The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 23

Day 40 -- Lecture 2: the 5 basic elements

(Page 2 of Day 10 of Second Month)

(con't from last page)

'Light is there, because you perceive and difference between light and dark. No light, no dark. There's an old poem of the Wind, saying that "Light alone burns out itself, and darkness alone swallow itself".'

I was thinking of explaining this further, but SynderWind was so silent that I thought she was daydreaming again. I stopped rambling (that was her word).

What I was planning to say then was that if there is no way to observe light (aka light makes no effect either directly or indirectly on us, because observe necessarily requires an observer (that is us, in this case)) then we will not know that light exists at all. To be able to observe light, light must make a difference that we can detect. We can only detect a difference if we know that the present state is not the same as the 'past' state, aka having a memory.

Therefore, changes and memory is some very basic things in our world. Their meaning is 'dependent' on each other because one cannot detect a change if one does not have memory of the 'past'. And our cognitive system has evoloved to inform us of changes and differences, and to store memory.

After a while, I decided to change my topic to the basic elements in the World.

According to my books about the lost technologies, one theory that had lasted till present that was about the basics of the Universe we are in is the theory of the 5 basic elements.

I continued with my lecture, '...The 5 elements form a ring, each resisting the other and generating/subliming into each other. The 5 elements, in the direction of subliming , is earth, metal, water, wood, and fire (then fire back to earth).

In the order of resisting, it's earth resisting water, water resisting fire, fire resisting metal and metal resisting wood (then wood resisting earth).

This five elements are just symbols. They stand for:
earth: possibilities;
metal: memory (original state(S));
water: change;
wood: some kind of new order found inside change;
fire: energy/difference;
We, the organisms, stand at the role of 'wood' in this vast universe.'

At This point, SynderWind gave sign to me that she's back from daydreaming. She asked, 'We are as wood?'

I answered, 'to be specific, our ability of having mental states/consciousness is what makes us taking up the role of wood in this universe.' What I meant here is that our minds creates concepts from our memory.

And we, as organisms, is a sort of new 'rules' (aka pattern of change) in the universe. Our presence create a difference which gives rise to new possibilities of the state of Universe.

'Our emotions is fire.'

Here I mean that our emotions is an example to what 'fire' or energy is. 'Energy' is something that makes a difference. Fire not only includes physical energy like heat energy and light energy, but also includes psychological ones, and anything that would directly causes a difference.

'As we are born of the Changes, it is natural of us to set up an altar for the Changes. Changes is like the mother of all things with a mind. And we need to have memory in order to have changes that is meaningful. It is memory that joins our past to the present.'

Indeed, there's nothing else. If the Universe had not changed since it's born, there would be no sun, no earth, no furres. The Universe would be a soup of particles forever. And indeed, if WE do not change, and everything is there forever, there would be no future, and we cannot 'do' anything, becuase we cannot do something at all. We can't even move. Nothing can move. We may be able to remember that something HAD moved, but nothing is moving.

Moving... but what is Changes, now that I think of it? Sure, we need to have 'memory' to perceive Changes. Changes can create patterns in turn. Therefore, Changes is the adding of new memory UPON the old one, while not erasing the old one completely.

'And to have memory, we need to have something that can be in several states, and the state it is in is not random. That is the role of "earth", or matter.

And in order that matter can change it's state, we need energy. The presence/absence of an energy will make a difference.'

At this point, Synderwind uses her body language to complain that she cannot understand much of the things I am talking about. This is not surprising because no many furres had studied the lost technologies like I have done. My knowledge base is much wider and deeper than most furres' that's now in Furcadia, thanks to those ancient books which can transfer knowledge to my brain directly when I was dreaming.

I explained to her that I was talking about the basics of the Universe from a philosophical point of view, aka trying to explain the Universe in the simplest words and simplest, most fundamental concepts.

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