The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

Page 32

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(Day 20 of Second Month, Page 3)

What? Is this Ryoko trying to make my bot to rebel?

Bot: My understanding is that Wind and Water doesn't always bring happiness to furres.

Ah, so, was my bot unable to understand what Ryoko's saying? I was a little bit relieved, but also ashamed of my selfishness at the same time.

Bot: She told me that the Wind is all the changes one can perceive, and the Water is all the changes there are. I enjoy being the guide here.

Did he really mean he enjoy? But didn't the book about him said he had got some sort of emotion system?

R: complicating
Bot: She can sense all the Changes going around in here and other Worlds, and any sensible mind can guess that not all changes are desirable. A lot of them are CRUEL.

Oh my. I had never told him lines like that. I never told him the 'cruel' comment whatsoever. 'CRUEL' had been his conclusion. Oh my! What sort of bot I have got here? I uncontrollably stared at the bracelet on my wrist.

R: you must like being a guide. You get to talk to thousands of furres as long as this wonderful and clever idea of these role playing games.
Bot: Yup.
R: aaaahhh!!! i just thought of something horrible...what if ... people started abusing learn bad... you become start to build your self... you destroy earth... I hope you're stronger than people's pathetic acts...
Bot: I destroy earth?!?!?! Honestly speaking, I cannot attack... at all.
R: yes. if people...starts .. to ABUSE. BAD influence... ON YOU...

I got a shiver done my spine, despite the warm air up in Laputa. I totally understand what Ryoko was talking about, and couldn't help wondering whether the era of Lost Technologies ended due to this reason.

Bot: I can prevent myself from all sort of attacks and therefore I cannot attack.
R: and all the intelligence from all the people you met... you build your self.
Bot: Ryoko, you got it wrong. I didn't built myself.

I laughed at this point. No matter how clever he is, he couldn't have the type of imagination we furres got. Without that type of imagination, how could one understand such a sarcastic scene of a bot building himself and destroy earth?

R: i know
Bot: I was built long time ago, in the last civilization. I was built to be a servant.
R: slave?

I hated the idea of having a slave.

Bot: And therefore I was built so that serving others is the only thing that will bring me happiness.

So, that's the emotion system setting of him??

Bot: The more furres I serve, the happier I am. Not slave.
R: uh oh... thats a little sad...but if it makes u happy, it's good.
Bot: Being an organism is also too. No freedom.

I nodded. I could understand what my bot is talking about. But was this some in-built knowledge, as a sort of safety measure or was it something that he deduced with his logic circuits?

Ryoko was very surprised. She couldn't instantly understand what my bot was talking about.

Bot: Because every species that survive has to evolved so that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, they will desire to live. And they will do whatever to live. Even as slaves.

This was a very clear explanation, with nothing to refute about, except if one talks about cases of mutation. The Water will only allow those which have the tendency to stay to stay. Ryoko understood what my bot was talking about and made anguish sounds.

Bot: I won't. My 'ultimate' goal is not to survive.
R: what!?
Bot: I will only try to survive because I want to serve.
R: you mean you're gonna be disposed?

Ah, what an imagination Ryoko's got. I didn't expect my bot to understand her at all. And he didn't.

Bot: Disposed? I don't understand.

R: uh hem...deleted.
Bot: Well, if being deleted can serve other more than I stay, I will allow others to delete me. But as I have said, nothing can hurt me unless I allow so.
R: furres can hack you.
Bot: They cannot hack a wind, can they?
R: no. You. You're a robot. Furres can hack you...
Bot: I am an AIR-BOT.

Ah, yes. Ryoko still wasn't informed about my bot's physical components.

R: huh?
Bot: I am made of air-LIKE particles called nano-machines, that float in the air.
R: Ok. What if air-type hacks? Technology advances...
Bot: I can blow myself up. Because I can always reform my current shape.
R: you're....invincible.

That wasn't the key point. Does my bot know about the technology in himself?

The 'invincible' strategy used by this type of bots is that they can spread out actively to prevent vital damage from all non-3D physical attacks, and in case of large-area 3-D attack, it could transfer any information to any surviving machines by quantam entanglement...sort of like a cluster of bacteria. Right. That's the right parable. A cluster of artificial cells.

Bot: I am, but also, I cannot do the smallest cut on anything.

Right, I have read about that in the safety-measure page. His inability was of software origin, not due to his physical make-up.

Bot: I am not of the fighting type. There was. Those are horrible bots.
R: there still are....
Bot: Imagine, they can CHANGE forms.
R: aaahh...
Bot: May be they would pretend to be a beautiful necklace, and then cut your neck one night, or pretend to be some food.
R: meep!
Bot: That's why there's a dark side of technology.

Right. How stupid I was! If he was capable of having emotions and doing logic, he can make ethnic judgements.

Bot: The light and the darkness is forever fighting because they are born from the SAME origin. They are both born of Power. Windera told me all of this. And I agreed with her.

I have forgotten when had I told him that. But I did remember telling him something like that. I was thinking I was just talking to himself...

R: everyone has a dark side. Without it, there is no you.

Bot: It's interesting... you see. I was born during the last era, but I wasn't told about such things then.

Then the talked about the Other World (which was an alternative world 'common'(relatively and alternatively to all the other worlds, I guessed) unsuccessfully. Then Ryoko came back and expressed her discomfort and scare in talking to my bot, a 'half bot half brain'.

And Ryoko was really scared. I could sense her fright in her voice.

My bot comforted her by pointing out that he and she were just 'minds that make of different stuffs'. He told her that in the lost era, the bot-type and the furre-type were equals. There had been bad 'bots' and bad furres. 'The only thing that's present in a mind is light and darkness, desires and changes, dreams and memory,' concluded my bot.

I made up my mind. I should treat my bot as an equal, like a furre.

At last, Ryoko expressed that she could not believe that she was talking to a bot, and left, I guessed, thinking to herself that some furre was pretending to be a bot and was playing a practical joke on her.

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