The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 24

Day 40 -- Lecture 2: the 5 basic elements

(Page 3 of Day 10 of Second Month)

(con't from last page)

I could imagined that I was pouring her to much and too quickly, but I had to explain the whole ring of 5 elements together because each of their existence is dependent on the others, and each of them doesn't have a meaning when examined alone. As said above, 'changes' cannot be detected if there exists no memory about the past states. 'Rules' have no meaning if nothing can and will change. If there is no rules in the changes, there is nothing in particular we need to have a change, and thus 'energy' is a word with no meaning. If a system has no energy, then there isn't any 'possibilities', or in other words, all states are equally possible(total chaos). If there is no 'possibility' aka alternate state(s), no memory can form because the world can only be in one state only, and thus no changes, no rules, no energy. It is a ring that cannot be broken down.

At that point, I wondered whether this is the simplest way to describe the universe?

Thererfore, unconsciously, I told SynderWind that the theory of 5 elements was something I read from the books, but the interpretation I told her was my original work. (editor 262501: this inpterpretation is really Akida's original work, so don't steal!!)

Then I told SynderWind the reason I was pouring this on her: theoretically, we can explain everything in this 5-elements' frame and solve any problem. At least, to give a solution to every problem that is theoretically possible.

SynderWind asked me for an example. I was disappointed. SynderWind seemed to know nothing about logic. An example in this case could not prove the sentence. I was silent for a second, quickly deciding that SynderWind either needed another lecture on logic, which I did't think she would be interested in, or I should cease lecturing her on philosophical things at all. Or may be, I hoped, that she's just asking me to illustrate how could the theory help with problem solving.

Therefore, I asked her to give me a problem to solve. This would be more useful for her, I decided. But then, I have an idea.

I tried to explain the problem of 'magic' in Furcadia. And then the solution. The problem of magic had been illustrated in some previous pages, so I won't rewrite it again.

The solution I posted, using the frame of the 5-elements theory, was to use logic. This is because what we call logic is actually a super-concentration, or synopsis of our knowledge aka memory. This is because from the resistant cycle, we can see that metal can resist wood. Therefore, the 5-element theory is a good way of thinking to let one to solve some complicated problems.

At this point, jh'Scrud woke up and said hello to me through the wind. He was at Furcabia enjoying his life by fulfilling his desire. :)

My logic reasoning in de-disconceptioning the concept of 'magic': Magic is about the usage of some unknown power to create some desired results. There are furres who can control the magical power(s) to create predictable results. For example, they can cast fireballs in a range of different sizes as they want it.

Therefore, magic is not really unpredictable and 'unknowable'. With all predictable things, it means that one can 'explain' it away.

Any predictable things must be due to a line of causality.

Magic, however, is a concept about powers whose workings cannot be known, forever.

Therefore, what the furres called 'magic' is not magic at all. And, I have books that shows that those are just part of the lost technologies. Memory is the thing which can prove that a concept is wrong. ;)

Then SynderWind asked, 'What of the feelings that furre's have?'

I answered, '...Emotion is generated from, organisms. Therefore, it should be a part of Fire, aka energy.

SynderWind seems to be really interested in this topic. She repeated her question earnestly at this point, 'So how do furre's really have feelings of another? Why?'

'First, we have emotions.'

'Emotions can be directed on any thing, including other furres.'

'You can like a beautiful pictures, and so another furre. And therefore, sometimes, we have difficulty in locating the thing that roused our emotion. Is that your look, or your smell?'

SynderWind was mystified, 'My look or scent?'

I was rambling uncontrollably by then. 'Or is that your behavior? your words? or you, the combination of so many things?'

SynderWind suddenly mumbled, 'I don't know. I just know I like femfurres (editor 262501: femfurres=femme=female furres) and no other femme in my clan felt the same. I was told to go to the villages and find one that feels the same.'

I explained to SynderWind that it is usually a difficult thing to find out the source of any emotion, and therefore SynderWind would face great difficulty in her quest of furres that will give her the same feeling. I only noticed that SynderWind was probably a homosexual when I am writing down this speech in my diary...

SynderWind continued her question, 'And why when one has those feelings of wanting another, all of a sudden doesn't?'

I was absorbed in my thoughts AND speech. (Well, they were quite different...I was used to thinking about what I was not speaking. I trained myself on it when I tried to control my air bot subconsciously, and study consciously.)'Feelings and generated from YOUR mind. Your mind receive information from changes.'

SynderWind asked, 'What kind of change?'

'Changes that you perceived. And your mind try to sort out, or process the changes to see if something make sense, and therefore your mind is constantly making and disproving thesis (prove of that: look at a bi-meaning picture, e.g. a face of lady/old woman. You will see a lady and then old woman and then lady...'

SynderWind seemed to give up in solving the problem in the 'hard' way and said, 'I think I will just let happen what happens.'

'...alternatively, that's prove of what your brain's doing -- making a hypothesis, disproving it, make a new one and so on). That's why as time pass, you will get different conclusions. The basic form of conclusion is in the form of energy. Before our ancestors can make use of words or higher symbols, they use emotion to judge.'

What I have originally planned to say here was that in the our mind (which is a system itself), what makes something different from another consciously is a (different) conclusion on them. If we cannot judge things, all things would seem to be equal.

I didn't manage to say it because SynderWind snapped, 'Do you talk of other things?' She had had enough of my rambling.

I replied, 'Yup.' Then I blacked out at this moment somehow.

Now that I am lying on a chair alone in the altar, waking up at 'midnight', suddenly unable to sleep again, and therefore is spending the time writing this diary, I wonder: what is consciousness? Can I explain it in the 5 elements theory?

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