The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 35

Day 55 - Rainbow as my teacher??

(Day 25 of Second Month)

Dear Diary,

I was having breakfast while Rainbow stretched out flatly (well, yes, dear Diary, he expanded to triple its normal sized�sorta like a large colored sheet) beside me when suddenly a thought came upon me. Rainbow didn't acted like a bot, even if I took into consideration that he had a surprisingly good capacity in learning. I mean, he displayed little signs of what I would called furrenality. He shouldn't, even if character is something that can be learnt. I had a little debate inside my mind about that fact that Rainbow had took initiation of social interaction in the past was something that is programmed into him or� finally, I decided that what I really wanted to ask was this:

'Rainbow, can you remember having someone other than me as your owner?' I said, after I swallowed my last mouthful of sweet juicy peach.

Rainbow slowly rolled up from his flat-out posture into his normal shape. He nodded, candor in his expression.

'Yes. But I have the obligation of not talk about my previous owners'.

Owners, I did noticed his use of plural in the reply.

'Can you still remember what you have learnt from your past experience with them?'

He nodded. 'Not really explicitly, though.'

I thought for a while, lying on the soft grass of Laputa. Suddenly, an idea came out of my head. 'Could you do scans of a furre's body?' I asked.

'Yup. I have training in doing biological diagnosis.'

I asked Rainbow to scan me for my wings. He scanned and looked baffled. Rainbow said that he couldn't see any trace of wings on my back.

Who can control a pair of non-existence wings? I laughed out loudly. I stood up, made contact with Triwings Lottery, but the bot was still in his old form. Still a stupid bot. Was this whole thing a joke? I shook myself off and decided that I shouldn't worry about it.

After all, I didn't, and don't have wings and I don't need a pair. I summoned a gush of wind and brought myself to work on learning algorithms, and then send Rainbow to his normal job, which he assured me that he liked guiding a lot.

There was no successful challenger today, though several had taken up the challenge.

I was not very happy about that fact that the book about Artificial Intelligence, which I had been reading for so long, was not like the magical book about Biological Psychology, that the contents would be automatically downloaded to the reader's mind when the reader was asleep. That means that I am spending a LOT of effort on the book, and still not getting much of it. I scanned through the big book, and was disappointed that I was still at the beginning part of the section about learning�when will I get to the part about Rainbow's amazing ability?!

At dinner, I asked Rainbow whether he is able to teach me something he thought I would like or not.

He smiled sheepishly and replied that he could teach me some basic freehand fighting skills which he learnt from the era of Lost technology.

I wanted to nod, but took that sheepishness into consideration and therefore didn't. I tried to think about the origin of his sheepishness. And BING!

Isn't Rainbow unable to cause any physical damage because of his special structure and programming? Then what is the use for him to learn those fighting skills?!

I looked upon Rainbow with a huge question in my face. Rainbow answered the question in my mind, 'Well, that, I learnt for interest,' answered

Rainbow, 'for there is more than fighting skills in those moves.' And he winked sincerely.

So I began with what he called the basics: the simplified version: the 24 moves of 'Tai Chi'.

And indeed, after the whole long night, I had already had a glimpse at the wisdom and clever strategy behind that moves. It was one of those things that shouldn't be lost, even if all the 'magic', those lost technologies, should disappear.

I learnt the first 12 moves together with what those moves were supposed to be doing to your opponent. It was a marvelous experience to see such a strategy: you don't compete, in terms of force with your opponent, but you limit the possible action of your opponent with minimum effort, so that future action of your opponent could be predicted. Therefore, if you did the moves correctly, you could control your opponent's movement completely, dissipating his attack into YOUR attack, and if you know the moves by heart very well, you could practically talk to your opponent leisurely while your poor opponent pants in trying to execute the only action he could take�

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