The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 21

Page 2 of Day 9 of the Second Month This page was viewed Counter times.

The invisible field of...

I assured Dim that he would always found solitariness in my altar's meditation site, but it was obvious that he did not seek solitary. I joked whether this was his subtle request for me leaving him alone, and he toke my joke seriously and dismissed my little thesis.

He was just annoyed that furres just seemed to be able to find him and annoyed him one way or the other.

Suddenly our topic switched to fighting. Both of us claimed to hate killing. Both of us had been in a situation where we cannot think up better solutions than killing the source of problem, which is a life.

I decided to switch away from this black topic into something whiter. I asked him whether he had swam in the Public Swimming Pool in Allgeria Island. He, liked me, had swam a few times in it. However, he went there with his family, unlike me, who had only had one single company once only. He pointed out that even the male furres were given bikinis. Naturally, I had never noticed it, because I never went in the pool during the peak hour. Then Dim dimmed his face and said, 'Well..... not much of a family anymore, but i still go anyway'.

I wondered that this had been the reason that Dim had tried to avoid furres in general. A bad experience will tune down one's desire for engaging oneself in situations similar to the situation that had led to the experience.

I diverted our topic to his job as a soul hunter, which he did not for the sake of money, and than to the great fact that none of the furres need to work for money/food in Furcadia. Both of us treasured this fact greatly. Finally I invited him to wander in Allgeria Island with me.

Before I warped, I packed my lunch with me -- some freshly picked peaches, and jotted down our chats in the diary.

Allgeria Island, being the captal city of Furcadia, is crowded no matter what time it is. Dim was dizzy among all the moving and buzzing furres and therefore I let him pouch in a corner and left him there to find somewhere good then summon him. I finally sorted out the way to summon and being summoned by another furre, thanks to the help of Scrud.

I spotted a place called 'Yu-Gi's Duelist Kingdom'. I couldn't see the last two words because it's name was blocked by the name board of another dream entrance. I was attracted to it because the name 'Yu-Gi' seemed to struck a familiar chord in me...

I went into the Yu-Gi's Duelist Kingdom and was out quickly, because the first furre I met with started the conversation by asking me 'care 2 duel'. I was disgusted and went away quickly.

I ate my peaches as I searched for some interesting place. I went into the Royal Ballet School and was disappointed that the place was not finished yet and was only consisting a small dancing room which was not open for visitors.

Finally, we chose to land our feet in the Land of Midnight Dreams. I couldn't remember any of my midnight dreams, so I couldn't say anything about it, but it was sure a beautiful place. The sad thing was that all furres were back on 4 paws here. I dislike the fact that I couldn't use my front legs as hands. This place had about 10 furres in it at a time, and more visitors coming in and out during our period of visit.

However, may be due to the fact that I haven't had a good night's sleep yesterday, I was soon so tired that I had to bid good night to Dim, and went to sleep in my comfortable Laputa without having dinner.

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