The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 30

Day 50 -- Who is my bot??!

(Day 20 of Second Month, Page 1)

Dear Diary,

I've had a good scare today. This morning, after I had Manatista, a female Musteline, successfully taken the Rainbow Challenge, I ate my lunch, set up my bot, and went into the study and continued to read about Artificial Intelligence.

Manatista was very drowsy and therefore when she finally finished the game by patience only, it was time for me to have lunch. I was quite sure that she was the one whom, so far, had taken the longest time to complete the maze because she tried to search every cranny in the forest for trapdoors, and went back again and again to search in places she had searched already. I lost my temper for the first time in Furcadia, but luckily I recovered very quickly.

I was so concentrated that I didn't control my bot like I did in the past. I just 'told' him to guide like he has and jumped into the books.

Very soon, my bot got me RyokoHRT.

Ryoko liked the game a lot, and continuosly praised it the whole way. Like many other Challengers, she expressed that I should make Rainbow Challenge 2, and so my bot told her that I am planning to build the Challenge of the Wind and Water.

After completing Rainbow Challenge, Ryoko was given my diary to read. As she read my diary, I began to concentrate so much on the book I was reading and had not, by the smallest mean, tried to control my bot.

I regained my attention to my bot after Ryoko left, closed down the entrance to Rainbow Challenge and called back my bot. Just as I wanted to put him back to hibernation state, he spoke, 'Well, my owner, Miss Aquaz.'

I was surprised and looked up at the Lapine-shaped bot. I had known before activating him that he was far more advanced then the usual bots in Furcadia. The book, which contained him, said that he was of a servant type of the newest version.

It said that he could be controlled like a pure dummy, and could also express a certain degree of 'emotion', with 'serving as much as he can' as his ultimate goal in his emotion system. Adding to that, he has got learning ability, which, the book said, after a certain amount of exposure to a routine job (the amount was dependent on how complicated the job was), he could perform the job upon a single cue.

The book also indicated that he had an innate language ability, and could adopt to any language that he physically could use.

The thing the book about my bot talked much about was its general learning ability. It commented that under testing conditions, the bot might achieve furre-like performances. I didn't take this 'furre-like' thing very seriously, because I thought that he, no matter how much he would act like a furre, was just, in any case, a highly automated bot. I have never imagined that it could have the power of doing something it has never been taught to, like initiating a conversation without some preset command.

When I released him from his hibernative solid state, he couldn't speak at all. So long, I have been using him as if he was a programmed dummy. However, as the book had emphasised about his learning ability, I did told him about myself in several occasions, and tried to initiate conversation with him from time to time, but without success. Therefore, for most of the times, I just spoke in front of him, thinking that I was just speaking to myself. I couldn't believe that my bot REALLY have an enormous learning capacity.

I gapsed at my bot, and said 'yes?'

'Uhm, why should you be surprised? It should be me who feel surprised.'

'Why?' was what I managed to say.

'You should have known that I can learn any language...and the language you are using here is not fundamentally different from the language I was programmed to use. '

I could only nod.

'I should be surprised because what I innately knew, my preload data, which was about the environment I should be in, told me that I am in some space-time that is very different from where I should be.'

I have grasped his meaning by this point, and regained my calmness.

'Ah. When did you learn Furcadian?'

'You should know, as a messenger of the Wind from Water, that learning is a continuous process.' My bot stared at me striaghtly. 'I mastered Furcadian 10 days ago. And I read your books and diary, if you would like to know. You and I were in similar situations. Emerging in somewhere in which you have no memory about.'

I didn't know how to describe the feeling when my bot told me that the two of us were in similar situations. But I could understand what he's talking about.

'I could use some basic Furcadian after a few days since activation. I had spoken to other furres, without your noticing, because you had been sleeping at those times.'

I checked the SFT from the messenger system. I put the bot out some 3 standard Furcadian hour ago, and he got Ryoko very soon. Ryoko has just left.

'Uhnm,' I asked, in a very small volume, ' you had chatted with Ryoko for some time, I supposed?'

'Yes, ma'am', would you like to see the conversation replayed?'

I nodded, interested in seeing my bot talking to another furre. I thought of the word 'furre-like' in the description of my bot's potential performance, and wonder how 'furre-like' he was.

'Should I hibernate now?'

I nodded, and just wanting to say 'but', my bot went back to its hibernative form, aka a silvery bracelet around my left wrist. Just as I want to say 'hey', a sound came from the bracelet. The sound was weird because it seemed like coming striaght into my mind, like, when I hear sounds through the bot.

Ryoko noticed that my bot was not well treated by some furres and asked him about it. He pointed out Lapine was not a well respected race in Furcadia. Ryoko was angry about the issue. Then my bot told her about the source of this information.

My bot also told her about things like how long it took me to build Rainbow Challenge, about the existence of my private home (but he didn't talked about Laputa), about what I was studying, and finally about himself.

I straightened myself up.

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