The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 20

Page one of Day 9 of the Second Month

The invisible field of...

Dear Diary,

Dim LightFoot woke me up this morning. He, I reckoned, didn't know about that. I woke up, again, in a city center. Today it's New Haven.

I stared for a while at Dim after I woke up, still not realizing that I was woken up by him, and turned my attention to two black furres sitting unabashedly in the middle of the narrow road at the city center of New Haven.

Dim LightFoot was a tall slim feline who captured wandering souls. He had reddish brown fur and wore black cloak. Using his own words to describe him, 'his face is concealed within the darkness of it but you can see two glowing red eyes peering from within'.

But mind you, dear diary, that Dim didn't have a scary face at all. He carried a large scythe at all times, like that he farmed for food.

Well, how did I find out that he woke me up?

I went back to Imaginarium nearly immediately, wanting to set up the entrance to Rainbow Challenge and my dear home, so that I may have breakfast, but at the last moment decided that I was not hungry (which was surprising because I was not having real rest last night).

I went inside the house of Shade Daystar, which had a tomb in her garden.

Just as I wanted to wander in her house, with her permission, Dim appeared beside me. And then I got a very special feeling. It's not a sparky feeling, nor thermic one, but a sort of...uhm... the feeling of inside a feild whose center came from Dim.

I ran my conscious mind for one second and decided that Dim would be a challenger. I invited him, and my instinct was correct.

Dim LightFoot became another succesful challenger of Rainbow Challenge.

I got a stomach problem and left him at the blue challenge. He completed the last two challenges without my help with no problem at all. Afterwards, we had breakfast in Laputa, and I gave him the standard tour around my little ecosystem and left him in the base of the altar to clean up the breakfast dishes back in Laputa.

As I washed the dishes, I reflected upon myself: I think I have grown used to visitors praising about the new and interesting style of Rainbow Challenge, and about the beautiful, scenic and natural environment of my home, however, I was still continuously inviting furres into Rainbow Challenge and my home. Was I feeling lonely? Couldn't I feel contented sitting alone in my beautiful and sumptous(in natural resources like clean air & water, food, light) Laputa?

As I checked that it had rained early in the morning in the garden by sticking my finger into the soil, so that I can spare myself watering my peach tree and fishing trees, I meditated about my reason for constantly inviting furres into my territory.

I had messages to bring to furres in Furcadia. I need to tell them. But I cannot just give the message out leisurely. Others would think that I was just another mad furre. Therefore I need friends who understand me and help me in my work.

I had Scurd and claniya, but none of them were interested in what I am interested in. We are just like planes that intersect with a line in the dimensions of life. Others were no better than lines intersecting at a point. Each individuals were a multi-dimensional existence. I am longing for one that interesects with me by, at least, a plane.

I went back to the base of the altar just to check that Dim had left. I think I could still feel his field, but I am not sure whether that's a hallucination created by my desire of finding a friend who had a high synchronization with me.

And no, dear Diary, he had NOT left.

He was starting to grunt at the point of me coming back. I joked to him that was he asking for a lunch or that he was wishing to use my meditation facilities and was waiting a chance to request my permission for the usage. After a short silence, he said, in a dim voice, 'Quite frankly I dont know what to do from here, boredom has struck'. I was sorry for him and apologized. I decided to start a chat with him.

Although he was in Furcadia 3 times the period I was, he had not been, contary to my expectation, visited most dreams. He explained that he had found that most dreams had furres in it and since he was not 'good with people', or so he claimed, he didn't wandered around in other's dreams.

I was amazed. I told him my own experience: I found that most dreams, 99% of that are deserted. May be that was because I always wandered the city in the wrong time? Dear Diary, you see, I am a typical Feline, and therefore like to sleep in the day, or the Furcadian day. Actually, there's no 'night' in Furcadia, as the whole kingdom is perfectly lit artificially, that one cannot distinguish day or night except by looking at the degree of crowdness or the clock.

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