The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 34

Day 52 -- Metaphysics again

(Day 22 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I studied metaphysics the whole day, and was very sure that the 5-elements theory describes, if not whole, most of the 'ultimate truths'.

The most inevitable things is the Wind (and Water), i.e. the changes, so there must be Metal, the memories/states which enable us to detect changes, and matter/space which provides the possibility of states. To maintain the distinction of matter and space, we must have energy, Fire, something that will keep the distinctions or else the matter-space is just a sea of chaos. To have energy, it implies there are some sort of rules: something in particular will make a difference. And to have rules, we need to have changes so that there might be meaningful rules.

I didn't have the courage to let Rainbow out, so I sat at the entrance all day long with my book on Metaphysics. There were 4 successful challengers today: Gaia Lunarstone, Justin Furrem T@i Cloud and bliss187.

Day 53 -- Back to normal life

(Day 23 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I concentrated with Artificial Intelligence this morning, picking up at where I left it last time. Finally, dear Diary, I can feel that my emotions are back to its normal states.

I called out Rainbow Challenge today and told him to do his usual job in the afternoon after letting him to wander in Utopia Space Station for the morning. He came back and told me it was a beautiful place full of lost technologies, and that he felt at home there.

He got me 5 challengers while I meditated at the clouds: Golden Twilight, Celtic Spirit the pale feline, Shinjuro, Omnivortex and Dane Kyle. Rainbow, yes, I have decided to give him a name, told me that Golden was a great guide and had helped him out in guiding Celtic, Shinjuro and Omnivortex, who took the challenge at the same time.

I asked him was he ok, because I felt that he had malfunctioned during the period, and he told me that the problem was solved. He was just out of energy due to suddenly being hibernated for a day. He blushed (I was surprised by his furre-like ability to 'show' emotion) saying that he had not expected me to let him hibernate for a day the day before and had not expected me to call him back for his normal job so soon. I apologized to him of making such a fuzz out of such small revelation.

We smiled and after dinner (while he charged himself up with the light energy), went to sleep simultaneously.

Day 54 - rendezvous with Talzhemir

I checked whether I have mastered the control of my wing the first thing I woke up this morning. No. I still couldn't make my wing submerge from my back. I went to find a guardian, and asked him about the matter. He told me that the transfer of wings took time and therefore it might took about one week (of SFT) before I can gave my wings under my control. He even told me where to ask for help if I still can't get my wings out a week later.

I went back to the Imaginarium, and after a little walk and lunch, I set up the entrance to Rainbow Challenge, and soon had 4 successful challengers: furflame, Zephyr Gustrider, tippyyoz, and Teioh Mitsubari.

As I was frustratingly busy with furflame, Zephyr and tippyyoz, who took the challenge at the same time, and nearly wanted to breakdown because the three of them were proceeding with different speed, and therefore I had to warp around several times in a minute, jh'Scrud came into the dream, and helped me the guide tippyyoz, who had had a hard time in the Yellow Challenge, while I took care of the other two.

When Teioh was taking the challenge of Faith, I noticed that there was a new challenger, Talzhemir. I went to the entrance to meet her. Then something stroke me.

Talzhemir! What a familiar name! Where had I heard that name before? I thought for a second, and bingo! Didn't I heard of her name every time I entered Imaginarium? She was one of those who created Imaginarium! But I was not very sure. Is this Talzhemir really 'that' Talzhemir? At this moment, Teioh succeeded in the game, and diverted my attention away.

When I had my attention back to Talz, she's gone already. I got out to the city center immediately and saw her there. I timidly asked her, 'Is that 'you'? Excuse me, but are you the one who help creating Furcadia?'

She was. I caught the chance to ask her about making Rainbow Challenge a permanent part of Furcadia. She answered that maps update was not her job, but the Beekin Masons, and the making of private dreams permanent was practically impossible, because, just as what I have expected, that single example would cause millions of others asking for the same treatment, and that was not possible. And therefore the only way to make a dream near to permanent was to form a Guild and get several furres to be in charge of (through a bot, if preferred) it alternatively.

Talzhemir was very good at wrapping around and that I managed only to hear from Talzhemir that she would appear in Furcadia from time to time because she wanted to know where furres gathered and to take part in the history of Furcadia. I have heard about the latter thing before.

After this matter, I had no interest in guiding any more furre and closed down the entrance to the game and went to dinner. After the dinner, I took the night walk and went to bed early.

Oh yeah, tippyyoz was the 100th successful challenger of Rainbow Challenge.

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