The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 33

Day 51-- Little gushes of wind blowing on the chaotic sea of flowers

(Day 21 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

Uhm, please forgive me for that poetic title�Kbut today, a lot of meaningful little things happened to me, and I really feel that my heart now is still quite chaotic�Kwell yeah, about my bot.

I didn't dare to call my bot from his hibernation state. But now that I think of it, didn't I always refer to him as 'he' rather than 'it'?

I tried to study more about Artificial Intelligence at the beginning, due to the shame/guilty that I understood how ignorant I have been.

But I couldn't concentrate. I wandered in the alternative world of ADOM, therefore, trying to 'lose myself'.

ADOM stands for Ancient Domains of Mystery. The world had a similar structure to many of the alternative worlds I've been in before, but looked very, very ugly. Time passed extremely quickly there, for 2 days in there was equivalent to half an hour of the Standard Furcadian Time.

More than 30 times had I died in this World, and each time, I revived as a different character, from human to elves to orc to drakelings, and took up jobs from fighters to thieves to priests to mind- crafters to barbarian. I slowly learned to rules of that world, but was quite disappointed that that world seems to be very similar to the other Worlds I have visited in the way that one have to find someone to slay in order to survive and nourish. Luckily, the time arrow is quick in ADOM, and therefore I didn't feel I have wasted a lot of time.

I got 3 successful challengers today: Arora Vesper after lunch, Para Omni in the afternoon and beano2002 late in the night.

After Omni, I wandered in Imaginarium and discovered a castle that was exactly the same as jh'Scrud's!! I quickly summoned Scrud to take a look and finally was disappointed to know that Scrud's castle was not built by himself... it is just a copy of CASTLE4U or something like that, provided by Talzhemir, one of the furres who built Furcadia.

I apologized to Scrud and Scrud guided me around the castle, pointing out shortcuts, trapdoors to private rooms and gardens. Just as Scrud left, I was informed by the Central Messenger System that I have just won a pair of Triwings from Triwings Lottery, and that to claim the wings, I had to whisper back to him.

I whispered 'Thank you very much' to him immediately, but then, he was one of those typical bots and couldn't, in any way, understand my speech. I was treated like a normal furre inquiring about the lottery.

I was doubtful and went to the Beekins' Help Counter at New Haven and asked whether that could be a joke or not. This is because I tried to concentrate on the thought of 'stretching my wings out', which I have been told long time ago that wings got out on your psychic command, but nothing happened. I thought it was just a sort of promotion line.

Vampelle the Beekin Phoenix laughed at me, assured me that my wings would be under my command in several days, and sent me off.

Almost immediately, beano2002 sent an instant message to me telling me that he would like to take up the Rainbow Challenge. As I set up the entrance again (which had disappeared), I asked him where did he get to know about Rainbow Challenge. He answered that he had read a recommendation post of Rainbow Challenge in the Furcadian notice board.

The message was this:

Rainbow Challenge: This dream is a lot of fun, and according to the website it's a "mini-RPG game", and it has seven challenge areas, like logic puzzles to complete. I really enjoy dreams like this... it's been a long time since I've seen one. It took me a number of tries, but I was finally able to get through all seven challenges.

Later, I found out that the message was posted by Ehvo Lu Shynn.

"Eh-vo-lu-shynn"? EVOLUTION??

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