The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 31

(Day 20 of Second Month, Page 2)

RyokoHRT(below simplified as R): you mean your a bot?
Bot: I am
R: you are a bot?
Bot: But not 100% dummy
R (silence)
Bot: I have my own 'mind'.

I was definitely surprised at hearing this. My bot said that he has got a mind! Did he really got a mind?

Bot: You may call me half-bot.
R: what's the square root of 4
Bot: If you mean it in decimal, it's two.
R: doh!
Bot: doh?
Bot: And I can learn. My vocab has increased a lot since I work here.
R: doh-as is like when u mess up or something... you get mad, its hard to explain... You don't seem like a bot.
Bot: I am not the usual bot. I am a bot made from the Lost Technologies.

So, my bot has adopted MY way of calling those advanced stuffs that existed in Furcadia, but is not matched by the technology in Furcadia.

R: creepy...
Bot: What you furres normally called 'magic'.

Ah, so my bot has REALLY read and UNTERSTOOD my diary...

R: half bot half furre?!
Bot: As you may noticed, the technologies here was once very advanced. I am not a furre. I have got very advanced artificial intelligence. That's it.
R (silence)
Bot: You might have noticed I seldom use non-standard language. That's because I didn't have that programmed into me. I have to learn it.
R: if your talking this right now and you're a must be worth at least 10 grand
Bot: Like 'yay', 'kool'... these are some of the words I learnt when I am working here...I am NOT for sale.
R (laughed out loud).

Then Ryoko started to teach my bot some non-standard words like 'brb' and 'kewl'.

R: do you have feelings?
Bot: I can see you, and hear you. I must have feelings in order to move around here....

I think Ryoko is asking about emotion, here, but my bot didn't really get her. Then Ryoko continued her teaching. During her lesson, my bot said something very interesting, 'I can guess. You can't guess, you can't learn.'

If he could guess, that means he could create?

After some time, Ryoko changed her topic.
R: and you should have a fun personality, like when a furre completes a maze or something. You should say 'YAY'! Or stuff like that. You want people to like to hang out with you. Well, I advise you to smile on almost every sentence,noun,pronoun,etc.

I would be very interested in seeing my bot's reaction as such comments about him.

Bot: I am not sure that I desire challengers to hang out with me too often.
R: um, no, not in that way... like...people to like you easily. And make them feel comfterble around you.

This is an interesting example in inefficient usage of words. I sighed inwardly.

Bot: I know why I seldom smiles.

I was surprised. So my bot can ask 'why'!! What an amount of intelligence he's got!

Bot: 'Tis because Windera doesn't smile very often.

Ah, so it was my fault?! Oh well, dear Diary, did I seldom make him smile?

R: oh. She under stress or something? And I am meant to be, a sort of, uhm, gatekeeper or sth, someone who's quite serious, role. She's got the dark side. I mean, of Wind and Water.

I gasped heavily. 'Furre-like'!! He even has got the ability to make comment on a furre's personality! He made the observation that I don't 'smile very often', and the assumption that I don't smile very often because I have got the 'dark side' of 'Wind and Water'!

R: i feel sorry for you.... you cannot enjoy tv, food, movies, games, and.... you cannot see furres.

(editor 262501: well, this player had mistaken Windera's Bot to be really a sort of computer program, like other bots in Furcadia...which it isn' just an 'alt', but Akida had made some very good reactions so that Ryoko's misunderstanding didn't spoil the scene nor story. Good job there, Akida.)

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