The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 22

Day 40 -- Lecture 2: the 5 basic elements

(Day 10 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I had had a good night's sleep and woke up fresh this 'morning'. As I have explained yesterday, 'morning' is a nearly meaningless word in Furcadia because there is no sun that sets nor there is night. The fact is, every furre wakes up at any time he/she wishes, and therefore, if a day of a furre is counted by number of cycles of wakefulness and sleep, then there are the number of ways to count a day is the number of furres in Furcadia.

This is because, dear diary, that Furcadia is not an independent world. There are other worlds which affects Furcadia. That is my conclusion after my 40-dayed life in Furcadia. It should not have been a new knowledge to me, but I seemed to have forgotten it since I arrived at this enigmatic and fantastical world of Furcadia.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a standard clock in Furcadia so that people can arrage meetings easily.

Ah, dear diary, to your curiosity, I might inform you that my day lasts for, usually, two standard day in Furcadia. Also, I spent, like a typical Feline in many worlds, most of the time sleeping in my comfortable Laputa or napping in the quite altar.

After I ate salted fish with porridge for breakfast, I went around in the Imaginarium. I spent most of the morning wandering in the Fair town of Anquin, which was a normal town with hotels and fighting halls and seats in hunky sceneries for socializing. After I searched the place with the wind, I walked to the city center to meet the furre whose scent I caught in the wind while consuming my lunch which was a peach.

The furre was a female feline, with short ebony hair falling past her blue eyes, sitting beside the little fountain pond alone in the deserted town. SynderWind was her name and I settled myself quietly beside her as an annoucement of my arrival.

I started our conversation by pointing out a bug of the little fountain beside us that caused the water in the pond to spill into a small part of the road. Then I invited her to my Rainbow Challenge, in where she became the 48th challenger who completed the game successfully. I hadn't expected SynderWind to succeed because she was quite dreamy. But I was wrong. :)

Then I invited her for tea after trying the waterfall slide which she commented, like many other furres who tried, 'neat', but she was again in her daydream (!?) again and responded to me after several that moment I had already given her up and left her and was wandering in the resturant of the Floating Kingdom, which was an island with a building in the sea.

I came back to bring SynderWind to Laputa to have tea with me. (I summoned her to the garden, to prevent the possibility of having her got lost in my sea. She was very polite in receiving my food. She explained to me that she usually fended herself in a forest but she was hungry then. Felines get hungry easily when we are not sleeping.

I gave SynderWind the standard tour around my little world.

When she was sight-seeing in my mini-hotel which composed of multiple little islands on the water surface, she commented that 'one must like water to be here'.

I explained to her that I was the messenger of the Wind from Water, and therefore being surrounded by water.

At this point, SynderWinder seemed to have sort of woken up and was inquisiting about me and my home continuously. She asked about the Rainbow Island, the altar, and my role and relationship with the altar. I explained to her that my work in the altar is to listen to furre's confession, or in simpler words, their problems, and gave directions to them to help them with the power of Wind and Water.

I was charged up by her question and therefore, when the two of us were sitting in the altar, I started by lecturing her on what the Wind and the Water is.

'Whether you go to altars or not, the Wind and Water is all around you; for the Wind is all the changes you can perceive, and Water is all the changes there are.'

SynderWind, as I expected, sat quietly listening to me, the 'odd furre'. Then I made a mistake in saying that 'there is no time'. It should be 'time is not a basic element of the world. It is one of our 'higher concepts', now that I think of it.

Ah yes, dear Diary, you may ask why I could remember such things without jotting down my words. After the experience of last lecture, I decided that I should carry a self-made cassette recorder with me. This recorder was in the form of a tube no greater than my forarm, and can recorded 3 hours of sound. It was actually a part of my bot that is removable.

'All there is, is changes and memory. Changes and memory are like bread and butter because you can't seperate the two without losing another's meaning. ' SynderWind, at this point, pointed out that there is 'light' and 'dark'. Light and darkness is indeed something very basic in our concepts. No wonder she would ask about it. In SynderWind's word, 'it is what we go by in the forests'. I replied to her that light and dark is a sort of change.

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