academy. The Light Magic department was totally deserted.

We are part of the world, and in the world, as organisms, we are the 'wood' part of the Ring of the 5-elements. Most people can distinguish that what is in our 'mind' is different from what is really 'out there'. And, most people acknowledge the fact that how we feel does not directly change what is 'out there'. But how many will always remind onself that what we see as 'out there' is also 'in here'?

So, is it possible that the world and each of us should be represented by 2 jointed rings rather than 2 seperated rings or one single ring? Then, how's the whole picture, represented by the Rings look? A tangle of rings? One 'ring' for one 'individual'?

At the same time, my bot seems to get a challenger for me. He was Tim~Tim. I decided to let the bot to do his job while I read some fictions for entertainment.

But then, as Tim~Tim finished and the game, krak and Auriel Danu came in, and therefore I had to drive the bot here and there to guide the two, and was dead busy for a moment.

After the game, in which Auriel seemed to have no problem to deal with compared to krak, Auriel told me that he had the memory of playing the game before because he had inherited the memory of a furre who had played the game before!

After dinner, I had a good walk in the well-built Durmstrang Mage Academy, which had a number of furres in it. The funny thing is that, this school, like a bunch of other schools found in Furcadia, had a style copied from another world called 'the world of Harry Potter and Hogwarts'. The furres there were seen to have lessons which Harry Potter had taken in his own world.

At the same time, my airbot located Scrud and gave him a message that my diary was celebrating his 3-month-old birthday.

I was dead tired and couldn't remember clearly after sending the message to Scrud. I should have used the Furcadian message system instead. I could just remember that my bot stepped into some place and was kicked out because it wasn't yet 'open to the public'...couldn't understand...

Day 42 -- Seperate rings, seperate worlds?

(Day 12 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I woke up, set up the entrance to Rainbow Challenge at the city and decided I needed to do some arrangements with you, my diary, as you will be read my many furres in the future.

I tried to find some of my acquaitances with my bot but without success. Then I left my bot in charge of Rainbow Challenge and wandered around in the deserted dreams like Sky of secrets club. Then I noticed the portal to Dim LightFoot's home. I stepped in and told Dim that I have new entries in my diary and it's got a new look. Dim gladly took my diary to read.

As I went back from Dim's home to the city center of Imaginarium, I noticed that I could see two of mysself. What ever I did, the other of me did the same, except that it's several steps away from me. After one minute, I was sure that the other one of me was an illusion, because no one else could see it. I made the illusion disappear by making it to bump into a tree.

Why did I see two of myself? Why had I felt that I was PHYSICALLY at two different places at the same time until the other furres told me that they could not see the other me? And I thought of the mesh of Rings again. It seems that number of rings = number of Worlds...

After I advertised about Rainbow Challenge for a while in the city center, I went back to my bot and dissipated it. Ah, did I ever told you, dear diary? When my bot isn't in working mode, it condensed into a silver bracelet.

As I was waiting leisurely for a challenger, I discovered a hidden function with the messenger system of Furcadia. I could sent a signal to it and it would generate a reply about the name of the dream I was in, the number and names of furres in the dream and the standard Furcadian time.

I went back to the city center and test the new function there. There was 24 furres in Imaginarium. After a while, I got Cobo as the first challenger of the day. Cobo was a theif, so I had to followed him closely to make sure he didn't mess up Rainbow Challenge. At the same time, I got a message from Dim who told me that my diary had been an excellent read.

As Cobo finished the game, I reflected on the fact that most challengers liked to take the path of the Dreamer, but most of them could not take it because they had no Power. I smiled.

And Cobo stepped onto the coloured pads in the Recap section in the meantime, and I had to bring him the pink love dragon egg to bring him back. I taught him to play the waterfall slide. Cobo loved the slide and did it again and again. While he played with the slide, I tried to set up the entrance to my home in the little pool in the Impossible Waterfall but failed.

I rested for a while and did it again. It worked.

Cobo didn't want food, so I ate my lunch myself, and let Cobo read my diary.

After lunch, I wandered again in the assortment of deserted dreams all through the kingdom of Furcadia. Finally, I got Rufus Cruzcavelt as my second challenger of the day. I was sure that I had seen him several time this morning when I wandered in Imaginarium.

Rufus was a tall musculine canine who moved slowly and spoke with an excessively polite style.

Just as Rufus had started the game, Lance Vaynard took up the challenge as well. Lance was moving at the speed of light if compared to Rufus. As Rufus moved in a very slow manner, he had much trouble in freeing himself from the trap of Comfort. As Rufus was still struggling with the trap of Comfort, and Lance in the blue Obstacles, Scrud came in. I gave my diary for him to read.

Lance was indeed a swift mover. He wandered into my old sweet home before I could introduce him about the waterfall. I turned to Rufus and helped him. Suddenly, Lance appeared in front of me. He must have stepped on the coloured pads. Then he repeated that he loved the game, and hoped that it was longer (oh well, if it's longer, Rufus would be in GREAT trouble...).

After I don't know how much time, (after I got myself some dried peach in a drawer in the Restroom), Rufus finished the game finally. Rufus was very interested in WHY I wrote the game, so I had to explained to him again (He asked about that already when he was playing the game).

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